Structured water, LOL. But first, filter the water. I run on filtered water now, with a Alexapure water filter (carbon 3 filter) and the water is sooo much much better to drink and cook with. I give it to my kitties as well, no tap water for them anymore....I feel better drinking it. It removes alot alot of chemical fertilizer and other contaminants...occassionally I do add borax and do a borax water week. Amazing stuff that borax water. I suspect everyone's deficient in Boron
"Bored in the middle of a democide." Who would have thought it? Yet I'm weary of the waiting too, for the other shoe to fall. Here in California, it's endless winter white sky. A total monotony of black to shades of gray to black again, in endless repetition. So I'm waiting for the sky to fall, literally.
Yeah, I think many of us are feeling something similar Tereza. BTW - still intend to respond to our back-and-forth on one of your recent posts! How to answer without getting convoluted? I think we mainly agree with small variances and maybe it doesn't even matter! Thank you for the comment.
Thank you for this. I go in nature all the time and it has gotten to a point where I don't even mind not having electricity. I turn my phone off at night whether necessary or not. I read about Dr. Emoto's work a few decades ago. It had me sadly musing on something though. In around 2008 I had a friend who had brain cancer, a type of glioma. She had her brain opened up with an egg sized tumor pulled out and went through a few rounds of chemotherapy. Supposedly the cancer was in remission and she came to California with her partner and young children and they stayed with us at the penthouse in Venice Beach. I was so impressed by Dr. Emoto's work which I had been introduced to in "What the Bleep do we Know?" that I wrote "love and healing" on a bottle of water for my friend before she headed to the airport back to Detroit. She got angry at me when I tried to hand it to her, said the airport security would throw it away and threw it in the trash. She relapsed and died not too many months later. It's had me pondering what mental blocks people might have to healing ever since. Or was she simply exhausted and knew her time was coming soon?
She may not have been angry with you but with the ridiculous airport security that would, indeed, have tossed her water. I think things are happening as they need to, and try not to blame myself for what I could have done or blame other people. I felt that 'What the Bleep' didn't go far enough. If you know that it's all a dream, why not end suffering for everyone? That's a serious question, not rhetorical.
In a different world, here in my mid 60s I'd be spending time playing chess and trying to figure out why when I try to grow tomatoes in a garden, I can't, but when I toss food scraps in a compost pile, I end up with a bumper crop.
Instead I'm living the civilizational collapse happening in real time, it's like watching the two hundred or so years.Roman Collapse happening in a five-year or so period, and the clock jas been ticking for just over 3 years.
And as.regarding the Democide, if it's going to happen, it would on it's own create a cascading collapse scenario, (and I expect either that or a mass increase in disabled people, which would probably have the same effect)
Considering that medical professionals like Dr. Hoff, and Dr. Cahill said that three years out from the beginning of the mass mRNA injection campaign was when we'd start to see the beginning of the worst results from those injections. Recognizing that those mass injections began just under two and a half years ago. Time is short.
I remember, when my grandmother was the same age I am now, (I thought that she was so old that In had to accompany her when she ventured out) and going to the common and sitting with her on a bench, watching the world go by. She was a city girl who was born and raised in Southie, so I guess watching the hustle and bustle, by the corner of Park and Beacon, that was her happy place.
She was a content person, who's only real concerns in life were the normal health related issues.
It was a simpler time, sure we had inflation, the gas crisis, the fall of Saigon, Watergate, stuff like that, seemed, and was serious. But here we're going through a once in a two thousand years civilizational collapse, and virtually no one is seeing it.
Unlike my Gran, I get to worry about a rolling economic, societal and finally civlizational collapse, like JFK once said, "Life is unfair".
It's one of those things that once you see it it's patently obvious that it's so. But it's also virtually impossible to show to another and get them to realize that it is real, especially if they don't actually want to see it. Like flagrant election fraud, or "Michelle" Obama's birth gender.
It doesn't matter that so many people can't see it though, because for the most part, the people who can't see what time it is are either.double or triple injected, or even more.
Boredom and the state of being bored, etymologically speaking, comes from the same root as ‘to drill’, as in holes. Considering the nature of the information we read here regarding covid, psyops, system death, etc., the parallels between a brain-drill or soul-drill seems fairly on point.
