I don't disagree with anything you say. However, I'd like to offer a counter-note. If all we do is try to counter the crisis that we are in, then we are still captive to its ideology. We are defining ourselves by the crisis. Instead, I think we need to decide what it is that we love in life. We focus on that. In this sense, we are reversing the polarity. We are saying, this is how I choose to live with my family and my neighbors. I personally don't talk much at all about politics or vaccines. I talk about who are you, and what are you hopes, and where do make a difference? There is a switch that we can turn on and turn off. That switch has to do with whether I am living in response to other's perception of the crisis or am living creatively out of my own sense of purpose in the world. I have seen a change in people over the past year where recognition of the crisis has led to a kind of liberation of their openness to what is possible in their lives. I believe the world is so complex, that no one thing can long determine the course of human civilization. So, where do you find the simple joys in your day? For me, it is my first cup of coffee in the morning. And sitting at my computer to write or prepare to talk to someone. By realizing what we love and where joy comes from, then we have a basis for hope that can drive our actions whether to resistance or to creativity. Now, for me, it is time for a second cup of coffee.

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Thank you, Ed, for that beautiful comment which I fully agree with. This is the best way forward. And, at the same time, I still feel a need to point out, perhaps to those who don't yet see it - that their governments and their cohorts do not have their best interests at heart. Best to you.

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One of my family members had an awakening recently. When I asked about it, I was told, "Well, you know I'm a rule follower." What was it that caused the change of mind? Son-in-law's heart problems. The opportunities to inform and not judge are plentiful. I describe what I see as the Spectacle of the Real (https://edbrenegar.substack.com/p/the-spectacle-of-the-real). It is presented to us a series of images that are to define and explain everything. In reality, it is a simulation (think The Matrix). Its purpose is to seduce us to follow our desires for some emotion resonance that has little basis in reality. This seduction, in order for it to be justified, like the seduction of wearing a mask to protect others, we must develop a kind of righteous unquestioning mindset. In reality, it is a false consciousness that has a religious-like character to it. From this state, we can be controlled. To reverse that, we don't define ourselves by some feeling or ideology, no titles, we define ourselves by what we do. Out of this testing we become self-aware people, and discover that we are free to choose the direction in life we want to take. We know it is freedom because we can change and go a different direction without fear of rejection or contradiction. I think this opens the door for the kinds of conversations that you are referring to.

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Thanks - I will read the essay and already agree with the theme on images. (Which reminds me of Jaqueline Hobbs who references the Science of Images, which is how she says, the self-system technology works to keep us in the matrix.)

"We know it is freedom because we can change and go a different direction without fear of rejection or contradiction."

I love that. Look forward to reading your work, and appreciate the comments which are elevating thread-discussion.

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Two things. I think it was Gen. Eisenhower who said, "Not all readers are leaders; but all leaders are readers." Jump from that to we need to be readers and writers in conversation with one another through the comments on our substack posts. This is a community of people. So, if you keep writing, I'll keep reading. Thanks.

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Excellent. Thank you. And I will do the same.

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You both are totally correct and I embrace each idea of how to live the best life for us. Some days I am a fierce lioness and some days I am a introspective introvert who is content delving into what makes me who I am and how I am continually shaping myself to live my best life. It is a balance on the rope that is my life. Our life. Our world. And, when those around me awaken, I am here for them.

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Nicely put, SadieJay! Thanks.💞

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You're right, Kathleen. These psychotic lunatics are on Page 12 while we're stuck on paragraph one of page 6. They've been sitting around their little tables running their pandemic simulations for decades now. That's a massive head start. They mapped every contingency in stunning, murderous detail. What gives me the greatest pleasure, though, is knowing that despite all their malevolent intent and meticulous planning, they STILL failed to get some of us in what's been the greatest, most evil psyop of all time. It must drive them nuts. Fantastic post, Kathleen. As always!

