Love this, Kathleen. Napolitano's "Freedom... must do more than just lie there" really hit me. Yes, freedom is our essence, our nature, but it also needs to constantly regenerate itself through action. Thank you for highlighting the DOI and calling forth those aspects we may skim past -- it is simply an extraordinary document. And how marvelous -- your writing this piece is an action that does exactly what Napolitano urges: it revitalizes freedom.

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I am interested in Natural Law. II would call it eternal law. You can brake them or keep them but you can't destroy them. Just my observation. I guess the natural law could be called God's laws also. It really bothers me that people say, well God will forgive me, when they commit a wrong. So then they seem to say there are no consequences to their actions. Even God cannot stop the consequences of breaking natural or eternal law. Yes God forgives but he doesn't take away the consequences of breaking eternal laws. God is a loving God and a forgiving God. We have to learn that there are still consequences.

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Wonderful Kathleen. We need to constantly reorient ourselves to the truth of what is happening so that we can continue to respond to it the most constructive way, and overcome it. We need to keep in sight the very real posibility of overcoming it. Much inspiration here, from the glorious paintings (the first one I find especially radiant and moving) to your heart-felt and articulate explorations. What you have provided here helps keep us oriented to the reality that is the minds of us all that are vulnerable to this takeover. And reminds us that certain truths are indeed self-evident, and do not need any post-modern convolutions to confuse them, or any shallow intellectual games to justify or refute them.

I watched the first couple of minutes of the documentary and it looks really powerful. WIll watch the rest later - and forward to others of course.

Best ,


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We quickly went from the declaration of Independence into another oligarch run system.

The Constitution was so lacking that they had to AMEND it with the bill of rights, because people were protesting the lack of rights in the Constitution!


"We are under a Constitution, but the Constitution is what the judges say it is." - Judge Charles Evans Hughes

“Justice will not be served until those who are unaffected are as outraged as those who are.” ― Benjamin Franklin

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Thank you, Kathleen. What a lovely read and reminder... yes, inevitable! I'm reminded of the roots of a tree bursting open the concrete sidewalk around it. And love the Monets. Will check out the doc.

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It was reading the Declaration of Independence and Constitution -- really reading it as a mature adult, not a school assignment -- as a critical thinker -- that transformed me and started to wake me up, about 20 years ago. My reaction: I can't believe I never really read this -- it's so amazing and so profound. I started asking around with people I know: when is the last time you read through this? And most had not. Most of these folks also, coincidentally, had some very black-and-white, extreme liberal and anti-human opinions. I suggested they read it -- I'm not aware that any took me up on it. This is a bit like asking people, "when is the last time you read Orwell's 1984?" because many people haven't read it at all. This is how we get brainwashed and propagandized.... we just take the sound bites that are given to us, rather than doing the work to listen and think for ourselves, because yes -- the answers are within us all the time, as the natural beings we are, part of the earth. You read these things and they resonate with truth.

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Beautiful!!!!! Bless you for this morning and sharing your articulation of Natural Law. I notice that I’m a mere part of this amazing and complex transactional world! Humbling it is. Been working all my life to be an example of this, very few notice.

Nature and all the incredible dynamic moving parts teaches💕. Few listen, did you know the word idiot , from the Greek defines as self contained! 😂. Narrow narrow .

Nature's penalty for stupid is extinction


Love overflowing this morning, like the maples running sap (boiling away out back)

Happy Groundhog Day! (Another construct by us silly humans to mark space in time )

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Feb 2Liked by Kathleen

Thank you for writing and sharing this beauty! Yes, honesty, love and good will are written on the heart. When we return to that Sacred Heart of our Self, we move from a stable, balanced, Divine governance from within, and are no longer fooled by the deceptive 'powers that be.' Real freedom comes peacefully from the inside out. It all takes place within - in the Heart of you and me.

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Beautiful, Kathleen. when I said I was eager to get to this, I didn't know that I had a guest appearance! And I too never noticed those words, "To assume among the powers of the earth..." Woah! I love that. How did I miss it? The DoI has always had a special relevance to me. "We hold these truths to be self-evident" -- what a powerful phrase. To be followed by my only dogma, that all people are created equal. One note, however, is that the right to property was changed to the ephemeral 'right to pursue happiness.' To be born on the earth means that you deserve a place to stand that isn't borrowed. We all need somewhere to call our own. The real founders knew this but it got changed into something meaningless.

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Feb 2·edited Feb 2Liked by Kathleen

Freedom lies in the human heart, and while it lies there, no army, no threat, no positivism nonsense can take it away, but it must do more than just lie there. Napolitano.

Yes, not forgetting that the higher our frequency in love, forgiveness and non-judgement, the more untouchable we become. This takes work and it's an action we can all take to bring the equilibrium back to normal, as it inevitably will, in accordance with Natural Law.

Thank you so much for mentioning my post which is greatly appreciated. Mark Passio's work on Natural Law is exceptional and I highly recommend watching his documentary, 'The Science of Natural Law.'

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Feb 2Liked by Kathleen

To use your phrase: “And that’s where we are in a nutshell”.

I wrote the following on Pilgrims in the Machine SS yesterday.

“In the natural realm there is always an opportunity to revisit to reinforce or discard on human and natures terms. Perhaps AI needs a foundation system also. A human/nature/spiritual bill of rights. A robust feedback and revision system fenced from human and machine corruption. One that is transparent and evokes our trust.”

Your essay goes right to the heart of the matter and makes a strong and most eloquent argument for natural law as critical for technological innovation moving forward.

BTW. I always loved Monet. Tried to emulated his style when I was young and creative before college doused that spark. And most people just did not understand what I found so fascinating in his style. Not sure I could explain it either. Something about each individual brush stroke having a unique purpose and tie to the adjacent even if different but when viewed from a distance formed a beautiful scene that anyone could recognize.

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Feb 2Liked by Kathleen

It wasn’t until the last few years that I truly understood our “natural” God-given rights, even though I leaned strongly libertarian. It’s a beautiful message.

BTW the first piece of art isn’t the cliffs at Dieppe - it’s haystacks :)

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Excellent post.

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Holy fucking wow!! Sorry for the language, kind of ❤️Where to start?!?! My brain kept getting so sidetracked with crazy excitement on ways to respond while I was reading and I would get lost on some thought about “as above, so below” or something else based on what I was reading and then I’d hit a passage from the DoI and get ripped back to “reality” Ha! I really loved this and the one theme that it kept bringing up for me is this: We come here as completely free beings, but we don’t get to keep our freedom and play the game too. Freedom is a currency., we then decide what, where, and when to spend that freedom on. UNLESS you’ve given it all away or were too weak to keep it. Not sure what is worse. Pick your damn sacrifice. Feed the right wolf. All different ways of saying the same thing. Great post. I will re read now that I got all that out 👻

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100% →"That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed

It’s painful to read that. How far we’ve strayed. Our reality is so starkly at odds with ‘consent of the governed’ that surely even the most numbed out normie can register the irony here, if not the outrage."

Love your paintings. I just asked Hubs if he wanted to head to Tampa to an art museum with Monet and Dali. I feel as if this is a sign. xo♥

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Feb 4Liked by Kathleen

For a challenged human such as myself.; an approach based primarily on the 10 commandments,

natural or not, and the laws of karma seems to produce an acceptable outcome in many cases I have encountered. Best not look to closely at this unless you want to explore the rabbit holes of probability.

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