I think it is natural, and healthy, to turn from that feeling of being accustomed or inured to being ‘drilled’ by all of it. And how revivifying it is to seek wonder, and marvel—truly marvel—at the beauty and complexity all around us. I find it to be reconnecting with the true nature of what it means to be human, and refills the well that we draw our strength from. The same strength that gives us patience, kindness, compassion, grace, and the capacity to love and share that with others. Spiritual strengths, that we need to endure. Also the same things many forces are trying very hard to crush in us. Among the most powerful responses is to refill that well, and in so doing, foster and grow the strength within us.
I love the work of Emoto and have also looked into the Heartmath group. It’s quite fascinating and worth reflecting on. The power and reach of intention. So much to ponder and wonder about!
As always, wonderful reflection and food for thought. Thank you. 🙏🏽
Thanks, TFish - never made that (very evocative) etymological connection.
"And how revivifying it is to seek wonder, and marvel—truly marvel—at the beauty and complexity all around us. I find it to be reconnecting with the true nature of what it means to be human, and refills the well that we draw our strength from. The same strength that gives us patience, kindness, compassion, grace, and the capacity to love and share that with others."
So beautifully said. (I could easily have copied your entire comment to re-quote.)
I wonder if the extreme pressure humans are under, will, by necessity, push them back into alignment with nature? I think so. (Or some % of us.) How far we've strayed.
I'll add too - the experience of immersing oneself in nature VS how the world feels right now....the difference is stark. A noticeable synthetic-like quality exists over much of the world - that nature escapes. You can feel it.
Thank you as always for the thoughtful comment, and deepening the dialog. Best. 💝
I've been using their "stick" for a couple of years. I think there is something to it. I figure anything to make our water healthier is worth a little effort. I had forgotten about the messages to the water concept so thank you for bringing that back around.
One thing I do notice using the above (I make no commission) is I catch everything I drop-it's so consistent it can be a coincidence anymore, which initially I thought it was.
Heartmath- in a different world we might have all learned this so long ago instead you point out young folks don't mind being watched...something went wrong somewhere for that stat.
Kathleen, i will send you a comment that i have from Anton Styger. He is a clairvoyant and can see and talk to dead people who do not find the light. So he can help them. He knows that God, Father/Mother exist as a creative Original Source. He is especially angry to all things religions, because the way they, the catholics, the jews and the islam, make themselves a hell on earth and to all who want to follow them. That’s why religious people can’t often find the light to go to the afterlife and have to stay on earth in the shadow. Especially priests have a problem of going to the light.
Please order his books.
And then an excerpt from his book PRAYERS OF THE SOUL.
The new era.
In this time of change to the new energy of the earth there will also be a great change in the economy. Supposed values disappear and give way to spiritual values. In the near future, there will be days when the value of the Euro and the Dollar fall by 20-30%, until these supposed currencies disappear. But also the apparently tough Swiss Franc will weaken and eventually disappear, because it has become a worldwide prostitute. For people who only believed in the power of money, it will be extremely difficult to find their way in the new situation. Because each of us faces a great challenge, when even a lot of money and gold is no longer enough to buy bread. The idea that I only get something when I give is outdated and doesn't quite work anymore if I run out of a medium of exchange, or a more valuable asset, namely money. The thought should be: I give from my heart and I am happy when others have a lot. If everyone starts thinking like that, everything will be back to normal.
Mother Earth changes with the nature and frequency of her vibration. Therefore, man who is, as it were, at war with nature will immediately find that she no longer nourishes him. More precisely, she is no longer willing to do this. Without respect and love for her, but also for the animals, people will starve with full plates. The new consciousness will be: I am part of the whole. Nature, flora and fauna form the basis of everything. I respect and honor them. I love them as much as I love myself.
I couldn't agree more with this sentiment! Thank you for the comment, quote and link! That certainly sounds like a different, and much brighter world. We'll see it - eventually. Best❤️🩹
But i can not do that. You’re the last one a like to give a comment. Reason why i really must stop using internet and especially use bluelight device is because my eyes can’t stand it. So i keep quiet, work in my garden and love to read your substack.
I look into HeartMath a few years back. Out of interest here are some notes I made about it:
When researching the role of the heart as a neuronal center of the Nervous System, resembling another brain along with the head brain and gut brain, one can't look too far without encountering the work of the HeartMath Institute, in particular their discoveries about a quantifiable and measurable phenomena of "Heart Coherence". I have made myself the following abridged and annotated notes from their website, sharing here in case others find useful...
[How the heart and brain are wired together by the Nervous System].
