Mar 31, 2023Liked by Kathleen

It absolutely blows my mind that everyone isn't ridiculing these self absorbed twats that believe their own BS. Seriously, they should be on the Twilight Zone.

Thanks for sharing this. The irony isn't wasted on the awake, but the woke are nodding along, agreeing to their own destruction. If only they could blame Trump more (and I'm not a fan), they would be in nirvana.

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i love it

keep laughing

and go inside

find the light

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So well done! What a gem!

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Apr 1, 2023Liked by Kathleen

Irreverence is best practiced with copious helpings of laughter.


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Mar 31, 2023Liked by Kathleen

Thank you Kathleen. That video pretty much covers the evil and insanity we're up against!

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Subscribe to Truthstream Media! Watch their wonderful doc The Minds of Men!

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Cool. How did you find this? Going to share as much as possible. LOL. :-)

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May 20, 2023Liked by Kathleen

its related to the rothschilds .

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May 7, 2023Liked by Kathleen

Roosevelt said that ALL Presidents are Selected, not elected .

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Brilliant, thank you very much for posting Kathleen.

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Apr 1, 2023Liked by Kathleen

Thank you for this, Kathleen. It's good, but for some reason I just can't laugh anymore.

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I LOVED THIS. Thank you so much for posting it! My favorite part was K Charles (I somehow can't bear to call him "king") saying "sustainable markets" over and over and over... then changing it up to "markets, rooted in sustainability." 😂 😂 😂

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I ♥️ Truthstream Media so much!

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Mar 31, 2023Liked by Kathleen

That island is a place where too many people have concentrated as thus could never be sustainable. Not enough land to feed even 10% of its population. The sustainable King's slight of hand to promote sustainability for larger areas to send more food, and all else to prop up that island economy.

I didn't like that clip as there was no mention these elites want to kill us off to save more (declining) resources for their progeny. But I suppose that couldn't be in a joke!

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The quote from Yuval on this being the last homosapien generation can be linked to the cDNA supreme court ruling of 2012. It says that if DNA is replaced by a synthetic strain it can be owned by the patent holder. There is a lot of clips on the promotion of 1 strain DNA, including by Bill Gates. There are a lot of fact checks on this which complied the research for those interested.

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