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Thanks for the kinds words. And you nailed the point - those who didn't get sucked in - humans who are seeing through it - we represent the future. Such extraordinary effort and it didn't work! That's something to hold on to, to create a foundation for going forward. Best.

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So after three years, MSM has declared it probably was a lab leak and maybe the US was involved in offshoring its dangerous operations. Not only to Wuhan but rarely mentioned, Ukraine too.

But with their game planning table top exercises, specifically in October 2019 Sars-Covid one (John Hopkins had one as had Germany earlier in the year). With lab leak in China that the Chinese CDC, present agreed to—-

What if it wasn’t a lab leak? Following from Karen Kingston’s and David Martin’s work ‘following the patents’ all the way to 2010 - Sars-CoV-2 was operational by 2019.

So it was a targeted leak of infectious biological material in specific spots. Hospitals are good as full of already sick people. That’s where I got it. And it was WEIRD like a toxin. Like a stroke. Or how about sending out from one’s country, and accepting such infected people knowingly into yours?

It was on purpose.

So how do you handle that fact? Their enemy is All of US?

They named it Covid for it’s real purpose, Certificate Of Vaccination ID!

FYI Brits didn’t go along with track and trace, v passports, nor ID’s. So Sunak has agreed a Digital trade deal with Ukraine. We take on their Rockefeller ID2020 system and they get access to The City of London financial systems for their money washing ops. Win win for oligarchs!

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"So it was a targeted leak of infectious biological material in specific spots." I think this makes the most sense. And I get your point, the media 3 years later may just be propagandizing another falsehood. Psyops in psyops, so many layers.

I don't spend too much time on the details - because of the multiple layers and deceptions - I focus on the larger obviousness of a global attack. The sooner we see the bigger picture - imo - the sooner we stop complying, the sooner we make them irrelevant and do our own thing. Which is where our agency and genuine power lies anyway. Thanks.

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Thanks for sharing link. I saw Dr. Tess Lawrie put out a stack today on cell phones as well. I moved to dumb phone last year. It's a thing, and most people don't know smartphones were created as weapons. (Cyrus Parsa has covered this.)

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re: targeted leak in specific spots, maybe or maybe not. Don't forget the characteristics of EMF poisoning, which mimics what we have been told about symptoms of "the so-called virus". Hospitals, elder care homes, cruise ships, etc. are full of heavy duty EMF. Mercola has a book about "Don't get EMF'd". I haven't read it yet, but plan to.


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Start by planting a garden.

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Fully agree.

Thanks for adding that.

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Finally have to say it- not personal but this reaction/ suggestion frustrates me the most. As if we arent designed to be Omnivores. As if planting a few veggies can meet year round nutritional needs. As if the chemtrails and weather fuckery wont compromise yields and impart dangerous chems into your beds. As if your soil is really full of the microbes necessary to feed your gut and not just dirt ( dirt is NOT soil). As if everyone has a growing season void of high winds, low rainfall, freezing overnight temps, and a well-stocked local gardening center to supply the endless items needed to grow a single edible carrot or head of lettuce that doesnt bolt much less a years worth of the variety of veggies the body requires for health. Priced compost lately?

How about renters with zero land?

("You will own nothing and be happy"-ville)

Grow potatoes and onions in your bedroom I suppose? And dont mind the triple utility bills to make sure you have enough "indoor artifical sunlight" and filtered water unless of course you are somehow flouride and pfas deficient and gotta get more of that tap water into your food! Just connect a hose to your sink and run it through the living room! better yet, Repurpose your bathtub...who needs to bathe anyway?

Over the past five years I have spent a ridiculous amount of money pursuing this "plant a garden" solution and we came to call it the "$30 celery charade."

I do now have an indoor hydroponic garden tower with lights ( solution after multiple hail storms followed by too hot temps destroyed inputs and couldnt get soil ph optimal, pests controlled, etc etc) and fed by Berkey filtered water producing beautiful greens ( which is about all you can grow indoors) but it was insanely pricey and this will not be enough to offset the ravages of the coming famines. It provides almost no protein (some in spinach) and none of the essential amino acids.