"... The heart actually sends more signals to the brain than the brain sends to the heart. These heart signals have a significant effect on brain function, influencing emotional processing as well as higher cognitive faculties such as attention, perception, memory, and problem-solving... the brain continuously responds to the heart... different patterns of heart activity have distinct effects on cognitive and emotional function. During stress and "negative" emotions, the heart rhythm pattern is erratic and disordered, [inhibiting] higher cognitive functions,... [limiting] ability to think clearly, remember, learn, reason, and make effective decisions (we often act impulsively and unwisely when we’re under stress). The heart’s input to the brain during stressful or negative emotions also has a profound effect on the brain’s emotional processes—actually serving to reinforce the emotional experience of stress.m
[Hmm... this sounds a lot like the role of signals arising from the gut on the brain and stress responses. I wonder if there would be similar mileage therefore in measuring the rhythms of the gut and seeing how these contribute to emotional states... we do know that the gut has such rhythms, e.g. the pulsatile waves which move along the bowel and colon (peristasis), and these are measurable too. We could also look at resonances and dischords between the signals arising from gut and the heart. I think the results would be fascinating].
"The more ordered and stable pattern of the heart’s input to the brain during "positive" emotional states facilitates cognitive function and reinforces positive feelings and emotional stability. This means that learning to generate increased heart rhythm coherence, by sustaining positive emotions, not only benefits the entire body, but also profoundly affects how we perceive, think, feel, and perform."
[Again, it would be immensely interesting to see how the rhythms of the gut differs in positive emotional states, and think about exercises which help to keep the rhythms of the gut "coherent"].
"Rather than being monotonously regular, the rhythm of a healthy heart, even under resting conditions, is actually surprisingly irregular, with the time interval between consecutive heartbeats constantly changing. This naturally occurring beat-to-beat variation in heart rate is called heart rate variability (HRV)."
[Ooh... HRV comes up a lot in the Polyvagal Theory of Dr Stephen Porges, as a measure of how well our Ventral Vagus Nerve is working ("Vagal Tone"), or how well we can cope with stress].
"Heart rate variability is a measure of the beat-to-beat changes in heart rate. The normal variability in heart rate is due to the synergistic action of the two branches of the autonomic nervous system (ANS). The sympathetic nerves act to accelerate heart rate, while the parasympathetic (vagus) nerves slow it down. The sympathetic and parasympathetic branches of the ANS are continually interacting to maintain cardiovascular activity in its optimal range and to permit appropriate reactions to changing external and internal conditions. The analysis of HRV therefore serves as a dynamic window into the function and balance of the autonomic nervous system."
"The moment-to-moment variations in heart rate are generally overlooked when average heart rate is measured, for example, when your doctor takes your pulse over a certain period of time and calculates that your heart is beating at, say, 70 beats per minute... yet HRV can be an important indicator of health and fitness. As a marker of physiological resilience and behavioral flexibility, it reflects our ability to adapt effectively to stress and environmental demands. A simple analogy helps to illustrate this point: just as the shifting stance of a tennis player about to receive a serve may facilitate swift adaptation, in healthy individuals the heart remains similarly responsive and resilient, primed and ready to react when needed."
"HRV is also a marker of biological aging. Our heart rate variability is greatest when... young, and as we age the range of variation in our resting heart rate becomes smaller. Although the age-related decline in HRV is a natural process, having abnormally low HRV for oue’s age group is associated with increased risk of future health problems and premature mortality. Low HRV is also observed in individuals with a wide range of diseases and disorders."
[This is why "neural exercises" which increase Vagal Tone are important in conditions like Parkinson's Disease, CFS, etc., for progressive symptom reduction, more important than toning our bodies down the gym].
Wow, Gary, thank you! Really helpful and thoughtful commentary. I appreciate it. Easy to understand how we people, whole cultures are under ongoing stress, we are challenged cognitively. Joe Dispenza has also done a lot of work on the subject - I think it was through is work that I learned about HearthMath initially. What's amazing to me, is how simple it can be to bring about coherence and the immediate benefits of it. As is, well, we're designed to be grateful, appreciative and happy. Thank you.
Continuing my abridged, annotated notes of HeartMath Institutes "Science" Page...
"Many factors affect the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS), and therefore influence Heart Rate Variability (HRV). These include breathing patterns, physical exercise, and thoughts... one of the most powerful factors that affect our heart’s changing rhythm is our feelings and emotions. When heart rate is plotted over time, the overall shape of the waveform pattern produced is called the heart rhythm pattern. The emotions we experience directly affect our heart rhythm pattern – and this, in turn, tells us much about how our body is functioning."
