Just realized something after reading your beautiful article. So many things that they've tried to do to us revolve around our ability to breathe. From the instance with George Floyd (all of the news outlets quoting over and over the "I can't breathe" portion of what happened)--hmm--did they want that phrase to stick in our heads for some reason? To the whole schmovid thing where so many had their ability to breathe compromised. To the police not letting people walk on the beach and breathe the sea air. Parks shutting down. Masks over our faces. Airplanes visibly raining chemicals down on us so we don't feel like the air is clean to breathe in. Threats from the powers that be to tax oxygen and water. No matter where you are in your truth journey, breathe deeply. Breath is life and we are all here for a reason. Start with learning how to breathe deeply and fully, with no apologies for being on this planet. You're here for a profound reason. Never forget that.
The entire climate agenda-scam has carbon control right at its center and what do you know? We're carbon based beings. If only we could just stopping breathing so much, everything would be better. 😂 It's that insane. It's that anti-human.
Good advice. Big breaths! And I so agree - we are here for a profound reason.
I've noticed a big upsurge, seemingly, on SS lately, of a bunch of people really dissing the Human Race, talking shite about the entire species of us, how we're just not worth the trouble kinds of really ugly talk... And they're clearly Trolls, and they're wading through SS like commandoes invading our lands... Unsettling, but it makes me want to put on my armour and take up a sword...
Yessss! Breath is life. I kept saying that over and over while refusing to wear a mask. Schmovid...made me 😂. Or, as my sister called it...The Covid. 😂 Beautiful comment, Nicol.
And guess what's in those little blue & white masks, AND in the spray we get from airplanes AND in the "vaccines," AND who the heck knows... GRAPHENE. Not our friend. We might all consider finding out some info about how to detox graphene, it is not our friend. Detox a LOT of things, I would say. Time for mass greenhouse building?
With great honor, I accept your challenge. We can, and we shall, expand ourselves, align with the frequencies of nature and consciousness, shift our perspective and heal the wound before the would of a new ground is laid. Let us be guided by love and intuition and let us leave behind avarice and cowardice. Under one Gaia, incorruptible, with compassion and cha cha for all.
Thank you for doing this, Kathleen! Can other SOTUs be turned in after July 4th?
For what it's worth, as I said before, there are only 250,000 unvaccinated adults left in Australia. I had to decide early on that I would die for what I believe in which is my religious faith. They were not going to take me alive. They were not going to vaccinate me.
At some point, the people making declarations here about the SOTU will have to decide in a similar fashion. You may have to decide what is worth dying for. This is a very lonely and difficult experience.
I guess what I am trying to say from the belly of the beast is that tyranny is not a picnic. It is a war of attrition that grinds and picks people off until you are alone and vulnerable. When it really 'happens' in the US you will know. There will be no mistaking what is happening. It is hell.
Obviously I hope it won't come down to that - but yes, it may. Freedom and to live as a human being is worth more than one's life, since life isn't worth living without them.
I can't hold a vision that grim, though I recognize the possibility. Tides be turning and so I'm hopeful many of us will get through this dystopian bit.
I know it can be very lonely and difficult. Sending virtual hug to you.
Thanks for everything you do to inform people of the threat. Much appreciated. Best to you.
Kathleen, this is beautiful, powerful, and so poignantly worded. It touches one in the depths of their heart, and then elevates their spirit and imagination to the higher realms. In other words, it's just downright inspiring and hopeful. The way you laid it out, it really isn't all that difficult a task in that it just requires a few changes in attitude and latitude, so to speak. We don't even have to gird our loins. It's more a conversion of the mind. There will be some tough times ahead but we won't be alone, as long as we have each other. Thanks for your courage in bringing this forward to the community.
Oh, Kathleen... I drank in every word of your SOTU. Perfect timing with Frances' interview - I think this was one of her best.
This felt like it flowed right out of you. Brutally honest, Aries no-holds-barred Truth with a big slice of hope and heart. I could hear Jacqueline's words reflected in yours so was not at all surprised to see her name at the end.
