Wonderful post!! Nature and spirit is real. The focus on the intimate path rather than the distant politic generates peace, laughter, and love yet many times I fail at the intimate. I get caught up trying to understand the narratives that have caused me to lose friends because I am accepting a different narrative. You have brought me back to the beauty of nature and the reality of my own story. This is what narrative pushers want - they want me to be far away from my spirit.

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Thanks for that honest reflection, Regina. And yeah, me too! Easy to get caught up.

Appreciate the generous comment. Best.

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Ahh, Kathleen. So well said, my friend. I haven’t had any of these conversations lately because these days I just want to stay in my Peace. I’ve never been good at debating anyway - I become Vata-deranged and tongue tied. But my Sag is trying to get me to engage. ♐️ Sometimes I think back to younger me who dutifully went to the doctor, didn’t pay any attention to politics, etc. I wonder how I would be if I hadn’t seen the light in 2020. My intuition knocked me over the head with that one. And so it keeps a lot of judgment at bay for me. That being said, it’s just crazy out there. 😳

Beautiful photos. Nature is the antidote. Speaking of Nature, are you having this wild 💨 wind? The birds are being tossed around out there!


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Thank you, Barbara.

Sounds like your intuition knocked just in time. And I so get the wanting to staying in Peace.

Funny enough I always liked debating but of course now something else happens and all the fun has gone out of it. (I once went to a conference on spiral dynamics (a consciousness model) and a group of Germans were there. When we sat around chatting one evening - ongoing debate - I had the unusual sense that I found my people.) :-))

Re crazy wind - yes! The internet was so bad yesterday it was impossible to reply to comments. I went to one of my River walks anyway and thought the birds were mostly enjoying it. 🤷‍♀️

Not hearing the wind today.

Appreciate the comment Barbara and you. 🌳🧚🌻

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Yay! I knew I would find you here, Barbara. I've been waiting for a public space so I could gush over the gorgeously aromatic forest oil I ordered from you. I have it on my hands now and can't imagine why we reserve such a deeply satisfying scent for one time a year. Pine is my youngest daughter's favorite smell and she buys out all the dish soaps to last her year-round.

And the packaging! I have the pine needle sprig and festive paper saved on my kitchen counter. And the beautiful cards sent as a gift! It will bring my re-gifting up to a new level. Thank you so much and I have to copy and paste your signature emojis: 🌲🌲🌲🧚💚

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The forest oil is on my list.

The elderberry syrup is wonderful too and yes, B's packaging is next-level thoughtful and beautiful.

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Great write-up! Thanks for sharing.

Your two anecdotes helped me distill something that's been doing the rounds in my head.

If we're ever going to get out of our current predicament, regardless of political leanings, we have to create an alternative lifestyle from the bottom up.

I might be wrong, but I think the reaction in your first anecdote by Becka might have something to do with the medium of communication (tech, tv).

Whereas in your second anecdote, it's about human beings interacting.

A better future has to be based on humans interacting directly with humans without the use of mediums, because tech (thanks to phones) has become an incredibly personal relationship, and anything we receive through this medium will automatically solicit a preconditioned response.

In theory it's possible to break the conditioning, but just like in the case of people suffering from psychosis, this is incredibly difficult if the individual doesn't opt-in.

So the easier alternative could be to return to direct social interactions. And because these are so unusual these days, or at least, they can be, it's refreshing and helps break the spell.

I hope that makes sense 🤭

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"If we're ever going to get out of our current predicament, regardless of political leanings, we have to create an alternative lifestyle from the bottom up."

Yes I agree with you. And I remind myself often there is no way it could be any worse that what 'they've' done. Community-level is the only way I see it happening.

And yes - social interactions are at the heart of it. Which is why my video was totally non-political, but it didn't matter. Becka's sucked in and can't see outside her fear/narrative.

Still I take your point, Stefano. And appreciate your reading/comment. Very best.

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The trauma of the Shift is real.

A great time to be an observer and a beacon.

It's great to hear how you are moving in grace - a precious commodity these days.

Cheers Kathleen

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HI Philip! Yes, it's real.

I wonder how the Becaks of the world will do...

