Margaret Anna Alice put out Letter to an Agree-to-Disagree Relative podcast which was initially posted last November. A good revisit. It’s helpful to read/listen to anyone who actually reflects the depth of outrageousness and absurdity of our current situation. Reading her words is like absorbing a healing balm.
For me the world split way before 2020. We had a divisive POTUS in 2008 that was starting a race war IMHO. That’s when I went down the rabbit hole and learned things I didn’t want or see to know and there was no turning back. The MSM and our guberment have been pulling the wool over the sheep’s eyes with legalized propaganda and mind control for a long time. Everything today is politics and it’s extremely purposefully divisive. Ms Emily is just another useful covidiot.
There is no acknowledgement because there is no "seeing," Kathleen. Said differently, there is only seeing of what they believe. These beliefs lie beyond facts to the contrary just as the mob's did in "The Emperor's New Clothes."
There is nothing new here. Beyond the immediate and painful effects of what cooperation and celebration of this crime brought to the world is the realization of the immorality of virtually everyone we know -- our friends, our families, our co-workers, our institutions across the board. I know psychologists like to get all "psychological" about this, but for me morality takes center stage.
The footing we thought we had -- even if a bit bumpy prior to this criminal catastrophe -- has been washed away. If contrition comes from some, fine. I recommend, though, not expecting it. That way, one can relieve her or himself of the pain of waiting and the pain of sure disappointment.
I have every reason to believe that you are fully sane and lucid, Kathleen, 😊 but you struggle as we all do with that impulse to want to control outcomes.
The difficulty in letting it go, IMO, comes from your humanity, a profound sense of righteousness that comes through in your writing, and the deep wish to see Justice done. I understand the wish to see others finally see the obvious.
Justice will be done, and it will be done whether you and I get the admission of wrongdoing by any of our friends, family, neighbors, "leaders," etc. Take heart in that.
Latest stats prove those that are 4 times injected with the useless, poisonous and dangerous 'vaccine' equates to 7 times MORE LIKELIHOOD of catching Covid than the UNVAXXED!
Long Term Myocarditis - No thanks!
Reintroduce 'LIABILITY' = Pfizer (Et al) would have to pay so much compensation they would go bust within a week!
More importantly, Covid would become a distant bad dream overnight!
Covidf Vax = Control & then total Slavery is the Elite's ultimate intention.
NO TO DIGITAL CURRENCY! It's just more control of our FREEDOM to Say what We THINK!
This is the latest stage by the WEF (Et al) to Starve, Control, demine and enslave us.
This is The Great Reset!
Mick from Hooe (UK)
Unjabbed to live longer and fight those that mean to enslave and depopulate the planet!
If the injections are a depopulation device. And I believe that they are.
And 12.7 Billion injections have been given, including about 65% of the US and UK population being fully jabbed. And a lot more people who didn't get the second injection for whatever reason.
If it is a depopulation device, whether by sterilization or outright mass murder, or perhaps even both, the numbers are eventually going to be irrefutable.
In that case the WEF the Davos crowd, Klaus Schwab, the Pharmaceutical executives the CDC, they won't have a place on Earth in which to hide.
I honestly don't understand how they would think that they could get away with this. Unless they plan to forever live in some secure bunker under the Swiss Alps. If that's the plan why not just do it. It's demonic and yet naively stupid as well.
Back in 2021, my pediatrician nephew called me and all who wouldn’t comply and get the shot “stupid.” (So professional and clinical, right?)
Doctors I work with yelled at me that my research was wrong! At the time, I told them I don’t use CDC/FDA/Pharma propaganda as part of my research, but that fell on deaf ears.
Simple answer to your question = ARROGANCE! Schwab has already blurted out more than a sensible tyrant dictator should = "Let them eat bugs" and "they will be happy owning nothing".
He takes us all for imbeciles as the 65% have proven!
I agree there will be (must be) devastating retribution for their 'crimes against humanity' and I'll happily be in the firing squad!
Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed and ready for target practice!
I get your point. We could go back to JFK's assassination and even earlier.
Yeah, 9/11, another op I thought would have been understood by the masses by now. (I'm really not good at grasping how tough it is to penetrate the very convincing show). Slow learner, I guess.
Once I awoke to the lies, I understood that everything I once believed was all a lie. Comments in a substack article (one of the few places to read truth) led me down the rabbit hole of 9/11. I feel like a fool. I have to fight being a cynical bitch now 😩
And yes, I keep saying these people need to OWN THEIR SHIT!
Or how about how in mid to late 1940 the UK was able to defend its.islands with Radar, and a year and a half later.the US couldn't detect the Air wing from three carrier battle groups heading to Hawaii?
And the more they smash, the more truth shards hit some randos in the eye. This is exponential. Look at how many folks woke up to reality after the jibby jab push. I was one of them. Yeah, I thought 9/11 was an inside job but not enough to figure out how to exit the system. Now, all I see is the shadow reality. The sun came up and made the shadows even more pronounced. Progress.
For me the world split way before 2020. We had a divisive POTUS in 2008 that was starting a race war IMHO. That’s when I went down the rabbit hole and learned things I didn’t want or see to know and there was no turning back. The MSM and our guberment have been pulling the wool over the sheep’s eyes with legalized propaganda and mind control for a long time. Everything today is politics and it’s extremely purposefully divisive. Ms Emily is just another useful covidiot.
You're right. More accurate to say the split became super duper obvious.
