Back up to 2022, I was worried about another scam demic.

But it's clear that despite the outliers, the narrative is burned out.

They pushed too hard and too fast which created a subconscious push back in the normies.

Only the absolutely willingly clueless still trust the narratives.

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This has to be the most positive thing I've read in a long, long time. Thank you, Kathleen, for shining your light and encouraging us all to do the same. Happy New Year!

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I really appreciate this! You're spot on. When we connect with ourselves and there's no middle man in between us and the source, we can hear our own knowing. Then we aren't compelled to ignore it just because "everyone else" ignores theirs. That's self sovereignty. And that's what we need to work on, given that "they" have worked so hard to separate us from each other and worse still, ourselves.

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I agree with your understanding of mankind Kathleen, and their general gullibility to believe absolute B/S nonsense! To the extent, that it renders them easy prey to those that are so desperate to control the, now reduced, world population - post 'Vax'.

I'm not as 'understanding nor tolerant of these submissive wimps as you seem to be. You've obviously got a kind heart. I blame 'them' for enabling the New World Order to gain such a foothold since 2020.

How can the majority hide such inexplicable facts like 'NO LIABILITY' for the DEADLY VAX MAKERS? There are 101 other obvious clues that something ain't right with the system since the design and planned release of the Covid virus, but they prefer to pretend it's not real or it didn't really happen.

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer!

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Self responsibility is a daunting task. We have to be prepared mentally, emotionally, physically, spiritually, socially, economically in business and our personal lives. No small task when we have to figure it all out ourselves.

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Jan 3Liked by Kathleen

Thanks, I had only seen a snippet of that interview. Catherine is so fantastic, I am so glad she is now speaking out to the ever-Trumpers who seem to turn a very blind eye to Trump's actions in office wrt the vaccines.

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Such a great read - really enjoy your thoughts and insights, Kathleen!

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Thank you Kathleen.

This is just my observation from the first small micro-protests in Perth, Australia. The people who showed up early on (just a couple of us, then maybe a dozen next time), were all survivors of catastrophic parental or government abuse. Sex trafficking, having a sibling killed by a parent, experiencing parental violence, watching building 7 fall, being experimented on in the military, experiencing the fall of the Soviet Union, ccp refugees, people like that. We knew EXACTLY what we were seeing when they rolled out the propaganda. Essentially: danger! warning! They're doing it again! Tyranny alert!

So, we are the people who knew what was happening. And again, they gaslit us. At least this time we had each other.

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I wonder how much of it is willingly clueless or asleep or blind obediance etc, and how much is laziness. Too lazy to think or take responsibility for their choices. It’s so much easier and less stressful just to go along with the narrative. It actually takes work to research and learn stuff on your own. ? 🤔

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Jan 3Liked by Kathleen

"Only the absolutely willingly clueless still trust the narratives." Welcome to Oregon. I will admit to some degree of observer/listener bias to perhaps not seeing, but I am not seeing any change. What I believe is causal to this "willingly clueless" is Oregonians on the left daily feed from NPR (twice a day) and PBS in the evening, and BBC. There is certainty in thier beliefs, no questioning; NPR doesn't question or allow questioning.

As Walter Cronkite often said--"And that's the way it is".

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Superb. Deep. A pleasure to read. Thank you, Kathleen.

Yes, the CAF perspective was also really inspiring, wasn't it?

Happy New Year!

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I'm thinking you are also in OG's PS, Kathleen?

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EXCELLENTLY CONSTRUCTED & EXECUTED. THIS SAYS IT ALL. I HIGHLY COMMEND YOU & WILL RESTACK WITH A QUOTE AT THE TOP. thank you Kathleen for what is surely the best post on this subject that I have come across to date. We are indeed clawing back our spiritual selves & slowly but surely disconnecting from ‘The Hive Mind’.

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Agreed, it's like believing that Big Pharma have your Health & Wellbeing at the forefront of their plans! Mick.

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Jan 6Liked by Kathleen

So much truth here. May we all strengthen that connection we each have to the Source. It’s there, waiting for each of us to manifest what it means to be human.

Thank you 🙏🏽

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Very well said. I agree that deliberate traumatization is a big and necessary part of the control matrix. On the other hand, for most people to wake up, some sort of trauma, which changes our perspectives or ways of attending to the world, and then the overcoming/addressing/healing of this, seems to be a necessary ingredient too. The institutionalized trauma of what they did to us to all over the covid period, seems to have been the catalysis for many of us to wake up.

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