In a different world we’d have different headlines. In a different world we might even believe them.
I won’t go over the bounty of evidence that we’re living through a civilization-level collapse; nor bemoan life in a landscape untethered from sanity-orienting things like common sense and truth-telling; or even riff on the caboodle of loons behind and aligned to it.
That’s what my sisters are for.
Besides - while I don’t know that we can get actually get bored living during democide-in-progress times, (what with the adrenaline alone, we must produce) I am feeling something close to that. Even as the tsunami of bad news keeps amassing - I’m wanting to be on the other side. Maybe it’s just the lure of nature; color is back with the warmth and look what I might miss behind a computer screen. (Mountain laurels gracing the hiking path!!)
Fortunately, more of us are catching on all time.
All good.
Besides there are so many reassuringly astute and clear voices on Substack; that don’t look away but also down get pulled under by that wave. Voices that value human life; like this one, and this one, and this one.
It’s impossible not to feel lifted by them. Human intelligence and creativity just keep going, no matter.
I listened to Ed Dowd on London Real say he thought integrity in our ‘leaders’ would become a trend. Huh.
Integrity as a trend? Now that would be a sign of a different world!
Also recently, my son mentioned how non-alcoholic drinking was becoming something of a thing, with trendy stores and cafes opening that sell “non-alcoholic spirits” (which is apparently, no longer not an oxymoron.)
Maybe this is old news and I don’t get out enough? Either way, still, another good sign and hopefully not just a trend.
Of course identifying good signs doesn’t translate into clear sailing; here was a disappointing poll I really hope is flawed. They’ve been undermining the youth for decades while many (myself included) were sleeping.
Big sigh and silent wonder - where exactly is this post going?
I’ve started a stack on water - the mystery of it - the remarkable properties of it, its ability to heal or harm. I’ll add a doc below. It will, I imagine, have you saying nice things to water before you drink it.
A Midwestern Doc did a nice one on water recently as well.
I have another post I started on Heartmath Institute and all the cool things they’ve figured out about hearts and how they are the electromagnetic powerhouse of our bodies; how simple it is to bring our hearts into coherence; the immediate and positive effects of gratitude and other stuff. Here’s a snippet:
The heart is the most powerful source of electromagnetic energy in the human body, producing the largest rhythmic electromagnetic field of any of the body’s organs. The heart’s electrical field is about 60 times greater in amplitude than the electrical activity generated by the brain.This field, measured in the form of an electrocardiogram (ECG), can be detected anywhere on the surface of the body. Furthermore, the magnetic field produced by the heart is more than 100 times greater in strength than the field generated by the brain and can be detected up to 3 feet away from the body, in all directions, using SQUID-based magnetometers.)
I don’t need to point out (do I?) that if the electromagnetic field of the heart is that much greater than that of the brain, than the actual wiring of our bodies is placing them, respectively, in appropriate proportion to their importance.
What’s that old saying? Something like: The brain makes a wonderful servant but a terrible master. Our bodies literally back that up. I think a lot of our troubles come down to the emphasis on brains over hearts.
In a different world then, poets trump scientists. Even better, we’d have lots of poet-scientists. My point is brainiacs wouldn’t rule the world. It ain’t balanced, man. (I’m in an odd mood.)
In a different world we would bless our water, knowing the very molecular structure of it changes with our intentional messages to it. We would never cook food angry.
In a different world we would teach (pronto!) our young, the amazing things about their bodies and how to work with them for best results. Inform them that the mystery of water is not yet solved and isn’t that exciting?
I don’t need to finish those posts on heartmath and water - if you’re interested please look into them. I think they are very much worth your time.
In a different world these kinds of things - and many others - would be in the headlines, we would all know all about them, and we’d all benefit by such profound and simple knowledge.
I think I’m gonna wrap it up now.
I have one on Ahriman coming. (I think.) If you don’t know that name, you’ll probably want to check it out, if you do, you’ll still want to.
And I know I still have Red Pill Two that I haven’t yet put out. (The more I tell myself to do it, the more I resist.) I’ve compiled a lot - maybe too much - but eventually I expect to post that one.
Thanks for reading and buy me a coffee if you want to.
Buy me a coffee. 😊
maybe our heart is our connection to our Creator?
"Even better, we’d have lots of poet-scientists." ;)