Aug 17, 2022Liked by Kathleen

Dear Kathleen. Oh how your articles speak to me. How in the world did we get here and when will it end. I fear never 😢Thomas’s article also spoke to me. I live for the day where I receive an apology. Even from just one person.

My twin sister and I are estranged from our older twin brothers. I just mailed RFK Jr.’s book A LETTER TO LIBERALS to one of them. He lives close by and we did meet in person a couple of months ago, but he has since avoided me. He was a director at a planetarium so I pray the passage in the book about Galileo’s fellow scientists refusing to look through his telescope will speak to him. I have to remain hopeful and have faith. My sister and I have had our hearts broken. The four of us were so close less than one year ago. 😢

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Navigating that reality divide with my spouse and teen is just plain exhausting and I realized sometime last year that I might just have to let go, as horribly painful as that is. I can’t force anyone to open their eyes. Only they can choose to see.

The essay at the Brownstone really spoke to me too, thanks for sharing.

I just recently had to attend an event with some of those who shunned me for speaking up about my reservations with the covid shots last year and it was surprisingly painful to see them.

I wrote an angry essay about it when I got home, but don’t know if I want to publish it or not. I am trying my best to rise above and embrace compassion but yeah, I’m really hurt and it still stings.

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Aug 17, 2022Liked by Kathleen

I had a feeling for Feb, then the Russian fake war began. I feel October. Don’t ask me why. I’m busily buying food for the long haul to survive

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Aug 17, 2022Liked by Kathleen

For the record, I won't be trading the food I grow for metals, I'm only growing enough for myself plus a few others. Her money, and even Gold won't be buying healthy nutritious food in the future, heck, you can't hardly find that kind of food now. I like to quip, people who use money to buy food are useless eaters!

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It does seem as though things are approaching a critical stage where "something" has to give. Unlike the absurd official story of the events of Sep 11 that directly affected a contained area (NY/NJ metro area), the "COV!D" operation has directly affected the entire country. While the U.S. government inflicted murder and suffering on innocent people in far away countries, this time it has done so to people right here.

The ridicule and obstinacy of people who refused to see the obvious regarding Sep 11 prepared me for the conduct of people resulting from the "COV!D" operation. They did not disappoint. As I mused many years ago on the reality of trying to "wake people up" re Sep 11 -- "Facts don't matter." People willingly tolerated the murder of others in countries that had nothing to do with those attacks -- based on absurdities so blatant they made you wonder how those promulgating them could keep a straight face. "Americans" tolerated -- nay, they celebrated -- the destruction of their own basic, Constitutionally-protected human rights if it meant being "safe" while innocents were murdered in their name.

It's more severe, of course, and widespread this time around. Every single institution has been laid bare -- medicine, academia, corporate America, the legal system, law enforcement, media, and of course -- government. And what are those institutions but people? Through their conduct, the "American" people have been laid bare. No different, no better (and maybe worse) than any other people throughout history. Tribal, reactionary, vicious, craven, gullible. And oh-so willing to trade...

I loved the Harrington piece. Thank you for directing us there. I came across a piece yesterday that I shared on my Substack. The author is unknown, but it brought tears to my eyes: https://shethinksliberty.substack.com/p/do-youglow-in-the-dark

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Superb, thank you. It's so comforting to hear other people articulate what one has been mulling about for years now. I sometimes wonder if that's primarily what we're doing here; speaking and listening to one another in an effort to keep sane.

For my own part, I'm trying to organize my life so that my happiness, well-being, sanity, and so on, no longer depend upon other people waking up. At least as best as I can.

Like so many of us, my family refuses to see me (because I'm not vaxxed); I've lost most of my friends; and over all, I've had a bit of a hard time, especially when I have an expectation of their waking up. Many simply won't. Ever. Accepting that helps. And even reversing how I see all that: they have lost a friend, a son and a brother at least as much as I have lost them.

We can face the actual facts of what is happening AND have hope for the long term, while also jettisoning any sort of optimism. It's the (false) optimism that we fall into that makes all of this even more difficult. Doing so has helped me to return to some semblance of normal life again. It has also helped me to slowly find my REAL "tribe," as you say. Perhaps it's just revealing what has been true all along?

The Stockdale Paradox is helpful here, though you're probably aware of it; in case you're not, I describe it here in the first section: https://mistermicawber.substack.com/p/breaking-the-spell-of-the-warlocks?r=110wl5&s=w&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

Thanks for the heads up about Thomas Harrington's piece; he's an interesting guy; chatted with him at length over cocktails about a month ago.

Love this piece Kathleen; it's incredibly thoughtful and beautifully written. Looking forward to more.

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