Very kind comment and it seems you're moving through these challenges with grace yourself. Best to you.

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"I don’t want to name it - naming separates things - necessary and helpful in communicating - but also acts as obstacle to simply experiencing what is."

Absolutely. And I get to thinking "when did politics become the crust that covers every little thing??" I was never always political, I voted, yes, and knew and researched. Then I went on to live my life. It didn't define me at all. And Stefano is right. It is The Tech that keeps us tethered to a world even if we don't want it.

I think I need to stop waiting for the things to shift in my favor and enjoy the Red Winged Blackbirds and the sound of the rushing water of melting snow. And I need to get rid of X. I don't need to KNOW everything that is going on. I just need to know who I am.

Good to 'see' you.♥♥

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What a lovely and (unsurprisingly) insightful comment, SJ. Thank you for that.

Right? When was politics the only lens people looked through? What a trick.

"I just need to know who I am." Love this! And you. Thank you.💕

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Thank you so much for your words.

*she says as she flushes politics down the toilet*

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"I don't need to KNOW everything that is going on. I just need to know who I am." Truer words, SadieJay.

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Sadie Jay, I so loved your question about "when did politics become the crust that covers every little thing?" This is something I've been wondering about recently myself. It seems to have taken precedence as you say, "over every little thing" in these times. It's elevated itself to a position of great importance when it's really the most corrupt and despicable of all institutions. I was looking at it through the lens of spirituality because I feel that politics has co-opted spirituality. People have allowed it to dictate their beliefs to them. I hear it in all the woke-ism stuff and it really chaps my hide. I think they believe that God is totally behind their perspective and that gives them carte blanche to say with absolute confidence, and in any kind of gathering, whatever the heck they want. While we keep ourselves in check, agonizing over saying "any little thing". Thanks for bringing this up.

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"I was looking at it through the lens of spirituality because I feel that politics has co-opted spirituality."

Yes, agree. Part of the hijack - using our spirituality to their ends. Gotta give them credit for their deviousness there.

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Yes, they have infiltrated 'the church'. I just started reading a book called Shepherds For Sale. It came out last August, but reading it NOW? In just the introduction she calls out some 'philanthropic' organizations. I looked them up and guess what?? They are funded by USAID.

I am a spiritual gal, but not a church goer. But I grew up in it. It is really gross, this darkness that will steal all the good things. (If we let it)

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Thanks for this reply, SJ. "Shepherds For Sale", uh? Of course! Connected to USAID. Why didn't I think of that? "They've" got their fingerprints on "every little thing", don't they?

I'm with you, SJ, spiritual but not religious in the traditional sense. I totally agree about the darkness that comes like a thief in the night, if we let it. We've got their number now.

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Ditto with the bird-song here in Portugal; Spring is in the air. Life goes in cycles - days, months, seasons, centuries. Civilisations come and go. I stopped reading 'The News' on Jan 1st this year, and immediately felt somewhat calmer. But unavoidably pick up stuff on Substack. Do I now unsubscribe from all these people as well? (I have already quite a few).

My take on it is to focus on building something new (like your museum outing); add creative pursuits to one's lifestyle. This helps connect to 'Source' as the essence of creativity; and therefore dissipates fear. But the bird-song gives me most those sparkly moments of uplift and joy. I am grateful to them all.

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"My take on it is to focus on building something new (like your museum outing); add creative pursuits to one's lifestyle. This helps connect to 'Source' as the essence of creativity; and therefore dissipates fear. But the bird-song gives me most those sparkly moments of uplift and joy. I am grateful to them all."

Love this comment and so agree. Whatever fuels us in a positive direction, is good!

Thanks for the comment, Joshua. And yes, I've dropped a lot of old avenues of news. Still learning how to curate my reality. Best.

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It's hard to communicate rationally with the irrational. Good on you for trying. Just like the vax crowd singled out and demonized the unvax crowd... the anti DJT crowd loves to point and sneer at the "we don't want unconstitutional rules" crowd. It's all very hurtful and hatefilled which is off putting. I barely have time to process let alone respond to such interactions so I give up and give you a lot of credit for engaging in these conversations. Keep shining bright!

