Kathleen, what a great idea! A national speech given by ordinary people is a foundational brick with which we can build the foundation for a parallel society: We decide to simply exit the collapsing hall of mirrors prison built for us and innovate together to create a humane system. No need for hatred, drama or revolution—just walk away, make the old system obsolete and build back better for real.

PS: I think MYOB ( mind your own business) was the first acronym I ever learned (from my mama).😄

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Thank you, Rev! I appreciate the enthusiasm and yes, agree, it could be foundational. As Margaret Anna recently posted, using quotes from Buckminster Fuller, we do just that - create what we want, rather than fight what is.

WIse mama. :-)

Thanks for the comment.💕

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Gosh I wish my mama taught us that! It was always "what will the neighbors think about us?" Shame finger pointed at the culprit.

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Yes, unraveling the effects of constant comparisons takes courage, but the joy of reorienting yourself around your own desires is so worth it!

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I loved BOTH Kathleen posts! Isn't it incredible how fired up and awake so many of us have become because of the BS? The SOTU is such a joke. I never watch it. I love your idea and IDK, I'm thinking that Tonika @visceraladventure might come up with an award-winning one...

Also, I love that we can mind our own business but have the freedom to write and express our thoughts for people to take or leave. XOXO

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Thank you, Barbara. It is incredible the and so good to acknowledge it. Far from all bad news out there!

Yes, Tonika! Of course. She'd kick ass with it. :-)

Good point and as it should be. Take it or leave it but do say what you think.

On that point, I'd also love to hear your version. 😊 (And, feel free to ignore the request.)

Very best and mucho gracias on the coffee!☕️🌿❤️

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Can I give a SOTU from a fairie’s perspective?? 🧚🥰

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Hell yeah you can!! I'd pay to read/listen to that. 😂

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We need some fairies in the WH… 🧚🧚🧚

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Haha! Fairies everywhere!!

So, I’m so trying to catch up with video projects, but since 4th of July I’d coming up, there’s a sweet satire that Mary wrote that we’ve been working on and then there’s this new Declaration of Dependence that John Wright wrote that I would love to get out y that time as well and I think I would have been able to dip my Todd in both the absurd and the refreshing, do keep your fingers crossed.

I sure do love this call to action, totally gels with my spirit. Because even as a transplant to this land that I criticise constantly, gosh darn it, do I love this country.

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a fairy and multiple mermaids for you

🧚‍♀️ 🧜🧜🧜🧜🧜


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I’ll take ‘em!! I do come from a long line of nautical people…

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And oops, what I meant to say was I can't wait to see/hear what you (and Mary) are working on!! XOXO

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Speaking of this country...another quote from Little House on the Prairie was from an episode where the government raised everyone's taxes and people were having to forfeit their land. One of the mean said "The next thing you know, the government will be taxing our income!" The LHOTP writers were on it...

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Oh my, they are such innocent times comparatively but the seeds of our current weeded-mess were already planted.

Yes, they were on it.

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Time to replace Hierarchy "Sacred Rulers," with living by Rules without without the "Rulers" -- Anarchy is not chaos. Local decentralized communities is what we should be creating to Nullify the system.

What we have right now is a Representative Tyranny they like to call "Democracy."

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You're exactly right, Nef.

Time indeed. And I think you're right, local and decentralized is our best move.

Thanks. Best.

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The tyrants represent ... Themselves. Ack.

Local and decentralized, that's my motto, too.

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The State of the Union, it would take about 30 seconds.

The main theme would be we are tired of being "ripped off."

Any questions?

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A succinct version and I suspect everyone would agree! (Though I think it's far worse than even that. )

Thanks, Edwin. Best.

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It is far worse than that, magnitudes worse, so much worse that we skip the ammo box and go straight to truck bombs. But we’re being reasonable, something they haven’t tried with us.

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I'd like to see us create what we want rather than fight the dying system. They don't deserve our energy, imo.

Of course, if attacked, defending ourselves is another thing. Let's hope it doesn't come to that.

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I merely blink and your comment thread fills up! Love your post and that sassy song. Amy is conspiring with me on an episode I want to do called Round Body Advocate. I think Tami Nielson shimmying that fringe definitely makes my point ;-)

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As Round Body Advocates go, yeah Tami would be perfect.

No doubt it will be an insightful post - as always. (Though it doesn't roll off the tongue 'advocate' and so I'm imagining a song with rhyming lyrics. Maybe Round Body Boaster? IDK. Still on first cup. or

No pressure in participating on the SOTU by citizens, but I would love to hear what you would say. I suspect local communities in charge of themselves, and pulling the rug on most (all?) of the federal government?

Danka, Tereza.

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Round Body Boaster has a lovely ring to it.

And yes, I missed responding to the most important part of your post--the invitation! I'm imagining my contribution as a filing for divorce ;-) Thanks for that seed!