I think we're of a similar age, and IDK about you, but as I watch this all playing out, I am oddly without fear. It's like someone flipped a light on for me in 2020 and fear over the state of the world vanished. It's a mess out there but I have hope that awareness is growing and that we are all realizing what it means to lead a sovereign life. I'm not saying I'm fully there, by any means, but I know what it means and this Sagittarius knows a bit about Truth.
You humble me by mentioning my name, Kathleen. Thank you, Nature-sister. XOXO
Well, you nailed it. I don't know how many versions got you to this one, but they were worth it. This is IT. I feel enlivened, challenged, and reassured, all at once. Thank you for articulating the deep truth of our sovereign nature, and of NATURE'S enfolding presence. The more we turn away from the manic attempts to enslave our attention, and turn toward the earth beneath our feet, the quicker we will reach the independence we crave... and deserve.
That is really gratifying to hear, Mary. Thank you. And even more gratifying to hear the message resonates. I've spoken about this to some people and based on their reaction I suspect they honestly don't what I'm talking about. I think maybe can't imagine big structures - like a government, going - so it seems too out-there. For me, who can imagine such a thing - this grounding realization is such a relief and comfort.
This is so awesome, Kathleen!! You covered all the most important points from the condition of what truly makes a Country to the sense on Individual Self; that's so refreshing.
The statement of "I am" is a great thing to bring up. "I am" is the linguistic announcement of Being. In our language, many people have gotten used to placing a "common" noun after "I am" thereby diminishing it. Whenever someone says "I am a US Citizen," I wonder if they realize they are calling themselves a "paper fiction."
On Political Power, I say this:
"A Throne is only a Chair where a Human Sits. It is not a seat of Power.
The True Seat of Power is where Being views inward to See what Is."
If we act on the respect of the Divine within each of us, we can build a beautiful, decentralized world; right now we are standing at a cross road. We must make a choice: "Do we want to live in a Compulsory Collective Society, where we are ultimately "property of the State;" or do we want to live in a Voluntarily Cooperative Society, where each of us are Autonomously Sovereign?"
These are great discussions, it's so nice so many people are involved here.
Good point on 'I am' and no I don't think they recognize that at all. :-)
"If we act on the respect of the Divine within each of us, we can build a beautiful, decentralized world; right now we are standing at a cross road. We must make a choice.."
Yes exactly right and that choice is pressing.
I truly hope many more are recognizing what is at stake.
Thanks for the comment, and expanding the discussion. Best.
This makes me think of a short video I just saw... I've seen very similar things like this before... But I think this has the makings of a very sturdy framework to take back our sovereignty. See what you think, and we could discuss here on Kathleen's page? It's fairly short.
The video is very well composed. I think you are right about there being a firm and sturdy framework for claiming back our Sovereignty. The thread that runs through the whole video presentation is "Control over Identity." This is the very thing I mentioned before; "I am that I am." My perception is, the State relies on us "believing" in it's legitimacy. Even among those of us who crave to claim back Sovereignty, there are many affidavits and petitions. If we fully Stand with our own sense of Authority, why would we approach the supposed "masters" to petition them? Doesn’t that make us failures right out of the gate?
My approach is to Seize and Claim with Force of my own Sovereign Authority; my Identity, and my Name. What I have done is claim my own name without a Burth Certificate. There is a name assigned to me, but it's a Shorten version of what it is in my community of Yogis, whom I grew up with.
In both the Indian and Ancient Egyptian world, the name less shared is the most powerful. There is obviously a lot more than just "names," to consider. I think Identity is probably where we start.
Yes, I agree. And according to ALL legal everything taught in the US to law students, the CONTRACT is everything. So… How can you be in a contract with someone when they TRICKED you as a new-born infant into being a slave to their Business Plan by never even divulging the transaction?? It’s null and void on its face. But suddenly you start to see all your bills, and your driving license, and all these things with your name in CAPITAL LETTERS… that’s LEGAL writing for the name of a CORPORATION. Yeah, it’s hidden in plain sight. So… I’m wondering what will happen if I call my electric company and tell them I am not a corporation and so I don’t intend to pay my bill? I’d imagine they’d cut off my power! lol I want to look into this further… I’ve been hearing things about this state of affairs for a few years now, but I need to STUDY it.
