I could really relate to this subject. You touched on everything I've been thinking and feeling for years now. I hate it when folks keep using the phrase "the pandemic" I feel like saying "the only pandemic right now is stupidity" - which is a line I got from Dr. Vernon Coleman. I realize there is a virus, but at this point it's certainly not a pandemic, nor do I believe it ever was! Very few people have even heard about the Great Reset! Something I hate hearing from friends and neighbors is "Oh well, there is nothing I can do about it, so I'm not going to worry about it" - That is exactly what the global predators are hoping we are feeling. Most of the people I respect nowadays say they are looking to do something to make a difference. That is what we need right now! If we all do a little bit it will add up. Most people are just plain oblivious to everything that is going on. Yet during the Johnny Depp trial so many people seemed to be obsessed with watching it and following it. I didn't even know what the suit was about, I was too busy reading Substack and books and doing my own "research". I am so grateful for Substack and the commenters - it keeps a lot of us sane in an insane world!

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Thanks for the comment.

Yes, I agree - the global predators do want us to feel helpless. Sadly it works on many.

But not you!! 😊 I'm grateful for that.

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My dear Kathleen. You have written what I’ve been thinking. (Thank you for making me laugh out loud) I find myself continually wondering while I’m out in public looking around and wondering - how many of these people truly know what’s going on. I want to scream from the rooftops - wake the fuck up people! Do you have ANY IDEA what our world might look like in the not so distant future? I find having conversations with fast asleep people (some are friends and family) to be shallow and full of bullshit. Keeping my mouth shut when someone tells me she’s got cancer and her spouse is also sick with God knows what (they’ve had at least 3 if not 4 shots). Hearing from my zombie friend that a 28 year old young man died suddenly. They are awaiting an autopsy. When she tells me they don’t know what caused it I plan on telling her I know EXACTLY what caused it. I really don’t give a shit if she thinks I’m nuts. Although I may indeed be because my mental state has had a serious toll taken on it this past year. Thank the Lord I found a wide awake counselor because I need to keep my sanity in all this. It’s fucking psychological torture. God help us all to just be ourselves. God bless you Kathleen. It’s so affirming to have kindred spirits in this fight for our lives and more importantly, the lives of our children and grandchildren.

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Thank you, Laura! I feel the same way - thank God for people like you - that we are not alone in the insanity (even if we're surrounded by sleepers). Bless you back! ❤️‍🩹

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May I ask where you live?

Wondering if you will be attending CHD’s THE WAY FORWARD conference in Knoxville, TN on 10/23

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No I'm on the East Coast, so won't be making it. Are. you going?

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Yes. A 7 hour drive for me. Two kindred spirits also traveling with me.

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Nice. I hope you enjoy and meet more kindred spirits.

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What you both said.↑↑↑ times infinity.

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I'm afraid if enough sleep through this "revolution" we'll awaken with synthetic versions of ourselves, robots at all the service jobs, fake food the norm, and very narrow lanes for your thoughts to drive in or else...

Your voice (and those in the comments) are both welcomed as I come in from time in the dirt, moving rocks, talking to them, planting moss and small native plants between them. I'm so in love with the earth and her rocks, it's my saving grace through these times. Okay, my husband & cat help too. So many friends have fallen away and rocks seem to replace them. But I need to hear other humans out there who are standing up, these humans, reading you and speaking out. Thank you for what you are doing!!!

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Thank you, Mary! We so need each other.

You describe such a nice day in the dirt with your rocks. I get it. I have trees that have replaced some human friends.💞

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as an aside, I found it interesting while reading the old testament there was a verse saying, that if people did not speak out that the rocks surely would. then years later I was reading the sayings of Buddha, he said that rocks have consciousness. Interesting, so have fun with your rocks and moss.

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That's fascinating. Was there a specific context in which people should have been speaking out in the story you're referencing? Thanls

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yes, it refers to the times we are in. wish I remembered exactly where it is.

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Maybe Kathleen can search through an online version of the Bible to find it.

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Great post, Kathleen. It expresses my feelings perfectly. I had a similar experience with a friend recently. Unlike your friend, mine is steadfastly asleep. "Let's get carrot cake at that nice cafe soon," she said after my latest rant about these rubbish injections. It was infuriating. She is determined to live her life as if the last few years never happened, as do most people I know. I find it unfathomably sad and excruciatingly cowardly in equal measure. Thus, conversations are superficial and tedious because, as you say, most people are not really here and they are most certainly avoiding the most important conversation of all -- that humanity is facing an existential threat. They simply do not (or will not) see it. The thing is, this is the only thing worth talking about now. I have zero interest in discussing their latest holidays, new jobs, or botox injections. Whatever happens, I am going down fighting.

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Thank you for this essay.