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Oh I like that! :-)

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Love this and I will pray that it gains traction. Makes me wish I lived in the USA as for sure I would be networking locally to make this happen. I will repost this on my substack in the next few days with a call to action. You are on fire Kathleen, does that make you a hot woman?

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Thank you, David! I so appreciate that.

I think this could be fun in addition to being a practical way of engaging each other and generating ideas.

lol! I guess I'd leave that question to others to answer. :-) That as an Aires, I am a fire sign.

Best to you, David.

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Well then Aries, it is an appropriate designation. Hot woman. May your fire spread!!

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I read this the other day and it gives hope for further growth in humanity.

"As traumatic transformations go, the covid operation is up there with industrialisation and de-industrialisation, and for time compression it is out on its own."

" And as for the rabbit hole trope – well, I don't think we’re going down the rabbit hole at all. We’re climbing out of it into the light."

(From https://realleft.substack.com/p/no-conspiracies-please-were-reality )

Yes! I call this the sequel to 1984. The party lost the trust of the masses. Look how they're trying to make us scared of war with China and Russia.... Meanwhile the oil and money still flows.

What a joke.

To use the Alice in Wonderland analogy, we were hallucinating in wonderland and now waking to real land which is much less insane.

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Excellent comment, Rob. Thank you.

And I had also covered - less thoroughly - Mike Williams on the Beatles (this too?) when I'd watched Jay Weidner interview him awhile back. Another opportunity to let go.

"To use the Alice in Wonderland analogy, we were hallucinating in wonderland and now waking to real land which is much less insane." Well said.

What do you think? Would you write and post your own version of the SOTU? Best.

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I'm all in, Kathleen. The tween teen book I'm about to publish is in this theme. I'd love to send you a link to read it. It's a quick read. It's the young ones we need to have them choose our side of the parallel structure and ignore/delegitimize the current corrupt one. If you are interested, message me and I'll send you a link.

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Thank you ICII!

I'd love to read it. And agree completely - our young people are in desperate need of another view, one that actually values and empowers them.

Please feel free to send to my email. devanneykathleen@gmail.com

Best to you.

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Great! Thank you! I'll be so interested in your feedback. It will be coming from the email of a previous book I published 12 years ago - brokenpotterybook@gmail.com

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I'll keep an eye out for it. My pleasure.

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I'm trying to catch up on all the posts I've let sliiiiiiide... This one is Most Pertinent!

Good job, and love the music, too.

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Danka, WH. I know the catch-up thing. Sometimes we just have to let things sliiide.:-)

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I simply LOVE this idea. Shouldn't we see the country directly through the eyes of her citizens, rather than hear some scripted, teleprompted, stage-managed version of "reality," read by a thoroughly out-of-touch fossil who has no clue what he's even reading?

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Thanks, Mary.

Yes, exactly right. I'd love to hear something real under that title for a change.


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YES! I feel that will be my next Substack. Great idea. Now that my life has slowed down, I am on it. Appreciate your words, as per usual. You are top tier. ♥♥

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You're such a sweetie!, Thank you, SadieJay. ❤️

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Kathleen, I had the same idea for Anzac Day.



I wrote:

Considering Anzac day has been totally hijacked by the government, RSL, freemasonry and people just go and sit there and have to listen to their self-serving garbage at the services, imagine if there was a 'people's Anzac service' where it was open mic and even if 20,000 people showed up, everyone had 1 minute to speak and say whatever they wanted: about their families, government corruption, their war experience, whatever. Then on to the next person. Imagine the stories. How amazing would it be even if it went for 10 hours straight. That would be the real Anzac Day. But 'they' would hate that. They make Anzac Day a sanitised experience and hide behind 'respect' because they are terrified cowards that kill us. Makes my blood boil.

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Thanks for sharing that, Excess. And awesome idea! :-) You were ahead of me on this.

How rapidly, if regular guys and gals actually had their voices amplified, could we speed the

demise of this nonsense? I think we could change things real quick. And we need to do this world-wide.

Maybe ask your readers if they would video or write up what they think? I'd love to see a tsunami drown out the voices of our sol-called leaders.

Appreciate the comment. Dead-on. Best to you.

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Great idea. Maybe that will be my next Anzac day article - I have one every April.

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deletedJun 10Liked by Kathleen
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"Living United with Life, we are ungovernable and forever free, loving our way through it all!"

Beautiful, thank you, Adrian.

Do you know Tereza Coraggio's stack - Third Paradigm? She's a CIM person who used quotes from it in her stack today. I think you'd appreciate it.


Best to you.

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Jun 10Liked by Kathleen

Thank you, dear Kathleen ! No, I was not acquainted with this author- very sweet of you to introduce me to Tereza's writing!

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My pleasure.

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