Yes, bridging the two parallel realities is impossible for me now. Perhaps it was never possible. Where do I even begin? I feel like Frodo at the end of Lord of the Rings when he returned to the Shire. Part of the problem is that I intuitively know something evil happened (and is still happening) but it is so vast and so bizarre and so awful that I cannot put it into words. And if I did, most people I know would truly think I have lost my mind. Thanks for the wonderful post, Kathleen. It perfectly encapsulates my feelings of late.

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Thank you, Sun. lol! Good example! Exactly that, even if we could find the words... oh, well. We have each other. 😊 Appreciate the comment! Best.

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great comment Sun in Cap...

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There is a re-do in the works, in my view. The work being done by courageous souls, such as yourself Kathleen, is this increasingly strengthening neural network that can hold “knowing” evil without collapsing with the weight of it. And in this growing “field” which is complete with moral integrity, the new will begin to manifest. It HAS to! Quantum physics--though I do not have that language...the “implicit order” that is the unseen which will “become”. We do this work each day, you and I-- and all who are fortified by your words. Take heart💛

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I love this comment, Elle. Fully resonates with me. Yes on the fields and on frequency, and the things stirring and moving unseen. I appreciate the encouragement and confirmation of the positive side of all this mess. Best to you. ❤️

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Great comment - not just collapsing under evil while trying to do good, but the seduction of evil because we are human.

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Sep 21, 2023Liked by Kathleen

Wow. Something to think about, Elle.

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Haha! Oh I do! :)

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I have felt for some time that fighting the system makes us dependent on the system. For as long we have the system, our nemesis gives us purpose. However, what if we decide to treat all of these situations as more or less irrelevant? A way to approach this "as if" culture is to take a step back and try to see it as objectively as we can. In doing so, we ask what is the impact of this or that situation? We create a sort of catalog of effects. Then we decide, which one of these would I most like to be rid of. If we approach this redirection of our lives systematically, we may be able to see not only what to do, but also to what degree the system lives off our attention to it.

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Well said, Ed. Fully agree.

"However, what if we decide to treat all of these situations as more or less irrelevant? "

Yes, and importantly we place ourselves in the drivers seat, rather than a passenger hanging on for dear life with an erratic driver bent on destruction.

I think the system does live largely off of our attention to it.

Thanks for the insightful comment. Best.

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Sep 21, 2023Liked by Kathleen

Ed. I love the treating everything as irrelevant comment. I can remember that and deploy it when I feel like screaming. I’ll use it locally as I see more walking dead in masks. Move on. Do MY thing.

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Thank you, Janet. The real challenge is to decide what is relevant for our lives.

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Sep 21, 2023Liked by Kathleen

True. I am praying for discernment. Take care, Ed.

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Sep 21, 2023Liked by Kathleen

Great comment. Another way to think about treating these situations as irrelevant is to "circumvent the system", leave the whole thing behind "as if" it's a wasteland, a dying, fetid swamp that stinks to high heaven.

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Yes, I agree very much.

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"The incredulity of it all is a powerful part of the spell." ... gem of an observation, Kathleen.

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Thanks, Joanie. f it wasn't true - I wouldn't believe ie either!


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Totally agree, Joanie. Our complete faith in "that could never happen here" is instrumental to support the lie.

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Well put!

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As if! Sorry, couldn’t help it. I’m only a product of my generation. 😂 this piece nails it, Kathleen, on how we mostly behave. Here’s the fun part: I think it works the other way too. We do autonomous learning at home AS IF that’s just normal. We offer to pay with cash first AS IF that’s how most purchase things. I am loudly vocal about not voting AS IF it’s common knowledge that elections and politicians are compromised and don’t we all know that politics isn’t gonna get us out of this anyway? Normalizing what feels right for me can, for the most part, be as simple as acting incredulous that anyone would consider my actions anything but normal. It creates a dissonance. Kinda like when you wrote that piece where someone inquired if you’d gotten the booster and you responded with “Do I look stupid to you?” (I’m paraphrasing.) it stops them right in their tracks. Because you act like it’s normal to think that only a fucking idiot would jab up yet again. Thanks, Kathleen. Love your posts.