My initial system of approach to things like Utilities, is to do all I can to fly under their radar, paying with those fake monetary certificates as long as I can. Having a Driver's License is OK; same if there is already a setup like a Contractor's License for me to do business with...... Ironically, in the course to learn the Contractor's License Law, they teach you that BOTH parties of ALL contracts must be fully aware of the parameters of the contractual agreement or it is automatically null and void.
I never sign my birth certificate signature under "penalty of perjury" either. What I do is I write my name and then above that, I add "No Prejudice" UCC1-308 meaning that in order for me to agree to contract, I needed to have prior knowledge of what my role is in the contract.
That's helpful. I've been thinking I need to go to my town, and ask for a line item of what they are charging me. Saying I never contracted with you and I'd like to decide what services I'm willing to pay for.
Yeah, yeah! Thanks for that tip at the end, too… I am tangled up in blue courtroom shite, on THREE fronts right now, for nothing I ever did, and I’m just DYIN’ to find the right time to say “nope, I’m not a corp.” heh I will have to be dogged about it…
Wow, I feel like you just did me a big favor by writing that. I wish I had written one by now, what a clear thought process from beginning to end. I feel better for having read it. Nature all the way, baby. We have powers we are not told about. Time to stick our feet in the earth and get some stuff done. This is phenomenal. Thanks for it. I will refer back to it later. We see them, we are looking right at them. We are also looking toward our own goals with happy hearts and compounding that energy by being creative and helping our communities. Here is to it!
Yay!!!! Cha cha cha- I’ve pretty much abandoned going along to get along since clearly seeing through (not at the time though as I just sensed an evil ) the ‘training games’ the girls in High school played on each other , to scramble for hierarchy while building a false self esteem while stomping on others . A bit older, 4 decades, I am now and these same ridiculous games are played by most persons in authority , the toys more sophisticated.
Nature will have and does have a way of cleaning out the closets. Humility is severely lacking in these control freaks !
Hurrah dear Kathleen! Our stacks go together! Yours and mine, this memorable day of independence! I posed the question, in painful yet clear terms, Who Am I? And this must be answered by every sovereign citizen of Gaia! The answer then will reverberate from sea to shining sea! America the beautiful, Gaia the beautiful! From every mountainside, desert, valley and cave..,let freedom ring!
Yes they do, Elle. I just read yours and love the synchronicity. This most essential of questions is coming up - and I can't imagine how any of us will escape it. (Well maybe the masked hiker-friend? :-) )
Thanks for comment and alert to your stack. Very best to you.
I have pondered your words and appreciate your approach. The State of US is reversible. With care and consideration of who we are and where we land, we, the creation of The Almighty are not an accident. Through out the ages, the hubris of man is constantly on display. We hear the stories and see 'them' trying to be God, or corrupt what He has created. When man effs with the creation, given to us by The Creator, there will be a price. Can we un-do it by doing what we know we should do? Absolutely, but only by realizing that we are in the world but not of the world. Man has left behind his spiritual roots that have guided and directed our instinct for millennia. Which leads us to the last 150 years or so, in this nation. From the co-opting of America and the Civil War through the Depression, to the disgusting act of plowing up and 2nd largest eco-system in the US, second only to the Boreal Forests and the resulting irreversible degradation to the land God gave us; the purposeful dumbing down of Americans and the creation of a giant Hydra-Fed to take the place of the family unit and parents, it has all been done because the collective 'WE' gave it permission to continue by doing nothing. By thinking the status quo was our normal and we would be content with how things had always been...before. The awakening has been slow and but for the show of the last 4 years, many of us might still be complacently complying. Not any more. Cha Cha Cha
I agree our situation can be salvaged - perhaps not exactly reversed - but re-claimed and re-appropriated.
We did hand it all over, but we have also been manipulated from birth -generations - and many of us came to believe we required a mediator - in all things - including our relationship with our Creator. As if.
One of the biggest lessons I've learned over my life was how propagandized I was while being absolutely certain I wasn't. It's a very humbling experience. Deep assumptions that are simply accepted and become the basis for many more assumptions, do not go easily. (We accept the world we're born into, as Christof says in The Truman Show)
The learning curve gets steeper all the time in coming to terms with the layers of lies.