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Thanks, Kat Bro. I mostly don't engage in political talk anymore, but since she started it... anyway, learned yet again, it's mostly pointless.

And I know what you mean - there is so much to process. It's like a year's worth in a single day now. ☀️Best.

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I relate fully to both anecdotes. My formula in conversation is compliment, question, opinion if I must. But sometimes it seems spirit is putting someone in my path who won't leave that alone, much as I try. Even if 'Becka' didn't seem to be listening, I'm certain you planted a seed that will be getting watered without you doing anything. There's a reason she stuck with that convo so long. There was something she needed out ot it. And you did your part with compassion and balance. Maybe she took herself out of the fun field trip because of you, and punished herself. I'm sure when she's had enough of that, you'll be gracious and let her eat crow in peace, without ever drawing attention to it.

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Thanks, Tereza. I hope so. Despite her mind 'virus' I like her. We should be natural friends. And yes, I will definitely welcome her should she re-engage.

Compliment, question and opinion when needed are good guidelines.

BTW - started the interview you did with Sigmar's Symposium, but my internet was worthless yesterday with the mad winds we had. Will watch it today. Read through very positive comments! So good to see your vision of what communities can do to take control of money, getting a larger audience. ❤️


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Oh I've never done a search on myself. Thank you for doing that! It comes up with all my interviews and even a radio episode that used my former radio show--which reached about a half dozen people locally, from my estimation, but did get picked up by other radio journalists in Canada, England and Bangladesh.

I would only amend your statement that I don't give my opinion when needed, but when I can't help myself. I'm not sure it's ever needed but sometimes I just can't hold my tongue (insert meme of holding tongue). The compliments and questions at least establish a basis of rapport first before I ruin it. But I have found people who came back years later and told me I was right. So there's purpose and meaning there too.

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My response to Beka: 'please do not assume my sexuality, race or gender. I am reporting you to HR for harassment.'

Make them play by their own rules.

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But what is wrong with being a middle class white woman? Sheesh!

You handled that with expert and grace. Not surprising. :)

I’ll try and pay more attention to the birds. I know they’re saying important stuff, I just need to stop and listen.

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"But what is wrong with being a middle class white woman? Sheesh!" 🤷‍♀️

Always a good strategy. When all else fails listen to the birds.😂

Thanks, Tonika! Look forward to catching up soon.

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Thank you for sharing and these anecdotes! Some days I feel as if I am going crazy, so the reassurance that I'm not the only one navigating the turbulence in a reflective manner is truly very helpful, as was the line "If getting comfortable in uncertainty is a main theme going forward then maybe discovering how to find simple pleasures in the midst of that is a good idea." Simple pleasures always have a way of bringing me back to a grounded present moment and reminding me I am not crazy, just living through crazy times. Thanks for a great read!

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Amanda! What a delight to 'see' you here! I know the feeling - am I going crazy? - and I guess it's just part of these times. Every single thing is being challenged.

And so much opportunity with that. (Which I know you know.)

I'm so grateful your reading and commenting!

And truly, that you are so wise at such a young age - I know this from your work - gives me a lot of hope for the future. Thank you so much. ❤️

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Chaos is a good sign.

Most of the bullshit happens in calm times when people are satisfied. These days they're not.

And yes, the past generations let a lot of bullshit pass because they were able to afford housing etc.

Prosperity breeds compliance.

Good thing the predator class didn't realize this. I mean, it sucks for us, but you can see how Trump 2 no longer has the huge blind support that Trump 1 did.

Fun fact, a neuroscientist said that when he started graduate studies in the 90s, they didn't care about studying consciousness (he does now).

Wild, only 3 decades ago, scientists didn't think that consciousness was a thing to study....

Psychological evolution happened.

Remember, sexual harassment was ignored until the 90s too. Tells you a lot about the past and if you look further back, it was even more fked up! "Conscious" lacking society...


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I agree - the chaos is needed. Let's hope it wakes a lot more people up. Uncomfortable usually = growth.

Thanks Rob. Been meaning to get to some substacks including the one you linked by Toby.

Best to you.