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"Normalizing what feels right for me can, for the most part, be as simple as acting incredulous that anyone would consider my actions anything but normal" I love it and yes, so true. Let's do that!!

RE: "It creates a dissonance. Kinda like when you wrote that piece where someone inquired if you’d gotten the booster and you responded with “Do I look stupid to you?” You're being kind. Believe I actually responded at the question why I did not get it, "Because I have a fucking brain in my head." (Usually I'm much nicer.)

Thank you for such a good twist on AS IF.

BTW = loved your last post - though haven't gotten through it all. Just busy life, but will. Beautiful and interesting reflections and I just adore the pics. A window into an unfamiliar world is always appreciated. Best to you. Tonika.

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Thanks, Kathleen, and no worries on finishing it, it’s not brief and it’s prone to naval glazing. I’m glad you took a gander!

And yes! Thanks for clarifying what you actually said. It stuck with me and it’s so simple! Just act like THAT’S what’s normal. Because, you know what, it is! And we don’t have to act nice about pointing out reality for the upteenth time. It’s a good lesson for me to learn. 🙏

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Oh, but I want to! Thank you, you're very kind. 🌷

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In 2020, when Covid was deliberately released to justify DEADLY CURES called VACCINES, many of us started to question the system. I'm one of those convinced that Covid was part of a very carefully planned con that intended to dominate humanity and remove our remaining FREEDOM! I'm now a committed and PROUD Conspiracy Theorist!

The New World Order now owns the judiciary! But we, the public majority world community are with you all the way Meryl!

The Elite (WEF's NWO) believe they now dominate all elements of human control using all organisations to fulfil their illicit evil intentions to remove our FREEDOM! They want us to be SLAVES!

The scary World Health Organisation is totally CORRUPTED by benefactors (INFLUENCERS) like Bill Gates (who contributes over 53% of the WHOI annual budget). Gates says "THE MOST LUCRATIVE INVESTMENT I EVER MADE WAS (is) VACCINES"). Gates now OWNS the WHO! Join the dots!

This all stacks up evidence that The WHO, Big Pharma, the FDA, CDC and WHO, now have no interest in Human Health, but purely in PROFITS and DE-POPULATION for the Elites invested in dubious, sometimes dangerous 'cures' (VACCINES?).

How can NO LIABILITY for 'Vax Makers' be justifiable when so many Vax injuries and deaths continue to prove world health is now there simply to make financial profits - not to help humanity?

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer!

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No argument from me. You've well encapsulated the state of things. The big unknown of course, is us and the natural world. What will we humans do, what will Mother Nature do? I expect big and positive surprises coming. (As well as negatives.) Thanks, Mick. Be well.

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The phrase "as if" is one often used in the theatre to set the emotional parameters for an actor who may not have had direct experience with the scene she's asked to play: "Okay, you've never lost a child, but I want you to play it AS IF you had." I feel like we are living in a world that feels like a theatre production, a very surreal, un-fun Fun House. Much of the time I treat it like it's not really "real" and therefore doesn't deserve a "real" response -- a distancing that is probably a protective mechanism. Then I read your essay, Kathleen, and wham! Your astute, eloquent, heart-breaking characterization hits me right in the solar plexus. It reminds me: no, it's real, alright. Take it in. Take more action. And take heart.

So good, so very, very good. 🌟

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Thanks, Mary. I often have that same surreal like feeling. The protective piece, yes, and also maybe just being out of sync with those large narrative-currents - carrying us along. Often when I listen to conversations out in the world I think "We may as well be living on different planets" or something along those lines. Perhaps we'll be around to see it flip - remaining normies will be perceived as questionable as they refuse evidence everyone else can see. W're reorient the world back to something sane and sacred.

Appreciate the generous comment.💕 Best.

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Sep 23, 2023·edited Sep 23, 2023Liked by Kathleen

Sometime during the peak of covinsanity, my sister told me in an email that I was "alien" to her. What better word to describe how I felt then and still feel now? Thank god for fellow ETs like you. I share your attempts to reorient!

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It is good we've found each other, isn't it? Thank you, Mary. Best.

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Spot on reflection and explained eloquently, as per usual.

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Aw, thanks, Tonika!

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So many thoughts swirling.

Gratitude for your wonderful writing.