Please. Stop.

"Plant a Garden"=false hope at a high dollar, high enery drain and takes years to master.

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Good points. I don't want to speak for Rick, but I imagine neither of us were suggesting it's a perfect solution or even a complete solution. It is however, something that we can do, can get better at, and issues aside, might keep us alive. It's empowering rather than victim-based, so still good advice imo.

Thanks for the comment.

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Actually, I took the “plant a garden” as meaning to bring joy to myself in my herbs & flowers. Someone else said do what you love; I love to step outside my door to snip herbs for home-cooked meals & fill my house with beautiful flowers. I love to sit quietly in my courtyard & watch the bees, butterflies & hummingbirds. That’s how I took it. I have no capacity to plant anything or enough of anything to sustain myself or survive. To plant a garden is hyacinths for the soul, for me anyway

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Well that's a huge plus! I agree with doing things you love. Many people won't be in a position to grow their own food, we'll need to trade with people who do. Human relationships are the most important currency imo.

Thanks. 'hyacinths for the soul' - love it!

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“If thou of fortune be bereft,

and in thy store there be but left,

2 loaves, sell 1 & with the dole,

buy hyacinths to feed thy soul”

John Greenleaf Whittier

We can all use soothing the soul in these terrible times….

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I bought pansies today for my window boxes. Just their colors alone induce happiness. Good to remember all the 'goods', yes.

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You have produced a strawman argument. An excuse.

There are low cost designs that other than initial setup require low effort and produce free highly nutritious food enough, and do it in a normal sized back yard. People who don't have land ought to make a deal with older people who do.

To count calories is to suck into the agribusiness narrative of what is the cheapest food to keep the lumpen proletariat energy enough to work.

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Thank you Kathleen, The absolute absurdity of our situation, really gets me sometimes. I can't articulate are there really people out there doing what they are doing, sometimes I have to doubt myself, surely this can't be.

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A poignant reminder of so many vital things! I always find your writing to resonate. Thank you.

I nodded my head in agreement throughout as I read your words, then when to care for my garden to ponder.

As I reflected on your words, I kept returning to the notion that we are in a spiritual struggle. A lot of people have spoken to this. The struggle is often painted as a good v evil dichotomy, and there’s truth to that, but it often falls short as a true, but somehow shallow depiction.

The good v evil opposition is often highly externalized—focused primarily on the “bad others”, their deceptions and ill deeds. What I feel and have observed is that the struggle is also very much internal—within ourselves, and importantly, how that self interacts with the thoughts and intentions of others. As much as we remain vigilant to the nefarious actions we observe playing out in the world—the dastardly plan—so to we may become myopic in our focus on that darkness.

We struggle so mightily to decode the lies. Resistance can become ceaseless information gathering, debate, and argumentation. It can devolve into a search for righteous affirmation, one set of sentiments pitted against another. Much of it driven by anger, fear, and a desire to be ‘right’ and depose those thoughts we reject for ourselves. The same macro external opposition of Us vs Them comes to dominate the micro internal opposition of Self vs Others.

And while that search for balance between self and others plays out, we can easily become entrenched in a spiral that is simultaneously seeking a tribe and self-affirmation.

It’s hard to stand and walk alone. The spiritual struggle is also within us.

As people reach out for truth and a tribe, lessons emerge. Some of it new for some, some of it well-worn practice for others: knowing and learning how to listen to each other, how to respect one another—how to find a path together, even though we may be at variance, understanding that coexistence requires a degree of temperance and humility.

This is not a kumbaya to those that would enslave the world. Nor is it a surrender to falsehoods or deception. Rather, a recognition of the realities of human community. The same thing we will need to embrace before and after things come tumbling down. Regardless of what happens, it will always be there.

