Excellent, Kathleen. Your stories re the birth of your children are yet another reminder of why I have eschewed "American" "healthcare" for decades. Truly demented and inhumane. How do all these humans in the white coats and blue scrubs abide by this? Engage in it?

I've seen and watched the Neil Oliver video. Very powerful. I wonder, too, how anyone could have ignored the stench of those in the crime syndicates, e.g. "governments" (Cynical much? 😊) for so long. Glad Oliver and others are coming around to the obvious.

Also, thank you for the link to Richard Fleming. I will look into sending his letter to our AG here in Florida. I've already written her about investigating Deborah Birx based on the revelations of her book. I think I may post the letter (in parts because it's too large for Substack in one document) to my Substack.

Thanks again.

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I agree. You are special. Thank you for sharing your essence with us. It is on the next level and I love it. The so-called Pagans from long ago had more reverence for life and death than the supposed "educated" of today. They have managed to steal the sacredness of the most important parts of the journey into this life and the shedding of this mortal coil into the everlasting. It has been lost to humans but we can take it back. We must take it back. Or "they" win.

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Aug 16, 2022Liked by Kathleen

Kathleen - Your words are beautiful and profound. Thank you.

Are you also familiar with Reiner Fuellmich’s THE 10 LETTERS OF INDICTMENT CAMPAIGN ?

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I fell behind on reading stacks so just catching up here and truly, I savor your posts: not only because your thoughts resonate so hard with my own and the topics you cover are what keeps me awake at night as well (as I’ve mentioned on so many occasions; I mean, I know we’re all in an illusory age of separation on a grand scale sort of thing, but jeez, I have three sons too, how alike can we possibly be?!?) but also I find your audience to be excellent commentators and it’s the only stack I make a point of reading all the comments.

You shine real bright, Kathleen. Thanks for buying a guiding light in this chaos. 🙏

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Aug 18, 2022Liked by Kathleen

Our medical system...one day we'll look back and declare it to be mid-evil. I stopped believing sometime after my first mammogram. Here take your delicate breast tissue, stick it between two ice cold plates, squeeze the plates together, just a little more, tiny bit more, take a breath, hold it, now we'll radiate it. This is for your well being?

We've got to find our common sense to navigate through the onslaught. Thank you for always shining a light where we need to seeing.

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