Laughter at the thought of my writing to my local PD and clown politicians saying "I no longer respect your authori-tah" (South Park style).

And lots of tears the past couple of days, which have been very brutal for all reasons you mention. I often feel completely and totally crazy and do not recognise the world.

Thank you Kathleen. Please keep writing so I feel less alone out here.

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Appreciate the kindness Excess. Oh! Wish I thought of that SP slant.

And I wish I could give you a hug. Tough when you see it and FEEL it. We'll get through. You are most definitely not alone and most definitely needed. Virtual hugs coming through.💕

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About all I can manage now is to plug in to what makes me feel good. To make art, fall in love, enjoy good music and good food. Most of my life I had the sense that TV/ the media was all BS all the time. Now it is so toxic, that I just do my best to tune it all out. What matters most is loving people.

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Wise words.💕

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I've wrestled with similar thoughts, in a variety of frameworks, so this piece resonates. Thanks.

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Thanks, Shane. I imagine many of us had. Appreciate the comment. Best.

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Sep 22, 2023Liked by Kathleen

Another wonderful reflection. ❤️

One of the gaps that exists is that, even amongst those who perceive the crumbling reality, there’s a preoccupation with staying in and digging deeper into the rabbit holes. That pursuit can last several lifetimes, and still leave one digging through the muck.

Where we place our energy and intention is beyond vital. It’s the thing that is most obviously misdirected, for too many.

Perhaps it’s the order in which transformation is pursued.

If one focuses on transforming Them, one soon recognizes the futility of squeezing truth from liars and criminals. If one focuses on transforming the system, one soon confronts the enormity of that task, and the impossibility of walking that path alone.

But perhaps what is really needed first, is to transform ourselves: the one place we really do have control over, and impact is felt almost immediately. Most, I think, want to externalize this, and seek change from the outside, ostensibly because it is deemed more ‘impactful’. Pointing at the need for transforming others and externalities has become reflexive; transforming ourselves, on the other hand, can be the most challenging thing to confront.

But ‘transformation’ is also skipping some essential steps. First, one needs to reimagine one’s life, desires, our very reality. That reimagining is the fuel for intention, the fuel for actually manifesting change. From there, it’s baby steps, one piece at a time, until all of the habits and predilections are transformed.

One has but to imagine the power of the example of success on an individual level. It’s successes that are needed. People need to see the fruits of a better way, even on a small scale, so they can also reimagine themselves, and thereby reimagine their relationship to others.

The system is built on conformity precisely because it has captured our imaginations about what success and habits should look like. But there is no single model. Everyone is different, their circumstances unique. And so the examples of successful reimagining need to also be diverse. The best way to build that kind of diversity is through individual effort, or that of small groups.

If we go from inward and small to outward and expansive, we might be surprised by the fruits of our efforts.

As always, my deepest thanks for putting your thoughts into the world. 🙏🏽

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Hi TFish!

Thank you for the expansive and thoughtful comment.

RE: "there’s a preoccupation with staying in and digging deeper into the rabbit holes" I know this well. It's likely pretty common now - there are just so many avenues to go down, undoing and undoing. At some point, it's pretty clear the details don't matter. The pursuit itself shed many shackles and the question of "what shall I do with my time "shows up.

"The system is built on conformity precisely because it has captured our imaginations about what success and habits should look like. " Yes it's captured and curtailed our imaginations, about pretty much everything - reduced imagination itself to childhood games and as we see now are so desperate to keep us as tiny versions of ourselves as to be overtly pushing thought crimes on free thinkers. Not suspicious at all. It's almost like they know something about us Humans that we don't know. Watch out, when they are unleashed.

All of its coming to a head.

To refer back to Elle's comment on this thread, I suspect there is an actual unseen resetting of humanity happening on a universal level. Who we really are outside this prison planet system we've been in. We have not yet tapped what humanity is, what we can do, and this blossoming is both initiated and supported by these increased frequencies. Literally the bandwidth of possibilities is expanding.

Our cosmic lineage - long denied or ignored - is coming back online as it were. Maybe this takes a while, but hints are already out there. Imaginations will be unbounded again.