This is a difficult challenge. A warrior’s challenge.

Knowing when to leave the sword in the sheath, and when to wield it.

Can we be both seek the truth and be tolerant of those that perceive differently?

Can we hold to principles without judgement?

Can we be both fierce and compassionate? Steadfast and yet yielding.

Can we exemplify love and still remain vigilant?

The struggle is also between myself and I. For all of us.

This is a warrior’s challenge too.

Striking the balance between the energy directed outwardly and the energy preserved internally. Remembering to feed our spirits as much as our bodies and minds. Remembering to care for ourselves so that we are ready when needed.

Because the road is long and hard. We will need the strength of spirit to maintain ourselves ready and able. And we cannot walk alone, so we must cultivate the spirit that joins us all.

I so appreciate your work—thank you.

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Well, wow, TFish. What a thoughtful comment - so much to consider.

"The good v evil opposition is often highly externalized—focused primarily on the “bad others”, their deceptions and ill deeds. What I feel and have observed is that the struggle is also very much internal—within ourselves, and importantly, how that self interacts with the thoughts and intentions of others."

I think about this too. They mirror each other and yes, it's so much easier to see it "out there", then see it "in here." And yet, in in our individual selves where we can make the biggest difference which then gets reflected back out into the world.

It is a difficult challenge and I love your questions. I hope many of us will ask them.

My son just mentioned today that a coworker learned his 18 year old nephew had died of a heart attack. My immediate reaction is a mix of sadness and anger. As these stories pile up and the human suffering and unnecessary loss accumulate, how will we respond? It's so easy to want retribution.

Yet, that can not be the way forward, can it?. Not if the world newly emerging is going to be better than the one on its way out. We have to do better than that.

Appreciate you! Thanks so much. Best.

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The pain and anguish generated is an avalanche, if one pays attention to it. I think part of the struggle is that the assaults on everyone are deep and profound: to our sense of personal autonomy, cognitive integrity, familial and community ties, and our basic capacity to feel. And they continue.

Forcing oneself to be present now is fraught with land mines. If one isn’t spiritually prepared for it, it can be extremely traumatizing and cripple our ability to practice empathy and compassion.

It’s really vital for us to feel the pain and anger and not shy away from it, tempting as that may be. Not in a masochistic sort of way, but in the spirit of the bravery of a warrior that moves thoughtfully through the world with kindness and love.

No easy challenge. There may be no more difficult challenge.

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Well said.

"Forcing oneself to be present now is fraught with land mines."

That line was surprising. I make the assumption that NOT being present is where the land mines are. Of course, denial is often a protective mechanism, so I get your point. "There's no pushing the river," as the expression goes.

I tend to think - "you need to get this in order to be prepared, it could save your life" - which is of course a singular approach that doesn't address the multitude. For some it may be, that staying in a protection, denial-like state, is best way forward.

Das, good.

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Ah. That line was meant to point at the burden one takes on by being present with the pain and suffering unfolding. There’s an oft-quoted line: “When you stare at the abyss, the abyss stares back at you.” Immersion and embracing of suffering can exact a tremendous toll, even when the experience is only tangential. Some become angry and hateful, some depressed and forlorn, others become calloused, or even numb. The fallout can be dire. Navigating this is the metaphorical minefield, and the minesweeper here is the strength of spirit.

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Got cha. And it's so true about that abyss staring. It's tricky.

As for the strength of spirit - so deeply agree. It is, what can always be relied on. So ever-present, consistent, and holds all of it, unaffected. I suspect that's really - under all the many identities we may assume - who we really are.💞 Great comments, here, TFish. Thank you.

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Reflection spurred by your insightful post—thank YOU!

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Kathleen, I've been thinking a lot about this question. The oldest trick in the book is "divide and conquer," and that's what's happened to those of us who oppose the anti-human agenda. They keep us fighting amongst ourselves over a variety of highly emotional wedge issues (religion, race, abortion, guns, etc.).

