They lack a real self... They depend on the outside world to justify their power. Internally they lack any power or will. They lack a "soul", which is why they seek to control others who have one.

Great explanation here:


Great quote from the movie tombstone:

Wyatt Earp:

What makes a man like Ringo, Doc? What makes him do the things he does?

Doc Holliday:

A man like Ringo has got a great big hole, right in the middle of himself. And he can never kill enough, or steal enough, or inflict enough pain to ever fill it.

Wyatt Earp:

What does he want?

Doc Holliday:


Wyatt Earp:

For what?

Doc Holliday:

Bein' born.

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Thanks Rob. I love that scene in Tombstone. Kilmer's best role - imo.

I agree, in some cases, there is no essential self. In others maybe its in there still? I like to think so.


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How about a t-shirt that reads "Be the Huckleberry." Val was amazing in that role and your comment was spot on, Rob.

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I have been sitting here wondering what they want with us, besides our demise. The separating of the essential spirit which we embody from the soul-less darkness of those whom we allow to lord over us is moving at warp speed and showing the true colors of everyone on the planet. I am choosing light and life. And I am choosing to be a giant pain in the ass to those evil bastards.

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I have no doubt about that where you are concerned, SadieJay. Would be great if we could 'inject' some of that spirit into others!!

The world is no doubt better for you being a pain in the ass to them.


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Amen to my fellow PITA

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We all contain our own evil impulses and the capacity to dramatize them too.

Be careful what you pray (prey) for!

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This is exactly what I needed to hear this morning, Kathleen. Thank you for that. And those pictures look even more beautiful as desktops, where I can see the textures within colors. Thank you for them!

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Thanks Tereza! I know - I can't get enough of them right now. Glad you're enjoying them!

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Thank you. You speak truth. A truth that needs to be heard and repeated.

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What a kind comment, Laura! And so lovely of you to say.

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Also me thinks the best way to drive these creatures to thirst hunger starvation

Is to be fully Joyous and filled with Holy power that is invincible. Someone must lead.

They eat our doubts and fears

I say put them on a strict diet taking their

Fun and games and power

All their power is from a counterfeit god.

We must never be afraid nor intimidated

By these wretched souls

And Christ said love your enemies

Well that is difficult

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Yes to be joyous and filling with our light-source.

And yes to standing up to them.

They seem fully anti-human to me, so far away from basic values of love and care.

I think when we do what we know is right, the rest sort of takes care of itself. They want us completely dependent on them, it's their only way of maintaining power. We don't go along and make them quickly irrelevant. Which might get dicey for awhile. But we'll get through.

I think we're here for this exact moment and somewhere inside we know what we signed up for.


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Irrelevant yes! Yes to we were born for this exact challenge. Will get dicey

Will get very strange and dark.

We will come through with less demons assuming powers never given or earned but taken.

Their game is demoralize, divide, destroy. All this is ongoing but it all rebounds to them.,

Considering it’s all out war.

And I feel extremely blessed

That they want me.

I feel special ;)

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Keep the bright light shining amidst the dark! We’re a lot more powerful and essential than we recognise. And, wow, that artwork!! 😍😍😍

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Thank you, Tonika!

Oh we really are - so much more powerful than we know. Discovering this is the big gift in all this current grief. Hugs.

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🤗 right back atcha.

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I'm all about keeping our lights shining bright!! Essays like this help us do just that. Love the interwoven poetry, Kathleen, and the art, too -- more evidence of our elevated essence.

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Thanks, Mary. I know that about you, can feel that about you.😊

Appreciate the comment!

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I love your thoughts on the nature of our situation. The heart shaped balloon on a string evokes an image of soul reaching for spirit. Some call this the lesser works, necessary before the greater works can happen. The greater work is the spirit infusing the physical plane because we make room for and welcome it. This is why elites are debasing our souls.

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Thanks, Sounder.

Yes, love made real in and through us. I think that's coming, I really do.

We've had to shake off a lot of the distortions, still are, but once that's out of the way (externally in the world and internally mirrored in us) we can genuinely step forward and create the world we want. We'll do it. Best.

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Is "It" the soul?

Is "This" the ultimate battle of evil attempting to frighten and overcome persons who's minds have 'weak' conviction?

Those who have 'spirit, soul, conviction' can seemingly ' help others to build up this 'mental weakness'...

Our parents parents had this conviction, they were mostly civil persons with strong moral compass and persons of stout moral character and SOUL...

Even the music of these days seems programmable stuff...

No SOUL...

tones used to excite, depress, enrage...

Soul-less experiences...

STAND FIRM in your convictions...

Mental Armor

Choose a side,

focus on

Good... or fear, death, weakness...

Or otherwise ....

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Thanks, for the comment, Vinnie. Yes, "soul" works! I so agree, been saying the same for years that that quality of soul that used to be ubiquitous in music has gone missing.