[HeartMath themselves have developed "simple" measuring technology by which anyone can measure their heart rate over time - and demonstrate the affect of thoughts/feelings on it for themselves. Thus these ideas are both measurable and quantifiable. I have tried one of their devices myself, and seen it respond to thought exercises. This is especially pertinent to chronic conditions like Parkinson's Disease, since it is known that being stuck in abnormal, busy and anxious thoughts is inherent such conditions.]
"In general, emotional stress – including emotions such as anger, frustration, and anxiety—gives rise to heart rhythm patterns that appear irregular and erratic: the HRV waveform looks like a series of uneven, jagged peaks - an incoherent heart rhythm pattern. Physiologically, this pattern indicates that the signals produced by the two branches [Sympathetic and Parasympathetic] of the ANS are out of sync with each other. This can be likened to driving a car with one foot on the gas pedal (the sympathetic nervous system) and the other on the brake (the parasympathetic nervous system) at the same time – this creates a jerky ride, burns more gas, and isn’t great for your car, either! Likewise, the incoherent patterns of physiological activity associated with stressful emotions can cause our body to operate inefficiently, deplete our energy, and produce extra wear and tear on our whole system. This is especially true if stress and negative emotions are prolonged or experienced often."
[This concept of Synchronization of the brances of the ANS is a powerful one and worth exploring further, as would be looking at how other parts of the Nervous System synchronize or not during different states, e.g. the Enteric Nervous System (gut brain) with the ANS branches, or breaking the Parasympathetic branch down into the Ventral Vagus/Cranial Nerve part and the Dorsal Vagus Nerve (responsible for the Freeze stress response) part.]
"However, when we experience uplifting emotions such as appreciation, joy, care, and love; our heart rhythm pattern becomes highly ordered, looking like a smooth, harmonious ["sine"] wave. This is called a coherent heart rhythm pattern, [corresponding to] the activity in the two branches of the ANS being synchronized and the body’s systems [operating] with increased efficiency and harmony. It’s no wonder that positive emotions feel so good – they actually help our body’s systems synchronize and work better."
[Presumably, Heart Rate Coherence described here is directly related to being in Dr Stephen Porges' Safe/Relaxed/Socially Engaged states of Ventral Vagus Nerve ascendancy - and likewise the incoherent heart states correspond to being in Threat/Danger/Stress states of Sympathetic or Dorsal Vagus ascendancy].
"Research has shown that generating sustained positive emotions facilitates a body-wide shift to a specific, scientifically measurable state. This state is termed psychophysiological coherence, because it is characterized by increased order and harmony in both our psychological (mental and emotional) and physiological (bodily) processes. Psychophysiological coherence is state of optimal function. Research shows that when we activate this state, our physiological systems function more efficiently, we experience greater emotional stability, and we also have increased mental clarity and improved cognitive function. Simply stated, our body and brain work better, we feel better, and we perform better."
[So the aim is to put ourselves in this state for as much of our time as possible!]
[I wonder if this is also why music is so healing - it regulates our system via external rhythms and beats - especially (live) music which can be felt in the body and entrain the heart. The rhythmic frequencies of prosodic (peotic, lullalaby) voices too which Dr Porges talks about a lot may have an increased coherence affect on the heart? Indeed, it would be interesting to investigate the real time effects on Heart Rate Coherence with very many healing modalities out there...]"
Beautiful. Excellent. I feel like you put more info into this post than I did! And I really appreciate it. Re music - I would suspect this is the case, though some music has been shown to distort water molecules (like some Hard rock) VS other music that creates lovely, symmetrical patterns.
I hope we do create a world where our hearts are in coherence without having to intend it. But in the meantime, this information is essential.
Also think being in nature also supports that coherent state, if you are present to it and give yourself over to it. (I'm thinking of someone I passed on a trail recently, on her phone in a heightened state... ) Best.💕
maybe our heart is our connection to our Creator?
I think so!💕
"Even better, we’d have lots of poet-scientists." ;)
As opposed to what we have now, which is a bunch of corrupt pseudo scientists who sold out to the highest bidder.
Structured water, LOL. But first, filter the water. I run on filtered water now, with a Alexapure water filter (carbon 3 filter) and the water is sooo much much better to drink and cook with. I give it to my kitties as well, no tap water for them anymore....I feel better drinking it. It removes alot alot of chemical fertilizer and other contaminants...occassionally I do add borax and do a borax water week. Amazing stuff that borax water. I suspect everyone's deficient in Boron
Thanks for the info. I'll have to look into borax... have only used it for doing laundry but I know it has many more uses. Best.