I have a friend who simply will not discuss anything negative - we must just stay positive and discuss ‘upbeat’ things and whereas I do not believe in wallowing in the negative, these ugly facts cannot be ignored. She followed all the rules in order to travel to see her elderly father in a neighbouring country and took all her ‘medicine’ to be allowed into his nursing home. She would have said that she had absolutely no choice but cannot see that these actions to help her father will have negative consequences for her beloved daughters and the granddaughter she adores. She will not see that her conformity may contribute to her granddaughter having a much smaller, more limited life than she has had. Trying to point any of this out to anyone has met with blank stares. I had many conversations in 2020 with people about where we were heading. I never imagined that in late 2022 that they still wouldn’t have caught on!

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Thank you, Hilary. I so relate. And I'm so tired of people telling me they had no choice. Okay, you felt like you had no choice, but clearly you did. At least own that now, so you can move on with some sense of agency and choice over your life.

Same - can not believe we're still here with so many unaware. It's a powerful technology that's in place, IMO. Not your grandma's propaganda. I still have hope, with time, they'll wake up though.

Thank you.😊

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I have lost respect for so many people, new friends and old friends, maybe society in general. So many people I know have done the same thing- jumped on taking the shots, because they "wanted to be able to travel". They even had their children take them. They are giving away their freedoms (and ours). I really think this was a "test" to see how far the government can go- to control the population. So many people were compliant, which opens up the door to more restrictions and more control.

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Ecclesiastes 3:1 "To everything there is a season and a time for every purpose under heaven."

Ecclesiastes 3:7 "A time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak."

If ever there were a time to speak (Preach?), the time is now. Make no apologies, Kathleen.

Returning to Martin Luther King, Jr. "In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends."

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Thank you for the lovely comment. And yes, re MLK quote - so very true.🙏

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I think it was about a year ago or even two now I learned the term NPC from my son. I said, "what's that?" It stands for Non Player Character. These are the people in video games that are there, more as scenery, but they can't/don't move the game along at all. The shop keeper. The people eating in a cafe. We are surrounded by NPC in real life.

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Funny, I heard about if from my son, just a couple years ago. Yup, I can't not think about that acronym all the time now. Crazy. (Maybe they were always here and we didn't notice until things got this extreme?)

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Wow! That's so interesting! I have not heard of that expression, but it really fits this situation.

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Now that you know it, you'll hear it mentioned or see the term when you're reading something I bet. It happened to me.

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Yes, that and it's parent LARP (live action role player). We kind of need to be both if we are to remain sane.

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Oct 2, 2022
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I have not seen that. Thanks - I'll check it out. Yes, sometimes they do.

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Ah Yes! I actually did see that movie- it was very good!

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Thanks SO much for writing this. My very intelligent brother whom I love and whom I have supported and defended my whole life (he's 7 years younger) criticised my 17yr old for not vxng. I explained why not, risk/benefit for that age group etc I tried to explain how hard it was for him to go into school as the only unvxd when teachers and peers were singling him out constantly. My brother's response was to cut me off, laugh at me and call me a conspiracy theorist. I hadn't even started!! I now realise that it was his pumpkin latte moment. And that my crying for hours over how much he hurt me, is my hair-on-the-way-to-the-gallows moment; my complete self absorption was ridiculous! Everything you wrote speaks to me and I feel better equipped to put this into perspective. I appreciate it.

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Thanks Alice. It's so maddening when you can't reach the ones you love. And being reduced to a phrase they were programmed to reject - the dreaded CT - it's just all too much.

I don't think you were self-absorbed in that moment though - It's heartbreaking. That was genuine human emotion (precious) and I've had those moments too. We all have.

Ahh, it's a lot to deal with. I'm so grateful for finding others who are going through the same and share it. It really helps. Thank you.

Appreciate the comment. Best to you.❤️‍🩹

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Thanks so much, you have made my Sunday (probably my week) with your empathy and the reminder that I'm not alone in this.

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I feel much the same reading the comments. Thank you.

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appropriate use of 4 letter words, you kept me laughing. I see this not wanting to rock relationships in those around me. they do not want to say something to the blind ones they love for fear of souring the relationship. Is that love?? they get to have a relationship for a few years (maybe) while the loved ones walk off the cliff, then where is the relationship??

love your post, there should be a love button along with the like button, or even an AMEN button.

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Thanks, David. I'm so glad you laughed!

I see that all the time - 'just be nice' and yeah, it feels empty and stupid most of the time. Some of the time, maybe it's the right approach depending on who you're dealing with? Think it's a case by case thing.

Love your point - is that love? Amen! (Or is that zombie-love?)

Appreciate you.🙏

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Kathleen, I find this to be one of the most difficult things I have ever done in my life. My wife's entire family is vaxxed, (she is the oldest of seven children) on the advice of her brother who is a fire chief for the county. Since his opinion was "expert" they all proceeded as if they had blessings from some "medical authority" figure since he also manages the EMS population of first responders for the county. Getting any of them to pay attention is totally frustrating and exhausting. I have had so many "Latte" moments that it has really challanged my sanity. Sometimes my wife (she is totatlly with me on this subject) and I feel like black sheep and it is depressing and sad. On a more positive note we have been successful with my daughters and their families, so my 17 Grand Children have been spared this horror much to our relief. I am so happy you published this article since it gives me hope. I have already sent it to as many people in my family as I can it hopes that they will read it, wake up, and do something to protect themselves and their children from this demonic plan. We must all stand up, there is no other option on the table that makes sense. Only "we" can help us!