There is no acknowledgement because there is no "seeing," Kathleen. Said differently, there is only seeing of what they believe. These beliefs lie beyond facts to the contrary just as the mob's did in "The Emperor's New Clothes."
There is nothing new here. Beyond the immediate and painful effects of what cooperation and celebration of this crime brought to the world is the realization of the immorality of virtually everyone we know -- our friends, our families, our co-workers, our institutions across the board. I know psychologists like to get all "psychological" about this, but for me morality takes center stage.
The footing we thought we had -- even if a bit bumpy prior to this criminal catastrophe -- has been washed away. If contrition comes from some, fine. I recommend, though, not expecting it. That way, one can relieve her or himself of the pain of waiting and the pain of sure disappointment.
"If contrition comes from some, fine. I recommend, though, not expecting it."
I so know this is true... ugh. Why is it so hard to let that go? Some crazy part of me wanting to control the outcome - which is fully delusional.
I have every reason to believe that you are fully sane and lucid, Kathleen, 😊 but you struggle as we all do with that impulse to want to control outcomes.
The difficulty in letting it go, IMO, comes from your humanity, a profound sense of righteousness that comes through in your writing, and the deep wish to see Justice done. I understand the wish to see others finally see the obvious.
Justice will be done, and it will be done whether you and I get the admission of wrongdoing by any of our friends, family, neighbors, "leaders," etc. Take heart in that.
Sending you a virtual hug! 😘 Thank you.
Right back at you. :)
wise words - thanks
Latest stats prove those that are 4 times injected with the useless, poisonous and dangerous 'vaccine' equates to 7 times MORE LIKELIHOOD of catching Covid than the UNVAXXED!
Long Term Myocarditis - No thanks!
Reintroduce 'LIABILITY' = Pfizer (Et al) would have to pay so much compensation they would go bust within a week!
More importantly, Covid would become a distant bad dream overnight!
Covidf Vax = Control & then total Slavery is the Elite's ultimate intention.
NO TO DIGITAL CURRENCY! It's just more control of our FREEDOM to Say what We THINK!
This is the latest stage by the WEF (Et al) to Starve, Control, demine and enslave us.
This is The Great Reset!
Mick from Hooe (UK)
Unjabbed to live longer and fight those that mean to enslave and depopulate the planet!
If the injections are a depopulation device. And I believe that they are.
And 12.7 Billion injections have been given, including about 65% of the US and UK population being fully jabbed. And a lot more people who didn't get the second injection for whatever reason.
If it is a depopulation device, whether by sterilization or outright mass murder, or perhaps even both, the numbers are eventually going to be irrefutable.
In that case the WEF the Davos crowd, Klaus Schwab, the Pharmaceutical executives the CDC, they won't have a place on Earth in which to hide.
I honestly don't understand how they would think that they could get away with this. Unless they plan to forever live in some secure bunker under the Swiss Alps. If that's the plan why not just do it. It's demonic and yet naively stupid as well.
Fully endorse your message, Mick!
Thanks Kathleen! If we keep on 'keeping on' we'll win this war! 'Mick.
Beautiful piece, Kathleen. You have one error: the author of the Atlantic piece is Emily Oster. I believe you referred to her as Post.
Oh, darn. Thank you for the correction. And compliment.😊
I love substack and am very grateful for you and all the truth-tellers.
Wasn't Emily Post the etiquette guru of old?
I feel much the same.
I think you're right!!
She was...
Back in 2021, my pediatrician nephew called me and all who wouldn’t comply and get the shot “stupid.” (So professional and clinical, right?)
Doctors I work with yelled at me that my research was wrong! At the time, I told them I don’t use CDC/FDA/Pharma propaganda as part of my research, but that fell on deaf ears.
May I borrow your words?
Rabid asshole
Worthless education/profession
It’s not me, it’s you
You are right-our silence is compliance.
It really helps to hear from each other. So disorienting otherwise. Thanks.
Hi Warren!
Simple answer to your question = ARROGANCE! Schwab has already blurted out more than a sensible tyrant dictator should = "Let them eat bugs" and "they will be happy owning nothing".
He takes us all for imbeciles as the 65% have proven!
I agree there will be (must be) devastating retribution for their 'crimes against humanity' and I'll happily be in the firing squad!
Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed and ready for target practice! them, as much as I trust the US electoral system.
On point, and straight to the heart of it. 🙏🏽❤️✊🏾
I get your point. We could go back to JFK's assassination and even earlier.
Yeah, 9/11, another op I thought would have been understood by the masses by now. (I'm really not good at grasping how tough it is to penetrate the very convincing show). Slow learner, I guess.
Once I awoke to the lies, I understood that everything I once believed was all a lie. Comments in a substack article (one of the few places to read truth) led me down the rabbit hole of 9/11. I feel like a fool. I have to fight being a cynical bitch now 😩
And yes, I keep saying these people need to OWN THEIR SHIT!
Or how about how in mid to late 1940 the UK was able to defend its.islands with Radar, and a year and a half later.the US couldn't detect the Air wing from three carrier battle groups heading to Hawaii?
And the more they smash, the more truth shards hit some randos in the eye. This is exponential. Look at how many folks woke up to reality after the jibby jab push. I was one of them. Yeah, I thought 9/11 was an inside job but not enough to figure out how to exit the system. Now, all I see is the shadow reality. The sun came up and made the shadows even more pronounced. Progress.
Well said. Danka, Tonika.