I think too, much of what we've been 'working' on when it comes to self-development, may soon be obsolete since they came out of frequency ranges, no longer in place. So they will be replaced by natural 'leaps' in understanding, upgraded bodies and whatever else the higher cosmic frequencies bring in.

Let's imagine that, shall we? I like it. (Your comments have a way of waking sleeper-thoughts in me that want out. Or something like that.)

Thank you ,thank you TFIish. Always a pleasure to exchange thoughts with you. 🙏

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Sep 22, 2023Liked by Kathleen

The lies and illusions we’ve been sold for generations has been subliminal as well as overt. The programming has not only been to distract and enfeeble us, but also to deaden us to our deeper capacities. Like crops grown in depleted soils, our bodies and souls have been undernourished. We’ve been inculcated into the belief that we are limited and weak, but the truth is profoundly reversed.

They do know things about humans—there’s a reason to their madness, sotospeak.

The shift in our consciousness and awareness of what we truly are, and what we are capable of, and made to do, is going to shake everything. Some will look at this as ‘woo woo’, but I think it’s undeniable.

Holding on that and letting it brew…

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TFish, same words Kathleen pulled and quoted jumped off the screen at me. I "know" this. I think I'm ready for the shake up but I'll see. Feels like fear, but not a dreadful, weighty thing. Anticipatory butterflies. Will I have sufficient baby steps under my belt? Oof. Stop. (Said to self.) So easy to slip slide.

Appreciate your time and well spoken thoughts. The harvesting continues in here. [Continually interrupted *grr] attention on what I'd like to see/manifest out there. What a trip.


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Beautifully said.

"The shift in our consciousness and awareness of what we truly are, and what we are capable of, and made to do, is going to shake everything. Some will look at this as ‘woo woo’, but I think it’s undeniable."👍🎯😘

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Sep 21, 2023Liked by Kathleen

Another dynamite article, Kathleen. I loved the part where you compare the "operating (I use that word loosely) system" as a hollow decorative egg with the contents extracted, as hollow as Biden's head, ....etc.

You have such creative and clever ways of making your points. Keep it up.

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I appreciate that Rocket! So glad you enjoyed! Thank you and best.

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Yes, yes and yes. As if....that is a good phrase to use. I have been feeling the same way. How can I just go on, knowing all that I know and seeing all that I see (people I know dropping dead)? I cannot find a way to carry on 'as if' everything is 'normal'. I can fight back every day in small ways, but if enough of us do it, it will become large ways. TpTB want us to feel small and helpless. We do what we can do, but if we DO go back to living as we used to and know better, then we are guilty. But, if we also live as we always have and have no clue there is anything wrong, that also constitutes guilt and accessory to the biggest crimes upon mankind.

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Thanks, Sadie. I feel ya.

Visiting a friend later today dealing with prostate cancer that is spreading turbo-like (now in his bones) and it doesn't look good for him. He didn't want the jab but took it because of his son and daughter in law asking him to. (They work at Pfizer) Obviously I've had a lot of anger about all this. And now much sadness. None of all THAT can be discussed. Nope. I'll just be saying goodbye, probably, to an old friend and we won't discuss what likely is killing him.

I don't want to ask if it can get any crazier because I suspect it can.

Danka darlin. Always love when you weigh in. 💕

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Ugh!! Seriously. I know of someone close who has just been diagnosed with prostate cancer even though he had ALL of it removed 10 years ago. All we know is that his PSA numbers are super high, so next step is an MRI to figure out where the 'cancer' has landed again. He is 3 shots in (that we know of) and his wife is 5 shots in. Granted, he is 73, but in good health and state of mind. It is almost like his wife thrives on the sickness of those close to her or her own ailments. Munchhausen's and Munchhausens by Proxy. And pHarma now make Purdue Pharma look like scrambling amateurs. Just like Watergate made everyone freak out..remember THAT journalism? Can you imagine that happening now? You know things are bad when you are comparing these days to the good old days of the early 70's. Haha! It sucked then, we were just more stupid.

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I think 'everybody knows somebody who...' these days.

Who would have thought we'd live through such horrors and figure out how to keep our sense of humor (some days) and faith?

Yeah, 70's look very innocent in comparison. Watergate would never be covered like that now by legacy media.

