Wow! Thank you for curating such great resources and reminding us of how precious it is being human in these chaotic times. We were born for this; we wouldn’t have missed it for anything!

Crunch time is definitely a time when Spiritual Warriors shine brightest to help illuminate the darkest of places. I’m grateful for the beautiful shining soul that you are.🙏

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That's so kind of you, Rev! Means so much.

I'm there with you - wouldn't miss it for anything.

Grateful, sincerely, for you. Thank you. xoxo

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I just want to add this, thanks to Good Citizen:

The two brightest stars in the Andromeda constellation are Sirrah and Alamak.

Spell that backwards - Kamala Harris.

It has to pertain to the Greek myth of Andromeda. I mean, what else could it be?? The Andromeda Strain by Michael Crichton, about the outbreak of a deadly extraterrestrial microorganism in Arizona? Anything could happen at this point.

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Wow! Haven't read that last post yet by GC.

Thanks for including that.

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Woah! That seems like a factoid that Isaac Middle needs, with his wholesome conspiracy astrology!

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I did send to him and noted your comment. I think he's cookin up something. :-)

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I read that Good Citizen article and was taken aback a chunk, I can tell you!

Does grooming of candidates begin before birth, struck me in the temple like a gong!

How can that have happened? Who named those two stars? Who named that child?

The Greek myth of Andromeda reinforces a narrative of male superiority with a powerful male hero and a submissive female in bondage! The powerful male (Perseus) is also famous for defeating Medusa and using her powerful decapitated head to petrify a sea monster who was ravaging the coast.

Symbolically, Medusa represents the power of electro-magnetic radiation (hair moves like snakes with static electricity) which man is now using as a weapon to keep all of nature, represented by Andromeda, obedient and under control.

This is a very interesting exposé of the truth behind anti-life manipulation of light/sound/radio frequencies.

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It does make a person wonder and brings an immediacy to expressions like "written in the stars".

It suggests - to me anyway - that we need much larger contexts - of space and time - to comprehend what's happening. Cosmic-sized contexts.

The story is always bigger than we know. Was her name planned? Or do humans inevitably and unknowingly echo and follow a larger script laid out in the skies?

As we shred smaller and just-yesterday 'reliable sources' for understanding our world, it makes sense we'd push into less-known, and much wider expanses.

Re-considering everything - including mythology - is in the mix.

Humbling to say the least.

Thanks for comment, Frances.

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I've been struggling with many of these things though you covered it so well. My observations on the other side of the world have been bleak. Several things have been stolen from us lately (two phones and my husband's ID card) and we've been dealing with police checkpoints (they always cost money) and a few personell who seem to be on a power trip. It has me contemplating both in the USA, Thailand and the rest of the world how much meaning and identity has been built out of digging holes that others are forced to pay to fill. In other words the bureaucratic class seems far too oversized, to the point of actively interfering with larger human potential, but some of this is surely a desperate attempt to maintain their own fiefdoms and cash flow. What would they do without that power?

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Thanks for the comment Amy. Yes, I get it - the whole infrastructure built around the control system. Governments are often one of the largest employers cause hey, we don't notice a lot of stuff when our paychecks rely on not noticing.

"In other words the bureaucratic class seems far too oversized, to the point of actively interfering with larger human potentialI completely ..." Yes, and also agree that it is a desperate attempt to maintain control.

They are losing power in live time, when they can't keep it going and paychecks don't happen, it will be a shock and serious reality-check for so many. Gonna be messy for sure. Still, I'm a confirmed apocalyptomist.

Sorry for what you are dealing with. Ongoing obstacles are so wearying. But your spirit will see you through, I'm sure. I wish you well and hope you have an easier path forward.


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Wearying is the correct word for it. I suspect there will be a time when nobody will advertise that they are working for FEMA or the American Red Cross, say. That said it is not all bad, rather I sense officials are greedier than usual. Is that the sign before the collapse?

How does it collapse, exactly? Can they continue to pretend to pay while they continue to pretend to work, in perpetuity?

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"I sense officials are greedier than usual. Is that the sign before the collapse?"

I imagine even normies are feeling the transformation we're in and so that elevated greed and fear makes sense to me.

IDK how it collapses exactly. I see lots of signs though in the many ways things that used to work no longer do work. And the ability to present an image (like that we live in a democracy) just falling away (Kamala installed) There are so many examples now. Biden top of his game, inverts a couple weeks later to he's mentally not-okay. They can't maintain any cohesive anything. At this point it's just the habit of a consensus reality keeping it all going and that's shredding fast.

But absent them turning us all into robots or zombies, (not gonna happen) there is no way they can keep this fabricated reality going, imo.

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"That we could have abundant healthy food, under beautiful skies unmarked by chem-trail streaks. Healthy people and happy children, free from the medical complex that poisons as often as it heals"

I love this. Just reading it is a breath of cool, crisp air. You're so right that we need those reminders.

And as Katie says, Crunch time is a perfect metaphor and we were born for this. With gratitude, my friend.

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Gratitude returned, Tereza. An irony I notice is even as previous assumptions about the nature of our world have thinned to the point of seeing through them, at the same time there is an increased richness emerging - including with new connections and friends. Of which I happily count you.

Yes, we are born for these times. xoxo

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The happiness is shared. I also notice that there's a movement towards small town community. At my AirBnB in Appalachia, 3 people have moved there from staying at my house, and a couple's there now helping their son who's restoring a house. And an uncle of those who bought is staying there because his daughter came and loved it.

So there's a resurgence in places where you can build and restore and be appreciated.

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That's so encouraging to hear. Even those who aren't questioning are still feeling what's happening and making new choices.