It's Plato's Allegory of the Cave - who was trying to tell us 2,500 years ago.
Still, much is being undone now. It's hard to see how it all unfolds but I'm hopeful - as you know. And yes, reverence for earth and its Creator/Source back to center.
Right? The feeling of betrayal is great. And it should be, for ALL of humanity. We are all propagandized, in the way, shape or form that our upbringing and belief system would allow us to be. Right, Left, whatever. Looking to OZ to save us, to ‘know’ what is best for us Citizens? Wrong wrong wrong!! Unless we have been citified beyond what our soul can bear, there is a glimmer of what we know to inherently do, inside all of us. Most brush it off…that little niggling feeling to buy the yam instead of the processed french fries. I am not buying their junk and I am uncommitting to the system. And when I say ‘junk’, I don’t just mean food, I mean all of it. And in my resistance, there is hope and resolve. I am reading a book called The Worst Hard Time by Timothy Eagan about the Dust Bowl. It makes me sick, that mankind, the ignoramuses, think they knew better than God. And it continues on today…just look up. Or around at those who have bought the narrative hook, needle and sinker. Hugs to you K. You are a wordsmith…an ideasmith and I love it.♥
I would love to review the book, but it is just so depressing. I am powering through. But it did make me curious how maybe, just maybe, with our technology, the plains had been replanted? The answer is a big fat no. The BigAgriArm is draining the Ogallala Aquifer as they plant corn and other non-native species that require water. Houses are still there, covered in soil that blew up after the big plow up. I had to look to a conservationist from Kenya to get the answers I needed on the remediation our loving gov has taken to make the plains great again. Nothing. Just nothing.
"An individual, a simple human being, who is in charge of themselves - physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually - can not be perception-managed. They are fully embodied on a planet and they access a direct-connect (no mediator) to their very Source which is hooked up to the very planet."
Add self-directing to those qualities.
And then remember that we create our reality through our perception. That is our true power. To create the reality we wish to experience. We know how, we've just forgotten that our attention is our currency.
What they know how to do is to get our attention. And we can figure out how to take our attention back in such a way that we make them unimportant and inconsequential to our lives.
It takes determination and courage and it is hard to not pay attention to all the shiny things they use for that purpose that play to our emotions and guidelines and sense of right and wrong, All the things that cause us to take our eyes off the prize -- ourselves and our movement into complete, balanced, integral, cohesive, powerful human beings which we came here to be.
"We know how, we've just forgotten that our attention is our currency." And, "What they know how to do is to get our attention. And we can figure out how to take our attention back in such a way that we make them unimportant and inconsequential to our lives."
Agree. Though I think we're still in the process of more people catching on to the game. WE can't reject what we don't see, and lots of people still don't see the massive manipulation and perception-management we call 'reality.'
Once they do, then yes, the bigger question on what we want to create comes in. And we have your stack to help with that. :-).
The WEF's Elite now believe they own us and our freedom of choice. But we're coming back to give them a bloody nose! =TERMINATION!
Bring back hanging for all involved in Fauci's manufactured Covid and DEADLY but useless mRNA injection DEPOPULATION Plan.!
Lambs to the slaughter. It seems very few questions were asked about 'EXPERIMENTAL mRNA (Gene Editing) injections'. No evidence was requested about the origins and background of the man-modified (Fauci) disease before millions took the giant leap of faith = a DEADLY injection. No investigation as to why and how Big Pharma enjoyed ZERO LIABILITY for any/all adverse effects (serious, long term or even DEATHS) that follow many 'vaccines'?
It's excusable, I suppose, because it was early days in the Covid depopulating scam and the 'pretend vaccine' CULL!
Now, after 4 years of data (much of which is deliberately hidden or falsified by Big Pharma) there is considerable evidence that Covid was designed, engineered, modified and intensified by Fauici & his associates in order to justify the magically quick 'CURE' which can, and do, KILL recipients. The jabs seem to have little or NO IMPACT on stopping Covid spreading or Covid being caught more frequently by the gullible 'vaxxed' amongst us.