For a better future, we have to learn from the past. An opposition coalition is the only way forward.

If this were easy, we would have done it already. It means, among other things, that we need to establish open dialogue with thinkers from other factions - even those, such as White Nationalists - that many of us are diametrically opposed to in terms of ideology.

Some related thoughts here.


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Thanks, Lex. I just read your post and agree with you. We will necessarily need to cooperate among a broad scope of different views and find ways to unify. Thank you for sharing.

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Beautiful, sad essay. I want to re-read it, slower, when I have more time later this evening.

In just the opening paragraphs, I felt you were on the verge of pointing out what's so insidious about the "progressive" / "conservative" dichotomy that we've all been trained to accept as an immutable and basic fact of political life. If only one side gets to define "progress" then it's only a matter of how soon we arrive. We can dig our heels in and stubbornly stand our ground... but what if that's not really where we wanted to be, just where we're stuck?

I would identify as an "independent conservative" if pressed, but I'm not very comfortable with either part of that label. I wish there was a viable party I could affiliate with, one that wasn't obviously rotten with corruption. And of all the things I value in this world, I'm not sure that there's all that much left to conserve! So much has already eroded, as you show here.

I want progress on my own terms. Our terms. Progress toward a humane, respectful, free, and thoroughly decentralized world. Progress in the other direction!

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Thank you, Shy Boy.

Sadly, I think the party system has been a big part of the intentional status keeping us divided. A true illusion now, and I'm not very optimistic on our country. Do we have a sovereign government anymore? Or has the global hidden hand taken it over?

Still, we will get on the other side of this - so much is coming undone and out in the open. Difficult but it has to happen. More and more of us will say what you're saying - progress on our terms.

Appreciate the comment. Best.

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Hopefully there are enough of us to 'return fire' at our universal enemy - the unscrupulous Elite.

It won't be long before my comments below will find I am not allowed to buy food or other essentials because I speak, the truth!

NZ must rank up with Canada and China for being the most unscrupulous murderous Control Freaks by stopping a sick baby from receiving clean blood from unvaxxed doners?

Fantastic to see so many 'super stars' and REAL EXPERTS of the real world crucifying the Covid & Vax myths during their recent symposium! Hopefully the news won't be buried by BIG PHARMA's immense wealth and capacity to hide the truth and influence Governments.

Everybody on the planet knows Covid came from BATS and has been engineered for years, by Faucci & friends, to be as dangerous as possible against human beings. It's also a well known fact that Faucci's 'GAIN OF FUNCTION' (Bioweapon) experiments were originally carried out in the USA (N. Carolina Etc,.) until it was deemed "TOO DANGEROUS" to carry on such experiments on US soil! So China was incentivised to carry on the deadly experiments in Wuhan labs. Probably working simultaneously on expensive cures (incorrectly called vaccines) in the adjacent laboratories.

Amazingly, within just a few months, two identically engineered mRNA vaxxes appeared. Impossible, considering how secretive the Pharma industry is. Then several other injected solutions appeared all within weeks of each other (A MIRACLE?) None of them work and all can be dangerous or DEADLY.

In spite of millions of Deaths post vax world wide, the Cull continues? Unbelievable, when you realise that in 1976 Bog Pharma pretended to have an injected 'CURE' for Swine Flu. They were given TEMPORARY IMMUNITY from LIABILITY to inject US citizens.

After 50+ US citizens died POST-Swine Flu vax, the US government stopped the 'EXPERIMENT' because just 50+ fatalities occurred - caused by Useless DEADLY vax.

This time, Big Pharma are so entrenched into Governments and Controlling bodies such as CDC & FDA, that they can carry on this depopulation CULL unhindered and without consequence.

Remember, the CONCESSION for NO LIABILITY was supposedly TEMPORARY in 1976, but Big Pharma make the rules now and stupid, incompetent Governments take responsibility for all Big Pharma's MURDERS & Life impacting Vax injuries. Crazy world?