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Thank you so much for sharing that. (I fully get the "blacksheep" thing. That's how me and my partner are viewed in our community as well.)

Congrats on your daughters and grandkids! That's so wonderful. We've been fortunate with our kids (no grandkids yet) too. It's really something to be grateful for.

It can all feel too much, crazy making and it's easy to slip into despair. I know. But still, we have each other; we're not going through this alone. And we're not zombies!! Yippee!

BTW, below piece I linked might be helpful (or not) in waking some of your family up to at least how it's felt for un non-compliers. (An understated way of saying, the humans who are standing up for humanity.)


Wishing you the best and thank you for your thoughtful, heartfelt, comment.❤️‍🩹

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e. e. (come on) cummings agrees

with you as do I

To Be You To Full

is beautiful

And as Rumi ruminates

“Let the beauty we love be what we do”.

Well penned and purged Kath,

You are wearing your name

Be You To Fully,


Stay strong, safe and ever free.

"To be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else - means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight; and never stop fighting." e.e. cummings (yes, he liked the wee wee lettering, Big Time Individualist such that his Me was a We.

Other favorite quotes in this line up of Self-Actualizing Resources:

"The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. To be your own man is a hard business. If you try it, you'll be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself." Rudyard Kipling

"It is the individual only who is timeless. If in some manner the voice of an individual reaches us from the remotest distance of time, it is a timeless voice speaking about ourselves." Eric Hoffer

“How much easier is self-sacrifice than self-realization. The short-lived self, teetering on the edge of irrevocable extinction, is the only thing that can ever really matter. Thus the renunciation of the self is felt as a liberation and salvation.” Eric Hoffer

“All honor be to those who give/Their lives in learning how to live” George Dillon

“The greatest thing in the world is to know how to belong to oneself.” Michel de Montaigne

“The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be.” Ralph Waldo Emerson

"If you bring forth what is within you, what you bring forth will save you. If you do not bring forth what is within you, what you do not bring forth will destroy you." Gnostic Gospel of Thomas

"A man is a god in ruins. To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment. Our chief want is someone who will inspire us to be what we know we could be." Ralph Waldo Emerson

"What humans must be, they can be. This work I call Self-Actualization." Jack of All (Free) Trades

Visit my Resource For Your Source? https://www.resourceforyoursource.com

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Well... WOW.

Thank you Jack for the rich quotes and generosity of your words. Beautiful comment. Best wishes to you.😊

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👏 👏 👏

Oh, my dear Kathleen, I LOL’d a few times. I am absolutely stealing your response to anyone who ever asks me about being jabbed.

Btw, not sure if it’s a glitch with kofi or what, but it wouldn’t process two forms of payment until it finally let me use a third. And I had to jump through some security hoops to prove my identity. I don’t think I’ve had to do that before while donating through Kofi.

Anyway, this was one of my favourites you’ve written. There are many many many of those asking how their hair looks on their way to the gallows (spot on analogy). Keep talking, keep writing, keep creating, keep singing, keep painting, keep exposing, keep pointing at the emperors, keep on keeping on.

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Thank you so much, Tonika! And same back to you and your beautiful work. I've been sharing your Sounds of Silenced Science (https://visceraladventure.substack.com/p/the-sound-of-silenced-science) everywhere. Just loved it.

Weird and concerning about kofi. Thank you for letting me know and for your persistence.❤️‍🩹

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Much appreciated! 👊

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'the blessing is in the doing' a close friend cree elder would often say........'good doing' i say.

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I like that! Thank you.😊

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Punkin spice lattes are back again.


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Nice to see you around, Monica.

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You nailed it once again. After reading this Hubs and I had a talk. About this. I am amazed how many goodhearted people just went along to travel or whatever. They are making us powerless in the face of our own fear and using us as the enemy against our own humanity.

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Thank you. And, well said! That's exactly right. Puppet masters.

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Oct 2, 2022
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I swear much more now than ever and I'm pretty sure that's occurring naturally in response the outrages of world, Of course, it still fails to capture it all.

I think Mary has the right idea - playing in nature is an excellent tonic. And its so much bigger than the would-be controllers of world wrecking havoc.

Thanks for the comment and yes! Definitely take off that figurative mask!

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My mother would be appalled at my potty mouth 😩😂

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Oct 2, 2022
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I'm appalled at my potty mouth! for fuh.. sake, I cannot seem to stop. I swear and rant at politicians and leaders out loud full stop and then see myself in the mirror and, well, it is a horror show. And that makes me hate what they have done to us all the more.

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