It truly is like the world split, Sadie, and it's just weird. Thanks.

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Kathleen - this was quite fun for me - but also infuriating:


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Thanks, Laura.

Why yes that is both funny and infuriating. Just like most of everything else going on out there!! Appreciate your sharing. Best.

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After I asked him that question, two more people asked him questions he didn’t like. This was at a GOP meeting near me. He stormed across the stage yelling to the moderator, THIS IS BULLSHIT - ARE YOU GOING TO SHUT THIS DOWN? It was quite breathtaking to witness!

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That was you? Go, Laura! Nice job.

It's a complete and total joke he can't do anything. What on earth is he there for? A perfect example of irrelevance.

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Yours truly!

Yeah. Good question. It spoke volumes that he didn’t say who indeed has the authority. Nor did he take issue with my statements. Hmmmmm

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Yep. He's scared.

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Sep 21, 2023·edited Sep 21, 2023Liked by Kathleen

Did you ask him the question?

His answer is totally unbelievable. I am a nobody from Australia but what he is saying here is that the US Constitution enshrining state's rights and separation of powers is essentially null and void. He could absolutely start to investigate the deaths if he wanted to, even if he eventually butted up against the PREP Act just to show the people he was serious, and to demonstrate what the problem is, but instead deferred to his masters in DC.

1. Figure out how much money he gets from pharma

2. Figure out how blackmailed he is

3. Look into his ties with China - see if he has made any trips over there. They probably have compromising videos of him with [redacted].

4. See if his net worth has increased above his pay grade. Look at shell companies.

5. Figure out how much he is being paid by the EPA and Buttigeg to keep his mouth shut about Palestine.

6. Remember that these guys get 'the visit' and are showed photos of their families. If the above blackmail didn't happen, fear keeps them quiet. And if that doesn't work, they get rape accusations or you see what happened to Harrison Deal.

This guy isn't stupid. He is scared and compromised.

We of course have a similar problem in Australia - it even went to a Senate vote. The Senate not only voted to NOT investigate the excess deaths, the government statistics bureau decided that they would ERASE all the non-covid excess deaths from 2022 'just because.' The Senate didn't even know about the erasure during estimates (which is like a mini-inquiry) but the Moderna rep. did. https://vicparkpetition.substack.com/p/australian-senate-rejects-and-obfuscates

Of course, the woman who oversaw all of Australia's vaccine contracts is married to the man who oversees the statistics bureau.

Edit: Have just shared with Katherine Watt. Let's she what she says.

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Yep. That was me asking him the question. My heart was pounding, but my prayers were answered when I asked the Lord for courage.

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You did really well. The Lord was working through you and you are one brave and articulate lady - he was scared of the Lord's FIRE! Best wishes for you and the wonderful people of Ohio.

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Thank you ExcessDeathsAU. Prayers for you and your country. 😘❤️🙏🙏🙏

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Thank you ma'am. I will let you know if I get a reply from Katherine Watt about your AG.

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Sep 23, 2023Liked by Kathleen

This is awesome!!! Sometimes I practice phrases to wake folks up. But then laugh at how I sound😅😂. Seriously feel like a crazy person, at times.

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Re crazy person comment - think we all have had that experience. What a time.

Thank you Kelliann - Best.

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Sep 23, 2023Liked by Kathleen

Excellent piece, I thank you and all your astute commenters for nourishing reading this morning. A dose of sanity after weeks of interactions with many that have no awareness of these things.

Sting: If I ever lost my faith in you...

Some would say I was a lost man in a lost world.

You could say I lost my faith in the people on T.V.

You would say I lost my belief in politicians

They all seem like game show hosts to me.

Having just been at his Red Rocks concert, I was encouraged and uplifted by the huge response when he said the line about politicians. Massive acknowledgment... though I'm sure many do not see through what you refer to here, it's still a sign of discontent.

Also my own shift from constantly wanting to scream 'how do you not see?" to feeling a connection in spite of the gulf, with their hearts and humanity still beating loud and clear. This is very encouraging for me.

Thanks again. Great to be in soup of so many understanding voices.

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Thanks so much for the beautiful comment. I remember that Sting album and song very well. Sounds like a good nite!

Appreciate your thoughts here, Mary. Best.

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