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Kathleen! This was wonderful! I'm just about to go meet a couple of friends that are on that other side. I'm glad that I read this beforehand. I'll try to keep your reasoned and respectful responses in the front of my mind. Although you already got me riled up with that Becka girl. Not to mention I had my own experience with those prayer group folks that I see weekly that left me with a bad taste in my mouth, though I managed to use some humor to counteract with. But like you, I too got a cool reception at our next meeting. I've kind of concluded that I need to just fuggedaboudit. It's a lost cause. We can't save everybody. We plan to walk in the Sandia mountain foothills after lunch, so hopefully that will have a calming affect on my savage mind. I'll let you know how it went, plus I still have more I want to tell you. So, later.

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Thanks, Ronnie! How'd the visit go?

I'm sure your keen sense of humor manages to un-ruffle feathers all the time!

Looking forward to hearing more - love to you.

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Thanks, Ronnie! How'd the visit go?

I'm sure your keen sense of humor manages to un-ruffle feathers all the time!

Looking forward to hearing more - love to you.

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Kathleen, just wanted to get back to you from this morning. I wanted to mention that before I had read your essay, I had read a meditation about "What is". The idea was to just sit with reality as it is, and listen for what is yours to do, and tap into the vitality we need to do it. I think that's right, a confirmation of what you are saying here in this post. It's not easy to live in that "waiting" place, it can almost feels like grief. I can testify to that myself.

My time with my friends today was just lovely. I think after 45 years of friendship, in the end that's what really matters. We found other things to talk about, and the hike in the foothills was perfect. I know the woods is where you find your solace, but here in NM it's in the high desert where I experience mine.

I also forgot to add an important part in my earlier comment where I talked about those other prayer group members that I had had an exchange of words with. Afterwards I was helping to put the chairs away while feeling this internal conflict churning away, and thinking that maybe I don't belong here anymore, but I was so surprised when this one woman approached me and asked if I would like to have coffee or lunch sometime because she wanted to hear my perspective on "all this stuff". I was blown away, and my spirits were lifted. Hopefully we get to do that soon.

I just want to say that in my earlier comment I said, " We can't save everybody." The real truth is, we can't save anybody, and that's really not what we're here for anyway, as hard as that is sometimes to accept.

I hope you are doing OK.

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What a fabulous synchronicity, Ronnie!

"My time with my friends today was just lovely. I think after 45 years of friendship, in the end that's what really matters. We found other things to talk about, and the hike in the foothills was perfect. I know the woods is where you find your solace, but here in NM it's in the high desert where I experience mine."

This made me happy! So good to read. And yeah, exactly, deep bonds of affection will win the day.

"..when this one woman approached me and asked if I would like to have coffee or lunch sometime because she wanted to hear my perspective on "all this stuff". I was blown away, and my spirits were lifted." 😊 You'll have to let us know how that goes. Good sign.

Doing okay - coming out a hibernation phase I guess. And hope the same for you. 'See' you soon! 😘

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Your observations bring so much into clarity, Kathleen. What is real, what is enduring... and what is false and falling away. Hard to see it sometimes, particularly of late. Thank you.

I'm godsmacked by the way you are able to navigate such treacherous interpersonal waters; I learn from you, always.

And your use of anecdotes fits so gracefully into the picture. My upcoming piece will be the better for reading yours! Love how that happens... 😊

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Thanks, Mary! A very reassuring comment, since I honestly have no sense when I hit 'post' if what I've written will come through.

Feel like I've been in between an old 'gear' no longer working and the new one hasn't yet clicked in.

So thanks for that reflection. And yes, I love it when our posts highlight different bits of the same pattern. Another wondrous thing to be grateful for. 💝 Look forward to reading your next!

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I so join you in that feeling of being in-between gears. Not loving it, I gotta say. xox

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Oh, same here. :-)

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Great analogy! I feel that too.

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"Now time grows short. History will not allow the people of Shem additional centuries, or even decades, to come to their senses and realize what is going on. Just as they have been victims of massacres and genocides for centuries, the people of Shem now face the determination of the Canaanites to exterminate them utterly and finally. a goal they hope to achieve by the end of the millenium." The Curse of Canaan.... Eustace Mullins 1987

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