Another way to purify water is to use moringa seeds, about 1 per gallon is enough.
"Bored in the middle of a democide." Who would have thought it? Yet I'm weary of the waiting too, for the other shoe to fall. Here in California, it's endless winter white sky. A total monotony of black to shades of gray to black again, in endless repetition. So I'm waiting for the sky to fall, literally.
Yeah, I think many of us are feeling something similar Tereza. BTW - still intend to respond to our back-and-forth on one of your recent posts! How to answer without getting convoluted? I think we mainly agree with small variances and maybe it doesn't even matter! Thank you for the comment.
Thank you for this. I go in nature all the time and it has gotten to a point where I don't even mind not having electricity. I turn my phone off at night whether necessary or not. I read about Dr. Emoto's work a few decades ago. It had me sadly musing on something though. In around 2008 I had a friend who had brain cancer, a type of glioma. She had her brain opened up with an egg sized tumor pulled out and went through a few rounds of chemotherapy. Supposedly the cancer was in remission and she came to California with her partner and young children and they stayed with us at the penthouse in Venice Beach. I was so impressed by Dr. Emoto's work which I had been introduced to in "What the Bleep do we Know?" that I wrote "love and healing" on a bottle of water for my friend before she headed to the airport back to Detroit. She got angry at me when I tried to hand it to her, said the airport security would throw it away and threw it in the trash. She relapsed and died not too many months later. It's had me pondering what mental blocks people might have to healing ever since. Or was she simply exhausted and knew her time was coming soon?
She may not have been angry with you but with the ridiculous airport security that would, indeed, have tossed her water. I think things are happening as they need to, and try not to blame myself for what I could have done or blame other people. I felt that 'What the Bleep' didn't go far enough. If you know that it's all a dream, why not end suffering for everyone? That's a serious question, not rhetorical.
Thank you, Amy. Yes, it's so very.nurturing, or can be.
I remember that movie - and often wonder how it is I forget such powerful information? Something about the world we' are immersed in I guess.
Very sad story, and who's to say? Best.
In a different world, here in my mid 60s I'd be spending time playing chess and trying to figure out why when I try to grow tomatoes in a garden, I can't, but when I toss food scraps in a compost pile, I end up with a bumper crop.
Instead I'm living the civilizational collapse happening in real time, it's like watching the two hundred or so years.Roman Collapse happening in a five-year or so period, and the clock jas been ticking for just over 3 years.
And as.regarding the Democide, if it's going to happen, it would on it's own create a cascading collapse scenario, (and I expect either that or a mass increase in disabled people, which would probably have the same effect)
Considering that medical professionals like Dr. Hoff, and Dr. Cahill said that three years out from the beginning of the mass mRNA injection campaign was when we'd start to see the beginning of the worst results from those injections. Recognizing that those mass injections began just under two and a half years ago. Time is short.
I remember, when my grandmother was the same age I am now, (I thought that she was so old that In had to accompany her when she ventured out) and going to the common and sitting with her on a bench, watching the world go by. She was a city girl who was born and raised in Southie, so I guess watching the hustle and bustle, by the corner of Park and Beacon, that was her happy place.
She was a content person, who's only real concerns in life were the normal health related issues.
It was a simpler time, sure we had inflation, the gas crisis, the fall of Saigon, Watergate, stuff like that, seemed, and was serious. But here we're going through a once in a two thousand years civilizational collapse, and virtually no one is seeing it.
Unlike my Gran, I get to worry about a rolling economic, societal and finally civlizational collapse, like JFK once said, "Life is unfair".
It's one of those things that once you see it it's patently obvious that it's so. But it's also virtually impossible to show to another and get them to realize that it is real, especially if they don't actually want to see it. Like flagrant election fraud, or "Michelle" Obama's birth gender.
It doesn't matter that so many people can't see it though, because for the most part, the people who can't see what time it is are either.double or triple injected, or even more.
Thank you for that reflection/comment, Warren. I relate and we won't certainly won't be having the kind of retirement your Grandmother had.
Yes, once you see it - obvious - and perpetually surprising at those who don't. Won't.
I hope many more will figure it out. Best.
Boredom and the state of being bored, etymologically speaking, comes from the same root as ‘to drill’, as in holes. Considering the nature of the information we read here regarding covid, psyops, system death, etc., the parallels between a brain-drill or soul-drill seems fairly on point.