I agree completely. It's now or never. Best to you.

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Thank you Kathleen...

after reading your excellent post, this article appeared in my e-mail...

imho, this supports your post nicely...


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Thank you Vinnie - I will check it out.

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Funny timing...Hubs shipmate is on a plane with his family (wife is Serbian) to relocate to the USA right now. He is American.

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Yes. The music.

Though maybe the Woodstock generation is chronologically closer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JCS-g3HwXdc, I say up the ante with the equivalence of Abbey Lincoln ... specifically from 15:40 ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z5GSYwveJRw. Oh god, even without the sound, just look in her eyes and you know where she is coming from.

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Put on the mind-created "armor of 'god'" to immunize yourself against any kind of vulnerability. Whereas to be fully human and alive is to be extremely sensitive to the unspeakable suffering of the human condition

The beginning of compassionate Wisdom is knowing that everyone is hell-deep afraid of dying. And that the beginning of True Wisdom is learning to consciously die in every moment.

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I think I understand your point, Jonathan. Agree we don't want to build walls against others suffering - it's part of the human condition and experience. It is a heartbreaking time, and how could we not feel that? At the same time, my interpretation of 'armor of god' is not about cutting our hearts off, but staying strong in our connection to the Source that created us which really, allows us to be more present to what's going on. They are not mutually exclusive. Maybe I'm not quite getting your point?

Thank you.

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Yes, Kathleen, excellent explanation. Staying strong in our connection to God...

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Exactly 100% yes. THANK YOU! They want our source, our essence, our God-self, our LOVE, because they have none. They need it desperately to survive, as a vampire needs the blood of a virgin. They've got adrenochrome in the meantime, feeding of the rush of terror from harvested baby and child adrenals. Interestingly, a UK lab provides both PCR test kits AND adrenochrome. So let's get out our garlic and sautée these fuckers. We have the power! They are completely dependent on us - and we outnumber them millions to one!

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I agree, Navyo. There is a genuine parasitical aspect to what's happening. A feeding off of, that's hard to see, but surely happening. Adrenochrome a particularly extreme example though I think the harvesting of human energy is far more prevalent that we realize.

We can handle it, when we stand in our light. They go darker, we go brighter. That's the best f-off to them.

Best to you.

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Thanks, Kathleen. Indeed, shining our light is, to continue the metaphor, like sunlight to vampires who thrive in the shadows. The more we shine, the more our light penetrates that shadow, the more we see just how extensive it is, not just for decades but centuries. One thing I've noticed is the predatorial 'elite' cannot tolerate being exposed, cannot tolerate the truth. Hence Ursula von der Leyen announcing at Davos this week that 'misinformation' is the world's greatest threat. They don't stand a chance.

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I echo your thoughts here, Navyo.

Exactly - they operate in shadow (used to) and getting desperate now, as they run out of time. What a long con.

They're still dangerous as we know, and will attempt to take as many with them as they can in their effort to hang out. I feel for the compliers who still don't see the situation.

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Sweet and nailed it with the essentials of life, all form of it too-animal, plant rock etc. so glad the SEC didn’t allow a nature ETF fund for the ownership of nature !

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Thanks, Susan! Yes, that was good to see. Best.

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Needed beauty among the dark. Inspiring

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🙏 Danka!

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How do you gather yourself to write your heart without spilling tears that seem never ending. I want to write but its so heavy and the things I would write are lessons from horrific past experiences that remind of the trauma and in turn become a reliving .

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I think we find ways to express ourselves, what has to be expressed in different ways. For me writing helps integrate fragments in an ongoing way, an attempt to find a cohesive 'me' in the midst of so much change. Which doesn't mean, there won't be more fragmentation, and another need to recalibrate it all. I think the painter of these images, does that through his artwork.

It may also be, letting yourself write out - or paint out - what's in you that's so painful wouldn't just be a reliving, but also a releasing and might free you up.

I cry all the time.

Thanks for the comment, JJ. Best.

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That was beautiful. Thank you for the article!

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Thank you, Nicol! Best.

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Their lives are 2 things money & power. At their level they have nothing, no one else. They didn’t cultivate family and friends, they were too busy acquiring. On the other hand we plebes have a life. They cant imagine our contentment because they never are. We have God, Family, Country. They have the shallowness of their peers..... there is a huge void because they can never be whole. The important thing and what is missing in them is having a life.

Loved your article, thanks

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🙏😊 Thank you, Bobbie. (I agree they are pathetic lot.)

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This is power. Pure, untainted power.

Beautifully said 🫡

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😘Thank you!

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What a lovely analysis of our situation right now directly from the true source just when we need it most. Keep up the good work. I'm glad I found you here Kathleen Devanney.

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Thank you, Peter. Very kind. Best to you.

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