May 30, 2022Liked by Kathleen Devanney. A human.

As I understand it, there are others in the universe watching and deciding if humans are worth saving. We aren't doing a very good job convincing them we are! There is a Galactic conflict going on in different timelines and dimensions that I am only just now learning even exists. It sounds insane to even say this. But my gut tells me it is true. And it is easy to slip into despair knowing so few are waking up and trying to fight back for the good.

Thanks again for another great article.

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I've heard different accounts myself and it certainly makes sense to me that solar system's and galaxies would have histories that would include conflict, same as our planet. Humans have been enslaved here (unknowingly and knowingly) for a very long time and I think the enslavers are not necessarily or even primarily human. So the planet is a mix. Course, I don't lean that side of speculation for the very reason that so many are still waking up to the obvious deceptions their normalcy bias has kept them from seeing. (I remember) I suspect adding in cosmic size 'conspiracies' would be not be helpful right now.

Thank you.😊

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Jun 9, 2022Liked by Kathleen Devanney. A human.

Linda, your comment leads me to believe that you have "stumbled upon" - or more accurately, "fell through a hole", "took the off ramp" "ensnared in the web" - some of the same oddities of information that I have.

Don't ask me to explain the search history on my screen that has me viewing everything from UFO's (apparently while I was sleeping for the last 3 decades they have been renamed "UAPs"), Contactees (Earthlings who have had alien contact), light and frequency particles, emergent theories, 4th (and 5th-11th) dimension beings, government secret outer space programs, de-classified papers, MK Ultra, Looking Glass, Project Paperclip, etc...

I have given these sites a lot of hours (50 or so, likely) of my time both reading and listening while I do busy work. Fascinating. Especially the "contactee" stuff from the likes of Alex Collier. Much of it very uplifting and hopeful.

I have arrived at a mental state of questioning the "flow" of that type of off-beat information coming into my internet-sphere as possibly deliberate; it is if there is a personal "moderator" attached to my search-engine and it is forcing/predicting/manipulating me into clicking on links that will lead me further into the "crazy-no-way-my-whole-life-i've-been-lied-to" mental state.

My point and question is: have you considered yet the possibility that you (me and many others [who also seem to be "doubters of the current global regime"]) are being seduced into believing the "unknowable by the naked eye" stuff? Belief in these galactic counsels and mixed-raced beings enslaving humans can make us sound insane and thereby unbelievable regarding more obvious things like: there is something funky in the jab-jab-pokes.

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Jun 9, 2022Liked by Kathleen Devanney. A human.

I do a weird dance every day of my life!

Do I think the global bad guys could use this information to make us look insane.... yes. Because the AI that is used to control all of us is unimaginable to me. But I now they have a "Shadow Linda" and can predict my every move.

Does my gut tell me that most of what we have been told is true is actually false? Yes. And once you realize their capabilities of distorting history and controlling the masses you have to question everything.

And so I continue to learn. And I fight back against them as they try to take away our rights. And I do a dance with everyone trying to listen for key words to know just how awake they are. Is it safe to talk to them? And I put something small out there, and they dip their toes in and we look at each other and say "I see you in there". Then we share ideas and learn from one another.... OR I work with them on this earthly plane to fight against communism that has overtaken our world.

And the COVID 19 vaccines are bioweapons released upon humanity to cull the population because we have learned too much and gotten out of control.... I hear they are testing "Activators" in Australia now. We should watch for their numbers of death to rise and know that it will only be a short amount of time till it hits America... and all those laws about liquifying human remains will make sense.


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Thanks for the thoughtful comment. Very challenging times, I know. They are attempting to tighten the vice, and yet... I just don't believe it works. How many of us are still here when it's all over? That's the big question for me. Appreciate the comment. Blessings, back atcha.

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May 30, 2022Liked by Kathleen Devanney. A human.

We have a dedicated Substack Scraper with over 80 community-sourced writers. You have also been included in it! Check it out at https://theinterestingtimes.news

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Excellent! I'll check it out - appreciate it.

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May 29, 2022Liked by Kathleen Devanney. A human.

So much of your soul that you weave within your lines resembles my own. Grateful to have found your stack and honored to be included in your mentions. 🙏

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How how wonderful of you to say. I'm so glad it resonates. And my pleasure! I really enjoy your work.

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😊 ❤️‍🩹

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May 29, 2022Liked by Kathleen Devanney. A human.

Love your list, there are a few on there I do not know so I will be sure to check them out.

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love your writing and your take on these things, it is hard to tell the good guys from the bad guys, noticed this when I was a spook, impossible to tell most often. and hey I got to be the 1st to not invite you to starbucks

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😊 Thank you, David!!

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what you wrote about was in the protocols CO

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Damn, maybe I missed my calling!

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May 28, 2022·edited May 28, 2022Liked by Kathleen Devanney. A human.

both myself and my companion are wondering if you are a professional writer, it is great what you write. also you could be a spook analyst

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Aww, what a. generous compliment!! Thank you.

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Igor’s Newsletter (Igor Chudov) and also Eugyppius have both been consistently on target with their updates and would recommend adding to your Substack reading list.

I know the list of great writers on Substack is getting very long, and impossible to keep up with, it would be a long and exhaustive list to include everyone.

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