I think it is natural, and healthy, to turn from that feeling of being accustomed or inured to being ‘drilled’ by all of it. And how revivifying it is to seek wonder, and marvel—truly marvel—at the beauty and complexity all around us. I find it to be reconnecting with the true nature of what it means to be human, and refills the well that we draw our strength from. The same strength that gives us patience, kindness, compassion, grace, and the capacity to love and share that with others. Spiritual strengths, that we need to endure. Also the same things many forces are trying very hard to crush in us. Among the most powerful responses is to refill that well, and in so doing, foster and grow the strength within us.
I love the work of Emoto and have also looked into the Heartmath group. It’s quite fascinating and worth reflecting on. The power and reach of intention. So much to ponder and wonder about!
As always, wonderful reflection and food for thought. Thank you. 🙏🏽
Thanks, TFish - never made that (very evocative) etymological connection.
"And how revivifying it is to seek wonder, and marvel—truly marvel—at the beauty and complexity all around us. I find it to be reconnecting with the true nature of what it means to be human, and refills the well that we draw our strength from. The same strength that gives us patience, kindness, compassion, grace, and the capacity to love and share that with others."
So beautifully said. (I could easily have copied your entire comment to re-quote.)
I wonder if the extreme pressure humans are under, will, by necessity, push them back into alignment with nature? I think so. (Or some % of us.) How far we've strayed.
I'll add too - the experience of immersing oneself in nature VS how the world feels right now....the difference is stark. A noticeable synthetic-like quality exists over much of the world - that nature escapes. You can feel it.
Thank you as always for the thoughtful comment, and deepening the dialog. Best. 💝
I've been using their "stick" for a couple of years. I think there is something to it. I figure anything to make our water healthier is worth a little effort. I had forgotten about the messages to the water concept so thank you for bringing that back around.
One thing I do notice using the above (I make no commission) is I catch everything I drop-it's so consistent it can be a coincidence anymore, which initially I thought it was.
Heartmath- in a different world we might have all learned this so long ago instead you point out young folks don't mind being watched...something went wrong somewhere for that stat.
Thank you - I wasn't aware of this.
Agree. Hopefully in the world emerging we will all know this and many other. life-supporting things. Best.
Kathleen, i will send you a comment that i have from Anton Styger. He is a clairvoyant and can see and talk to dead people who do not find the light. So he can help them. He knows that God, Father/Mother exist as a creative Original Source. He is especially angry to all things religions, because the way they, the catholics, the jews and the islam, make themselves a hell on earth and to all who want to follow them. That’s why religious people can’t often find the light to go to the afterlife and have to stay on earth in the shadow. Especially priests have a problem of going to the light.
Please order his books.
And then an excerpt from his book PRAYERS OF THE SOUL.
The new era.
In this time of change to the new energy of the earth there will also be a great change in the economy. Supposed values disappear and give way to spiritual values. In the near future, there will be days when the value of the Euro and the Dollar fall by 20-30%, until these supposed currencies disappear. But also the apparently tough Swiss Franc will weaken and eventually disappear, because it has become a worldwide prostitute. For people who only believed in the power of money, it will be extremely difficult to find their way in the new situation. Because each of us faces a great challenge, when even a lot of money and gold is no longer enough to buy bread. The idea that I only get something when I give is outdated and doesn't quite work anymore if I run out of a medium of exchange, or a more valuable asset, namely money. The thought should be: I give from my heart and I am happy when others have a lot. If everyone starts thinking like that, everything will be back to normal.
Mother Earth changes with the nature and frequency of her vibration. Therefore, man who is, as it were, at war with nature will immediately find that she no longer nourishes him. More precisely, she is no longer willing to do this. Without respect and love for her, but also for the animals, people will starve with full plates. The new consciousness will be: I am part of the whole. Nature, flora and fauna form the basis of everything. I respect and honor them. I love them as much as I love myself.
Anton Styger
I couldn't agree more with this sentiment! Thank you for the comment, quote and link! That certainly sounds like a different, and much brighter world. We'll see it - eventually. Best❤️🩹
We will see it, Kathleen. Love and harmony and joy is the way.
And never be afraid.
Kathleen, thank you for your kind offer.
But i can not do that. You’re the last one a like to give a comment. Reason why i really must stop using internet and especially use bluelight device is because my eyes can’t stand it. So i keep quiet, work in my garden and love to read your substack.
I understand on the blue-light.
I'm honored. The very best wishes to you, Hendrik.