Better days coming.

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Thank you for not making it about "good and evil."

At the end of the day, we are all Consciousness and we are all brothers and sisters (and others).

We don't have to like what other people do, but we can be accepting of them. Even if they piss us off and annoy the f*ck out of us, even make us angry.

The development that will be the great equalizer, and the reason we can relax a bit is that as the Shift moves forward, is that belief systems will be less affecting of those who are becoming more self-aware.

In other words, whereas in the past, we have been "limited" by the Collective belief systems which affected our own beliefs and abilities, we will be able to supersede and override those belief systems in favor of our own knowing of our powers and abilities to create consciously what we want regardless of what anyone else is doing. And we will begin to see the interconnection of everything and everyone.

For a pragmatist such as myself, that is a difficult concept to wrap my brain around. And though I only understand it conceptually, I believe that within a fairly short period of time, I will begin to see it experientially.

I have already had a considerable number of these types of experiences, but my brain still wants to explain and justify them using the old means of luck and circumstance. My heart knows otherwise, and it's just a matter of reminding myself how "magical" my abilities are.

Besides, we can all see how it is all unraveling in ways that don't even make sense to the point of ridiculous. It takes a lot of mental gymnastics to maintain the beliefs that we are victims to others. Not so, and the sooner we let go of that, the better off we will be.

We can see what we being told is happening, but is it really affecting us, or are we affecting ourselves?

We are not islands, but are we really helping by jumping down in the trenches with the other victims, or are we more helpful by providing an example of being self-empowered and self-directing?

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Thanks for that expansive comment, Philip.

"we will be able to supersede and override those belief systems in favor of our own knowing of our powers and abilities to create consciously what we want regardless of what anyone else is doing."

I so agree with this. And it is new - this ability to differentiate while staying connected. The move from Pisces (fish that 'school' together) to Aquarius where everything is revealed.

And the move from mind-centered (where we are more easily controlled) to heart-centered, where we are not, beautifully said.

Good stuff coming. Thanks for amplifying the positive in the midst of the ugly.


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Ty for this work. We continue to resist the law of the jungle!

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Thanks for reading and commenting, Fern.

Best to you.

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Relate to everything you wrote here…

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Thanks for reading, SF. Glad it's relatable. ;-)

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Kathleen, how do you manage to soothe my soul while speaking about endtimes?? It's a unique gift to inform and reassure, challenge and ease -- and you've got that gift in spades.

Thank you for continuing to share it with lucky us. I do think it's those who trust in the divine plan who are -- unwittingly, mostly -- the architects of that plan. Xox!

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Thank you, Mary! Kind of you to take the time to read let alone comment with all you've been having to deal with.

I hope your travels back home go easily.

So happy your home is safe. xoxo

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P.S. looking forward to checking out your provided resources when I land back home

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Thanks, you cover so many of these variables swimming around my consciousness. It's a wild ride and all I can think is to keep one foot anchored into nature/earth and remember love is...always more real than what I see. Meanwhile swatting away at all things b.s. is handy too. And the reminder, we were born for this! great t-shirt. Thanks again for putting these thoughts down for all of us, so very helpful.

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Thanks, Mary. Appreciate that.

Yeah, feels more real to me too.

I love that as a t-shirt. :-)


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Beautifully put, as always. Thank you for the powerful reminders.

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Thanks for so much, Navyo. Best to you.

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COG = the rats covering their own butts.

NIH Brain Initiative link… http://braininitiative.nih.gov/news-events/blog/reflecting-decade-brain-10-institutes-and-centers-one-mission

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Thanks for the link, kitten.

The rats covering their butts and repositioning to take over post government collapse. I don't see that happening somehow.


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Completely agree Kathleen!

Love is the most powerful force, and I pray for all of us everyday too. Even the insane ones running this asylum. 🤪 Been reading ZH for years, listening to Clif and DJ for years too. Thanks for all the links and a great article Kathleen!🙏💖

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Thank you, AA. So kind and much appreciated! Best to you.

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You’re welcome Kathleen! Always look forward to your articles. 💕

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I endorse the mention of the Jack Kruse interview. Well worth watching (and filing) before YouTube messes with it. One of the most profound I've seen. Thank you for your optimism. I endorse that too and concur, though it is a strain at times.

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Thanks, Sharon. I appreciate the endorsement and comment.

Jack Kruse - quite an education listening to him. (I'll re-listen to some sections for sure.)

Can't not be optimistic, somehow. Though yes - it can strain!

Best to you.

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I'm feeling a little Substack-overwhelmed these days and missing posts, etc. Just seeing yours now, Kathleen. I'm just going to say I second what Katie said below! Going to picture all of us in a circle around a campfire getting ready to head into this life together and shouting "We're born for this!" 😳 XOXO

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I totally get that Barbara. Sometimes I have to pass on everything and just go outside - which you know better than anyone I know. XOXO


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No, not everyone can see it. There are plenty who appear to be coming around, but there are MANY who are utterly clueless, or maybe a vague sense of unease...

Buckle up, my deer pals, we're in for a RIDE of terror, or at least SERIOUS DISMAY...

Woof a doodle doo... Hug up your lovelies NOW.

HUGS to you, Kathleen! xo xo

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Hugs backatcha, WH.

Yup, buckle up.

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Kathleen, Yikes! I started hearing the Twilight Zone theme in my head as I read this and checked out the Greek Myth of Andromeda. This is so interesting. You sure got my attention. Thanks! and More, please!

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Thank you, Ronnie!

Isn't that crazy? So much we don't realize going on..

Best to you. xoxo

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