Big Pharma probably had influence in changing the dictionary meaning of 'VACCINE' TWICE over the past 10 years because their lame ineffective injections do nothing to STOP or arrest the spread of the man made poisons.

LIABILITY must be reintroduced and life will get back to some sort of normality.

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed because I joined the dots.

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Thanks, Mick. I can always rely on you for impassioned comments. And no argument here! Best.

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My biggest challenge is staying positive and not fearing.

Coming clean is a great resource to read and re-read every once in a while.

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I get it. And yes, agree. If someone like Catherine can know everything she does, has been through all she's been through, and still believes we get on the other side of this, that's really saying something. I believe it too - and at the same time - if we give up or get complacent - we could drag this out much longer than needed. Humans win in the end.


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Terrific article, with sound practical and actionable advice!

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Thank you, Gary. I know much is stating the obvious, but I know I need the reminders from time to time!

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Yes, me too. This is a good list to revisit often.

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Cheers! M.

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Believe the gig is indeed up. Maybe we would be better off blind??


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Oh, that's a beauty!

Well, despite the message - I'm an optimist in the end. New world coming minus these fuckers.

Thanks for the link and comment.

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Absolutely. These psychopathic pedophiles with arrested development and poor impulse control need a very long time out.

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i think you're probably kinder than I am. I think they need to go for good!😊

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Yes. Agree .But then there's always the task of saving our own souls. Retribution may not be ours. But difficult to imagine enough prisons, courts, scaffoldings, public stocks.

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I'm not really worried about my soul. I feel good in that. Nor am I thinking retribution - they must be stopped of course - and I suspect they will turn on each other mostly.

So, how they get sorted isn't my primary concern. Only that they can no longer act in the emerging world which I envision as human-friendly.

I want them gone, yes, but I don't advocate for death or violence.

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Agree 100%. Lock them up under psychiatric supervision with each other. The perfect tool.

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It looks like I missed this post and its powerful sentiment. Glad I went back to take a peek on your stack. The little steps is where we begin, definitely. 🙏

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Thanks, Tonika.

(I was late - initially missed - your last post as well. Which was just fabulous btw.)

So many substacks to keep up with! It's a good conundrum.)

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Definitely a good problem to have. And thanks for keeping up with me. I know I can get long winded but hopefully I don’t post too often.

I hope you are having a nice joyful holiday season, even through all the muck. Is it just me, or is this Xmas way less anxious than the last? I felt like the walls were closing in last year.

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I never ever think 'long-winded' reading your stuff.😊

Thanks and same backatcha. I'm not particularly in the spirit just yet, but I do like the lighted tree in the living room! And yes, agree - feels lighter this year. Let's take it as a good sign, shall we?

Best to you.

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Ditto. 🤗

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Dec 13, 2022Edited
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Thank you for your extraordinary comment - which could be a stack in itself!

I agree with you - the greatest changes are happening on non-physical dimensions - and I imagine we see their effects most slowly on the physical. I actually think on other dimensions, this force is already gone or has at least given up. Only the tentacles of it running through our societies remains though can't sustain, as the frequencies on planet go up.

RE: "As it turned out, not only did this effort lead to a personal breakthrough, but put me in touch with an ongoing non-physical project to bring light/love into the world, which I now believe is the most important initiative, without which the physical initiatives are futile."

I'd love to hear more about this if you care to share.

Also fully endorse love as the most powerful force there is. (That said, I do think we have a non-human force on the planet that is synthetic AI like and not being human, does not respond to love.)

I can't say I love Schwab. Or Gates, etc. But maybe I can love the mysterious life-force that brought even them, to us?

Read the story you linked - very beautiful, wise and healing. So many good things happen when love is the motivating force. Thank you so much. I look forward to hearing more about your recent experiences and the vast spiritual network you reference. Best.

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