I look into HeartMath a few years back. Out of interest here are some notes I made about it:
When researching the role of the heart as a neuronal center of the Nervous System, resembling another brain along with the head brain and gut brain, one can't look too far without encountering the work of the HeartMath Institute, in particular their discoveries about a quantifiable and measurable phenomena of "Heart Coherence". I have made myself the following abridged and annotated notes from their website, sharing here in case others find useful...
[How the heart and brain are wired together by the Nervous System].
"... The heart actually sends more signals to the brain than the brain sends to the heart. These heart signals have a significant effect on brain function, influencing emotional processing as well as higher cognitive faculties such as attention, perception, memory, and problem-solving... the brain continuously responds to the heart... different patterns of heart activity have distinct effects on cognitive and emotional function. During stress and "negative" emotions, the heart rhythm pattern is erratic and disordered, [inhibiting] higher cognitive functions,... [limiting] ability to think clearly, remember, learn, reason, and make effective decisions (we often act impulsively and unwisely when we’re under stress). The heart’s input to the brain during stressful or negative emotions also has a profound effect on the brain’s emotional processes—actually serving to reinforce the emotional experience of stress.m
[Hmm... this sounds a lot like the role of signals arising from the gut on the brain and stress responses. I wonder if there would be similar mileage therefore in measuring the rhythms of the gut and seeing how these contribute to emotional states... we do know that the gut has such rhythms, e.g. the pulsatile waves which move along the bowel and colon (peristasis), and these are measurable too. We could also look at resonances and dischords between the signals arising from gut and the heart. I think the results would be fascinating].
"The more ordered and stable pattern of the heart’s input to the brain during "positive" emotional states facilitates cognitive function and reinforces positive feelings and emotional stability. This means that learning to generate increased heart rhythm coherence, by sustaining positive emotions, not only benefits the entire body, but also profoundly affects how we perceive, think, feel, and perform."
[Again, it would be immensely interesting to see how the rhythms of the gut differs in positive emotional states, and think about exercises which help to keep the rhythms of the gut "coherent"].
"Rather than being monotonously regular, the rhythm of a healthy heart, even under resting conditions, is actually surprisingly irregular, with the time interval between consecutive heartbeats constantly changing. This naturally occurring beat-to-beat variation in heart rate is called heart rate variability (HRV)."
[Ooh... HRV comes up a lot in the Polyvagal Theory of Dr Stephen Porges, as a measure of how well our Ventral Vagus Nerve is working ("Vagal Tone"), or how well we can cope with stress].
"Heart rate variability is a measure of the beat-to-beat changes in heart rate. The normal variability in heart rate is due to the synergistic action of the two branches of the autonomic nervous system (ANS). The sympathetic nerves act to accelerate heart rate, while the parasympathetic (vagus) nerves slow it down. The sympathetic and parasympathetic branches of the ANS are continually interacting to maintain cardiovascular activity in its optimal range and to permit appropriate reactions to changing external and internal conditions. The analysis of HRV therefore serves as a dynamic window into the function and balance of the autonomic nervous system."
"The moment-to-moment variations in heart rate are generally overlooked when average heart rate is measured, for example, when your doctor takes your pulse over a certain period of time and calculates that your heart is beating at, say, 70 beats per minute... yet HRV can be an important indicator of health and fitness. As a marker of physiological resilience and behavioral flexibility, it reflects our ability to adapt effectively to stress and environmental demands. A simple analogy helps to illustrate this point: just as the shifting stance of a tennis player about to receive a serve may facilitate swift adaptation, in healthy individuals the heart remains similarly responsive and resilient, primed and ready to react when needed."
"HRV is also a marker of biological aging. Our heart rate variability is greatest when... young, and as we age the range of variation in our resting heart rate becomes smaller. Although the age-related decline in HRV is a natural process, having abnormally low HRV for oue’s age group is associated with increased risk of future health problems and premature mortality. Low HRV is also observed in individuals with a wide range of diseases and disorders."
[This is why "neural exercises" which increase Vagal Tone are important in conditions like Parkinson's Disease, CFS, etc., for progressive symptom reduction, more important than toning our bodies down the gym].
Wow, Gary, thank you! Really helpful and thoughtful commentary. I appreciate it. Easy to understand how we people, whole cultures are under ongoing stress, we are challenged cognitively. Joe Dispenza has also done a lot of work on the subject - I think it was through is work that I learned about HearthMath initially. What's amazing to me, is how simple it can be to bring about coherence and the immediate benefits of it. As is, well, we're designed to be grateful, appreciative and happy. Thank you.
Here are some more of my abridged notes I found:
Continuing my abridged, annotated notes of HeartMath Institutes "Science" Page...
"Many factors affect the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS), and therefore influence Heart Rate Variability (HRV). These include breathing patterns, physical exercise, and thoughts... one of the most powerful factors that affect our heart’s changing rhythm is our feelings and emotions. When heart rate is plotted over time, the overall shape of the waveform pattern produced is called the heart rhythm pattern. The emotions we experience directly affect our heart rhythm pattern – and this, in turn, tells us much about how our body is functioning."
[HeartMath themselves have developed "simple" measuring technology by which anyone can measure their heart rate over time - and demonstrate the affect of thoughts/feelings on it for themselves. Thus these ideas are both measurable and quantifiable. I have tried one of their devices myself, and seen it respond to thought exercises. This is especially pertinent to chronic conditions like Parkinson's Disease, since it is known that being stuck in abnormal, busy and anxious thoughts is inherent such conditions.]
"In general, emotional stress – including emotions such as anger, frustration, and anxiety—gives rise to heart rhythm patterns that appear irregular and erratic: the HRV waveform looks like a series of uneven, jagged peaks - an incoherent heart rhythm pattern. Physiologically, this pattern indicates that the signals produced by the two branches [Sympathetic and Parasympathetic] of the ANS are out of sync with each other. This can be likened to driving a car with one foot on the gas pedal (the sympathetic nervous system) and the other on the brake (the parasympathetic nervous system) at the same time – this creates a jerky ride, burns more gas, and isn’t great for your car, either! Likewise, the incoherent patterns of physiological activity associated with stressful emotions can cause our body to operate inefficiently, deplete our energy, and produce extra wear and tear on our whole system. This is especially true if stress and negative emotions are prolonged or experienced often."
[This concept of Synchronization of the brances of the ANS is a powerful one and worth exploring further, as would be looking at how other parts of the Nervous System synchronize or not during different states, e.g. the Enteric Nervous System (gut brain) with the ANS branches, or breaking the Parasympathetic branch down into the Ventral Vagus/Cranial Nerve part and the Dorsal Vagus Nerve (responsible for the Freeze stress response) part.]
"However, when we experience uplifting emotions such as appreciation, joy, care, and love; our heart rhythm pattern becomes highly ordered, looking like a smooth, harmonious ["sine"] wave. This is called a coherent heart rhythm pattern, [corresponding to] the activity in the two branches of the ANS being synchronized and the body’s systems [operating] with increased efficiency and harmony. It’s no wonder that positive emotions feel so good – they actually help our body’s systems synchronize and work better."
[Presumably, Heart Rate Coherence described here is directly related to being in Dr Stephen Porges' Safe/Relaxed/Socially Engaged states of Ventral Vagus Nerve ascendancy - and likewise the incoherent heart states correspond to being in Threat/Danger/Stress states of Sympathetic or Dorsal Vagus ascendancy].
"Research has shown that generating sustained positive emotions facilitates a body-wide shift to a specific, scientifically measurable state. This state is termed psychophysiological coherence, because it is characterized by increased order and harmony in both our psychological (mental and emotional) and physiological (bodily) processes. Psychophysiological coherence is state of optimal function. Research shows that when we activate this state, our physiological systems function more efficiently, we experience greater emotional stability, and we also have increased mental clarity and improved cognitive function. Simply stated, our body and brain work better, we feel better, and we perform better."
[So the aim is to put ourselves in this state for as much of our time as possible!]
[I wonder if this is also why music is so healing - it regulates our system via external rhythms and beats - especially (live) music which can be felt in the body and entrain the heart. The rhythmic frequencies of prosodic (peotic, lullalaby) voices too which Dr Porges talks about a lot may have an increased coherence affect on the heart? Indeed, it would be interesting to investigate the real time effects on Heart Rate Coherence with very many healing modalities out there...]"
Beautiful. Excellent. I feel like you put more info into this post than I did! And I really appreciate it. Re music - I would suspect this is the case, though some music has been shown to distort water molecules (like some Hard rock) VS other music that creates lovely, symmetrical patterns.
I hope we do create a world where our hearts are in coherence without having to intend it. But in the meantime, this information is essential.
Also think being in nature also supports that coherent state, if you are present to it and give yourself over to it. (I'm thinking of someone I passed on a trail recently, on her phone in a heightened state... ) Best.💕