Now that most of our early Conspiracy Theories seem to have been proven accurate - if not understated, many have accepted the 'pretend vaccines' make recipients more susceptible with every shot. The injections exacerbate pre-existing illnesses and even re-introduce illnesses that were cured many years ago.
Do not accept another shot until Pfizer et al, are held financially responsible for injuries and DEATHS caused by their deadly depopulating (money-making) injections.
You were warned - but now it's probably too late. Each extra injection you take reduces your Life Expectancy!
NO MORE mRNA injections until creators of the CULLING injections are executed for Pre-meditated Mass Murder!
Unjabbed mick! I'll live longer without medical intervention!
Beautifully, wonderfully put, Kathleen. Thank you! This is exactly what we need to hear, the return to our natural source available with each breath, with each thought, each moment of presence... no mediation needed!
It's still disconcerting to meet folks with mediated minds. Their conversations repeat the propaganda with such sincerity, along with the ridicule of independent thought, facts and truth. Their bodies, their behavior reflect this adherence, this consensus, who then go and vote and voila! Democracy!
One of the most important parts of your SOTU was about our agreement. I would add 'obedience', as I believe some are obedient even when they know it's wrong, but out of tribal loyalty and the fear of tribal exclusion. That has possibly been the largest motivator, imo.
'They' are innately powerless. Their power is from our collective obedience. Without us they are nothing!! It's all a mind game, which as you note, is unraveling more and more as we see behind the curtain.
Thanks, Navyo. An excellent point - that obedience bit - man has that been hammered in. When I mentioned recently at a neighborhood gathering that I don't vote in national elections, one woman literally gasped and loudly told me that I couldn't possibly mean that!!
I quietly told her I could and did mean that. :-) Talk about triggering.
Just realized something after reading your beautiful article. So many things that they've tried to do to us revolve around our ability to breathe. From the instance with George Floyd (all of the news outlets quoting over and over the "I can't breathe" portion of what happened)--hmm--did they want that phrase to stick in our heads for some reason? To the whole schmovid thing where so many had their ability to breathe compromised. To the police not letting people walk on the beach and breathe the sea air. Parks shutting down. Masks over our faces. Airplanes visibly raining chemicals down on us so we don't feel like the air is clean to breathe in. Threats from the powers that be to tax oxygen and water. No matter where you are in your truth journey, breathe deeply. Breath is life and we are all here for a reason. Start with learning how to breathe deeply and fully, with no apologies for being on this planet. You're here for a profound reason. Never forget that.
So true, Nicol and I've noticed the same.
The entire climate agenda-scam has carbon control right at its center and what do you know? We're carbon based beings. If only we could just stopping breathing so much, everything would be better. 😂 It's that insane. It's that anti-human.
Good advice. Big breaths! And I so agree - we are here for a profound reason.
Thank you so much.
I've noticed a big upsurge, seemingly, on SS lately, of a bunch of people really dissing the Human Race, talking shite about the entire species of us, how we're just not worth the trouble kinds of really ugly talk... And they're clearly Trolls, and they're wading through SS like commandoes invading our lands... Unsettling, but it makes me want to put on my armour and take up a sword...
Yessss! Breath is life. I kept saying that over and over while refusing to wear a mask. Schmovid...made me 😂. Or, as my sister called it...The Covid. 😂 Beautiful comment, Nicol.
And guess what's in those little blue & white masks, AND in the spray we get from airplanes AND in the "vaccines," AND who the heck knows... GRAPHENE. Not our friend. We might all consider finding out some info about how to detox graphene, it is not our friend. Detox a LOT of things, I would say. Time for mass greenhouse building?
Yes, all premeditated by disgusting psychopaths. Grateful for all of the researchers who are exposing the truth.
With great honor, I accept your challenge. We can, and we shall, expand ourselves, align with the frequencies of nature and consciousness, shift our perspective and heal the wound before the would of a new ground is laid. Let us be guided by love and intuition and let us leave behind avarice and cowardice. Under one Gaia, incorruptible, with compassion and cha cha for all.
Thank you for doing this, Kathleen! Can other SOTUs be turned in after July 4th?
Dear Tonika, what a lovely comment, and yes, of course. I broadly suggested July, but whenever if just fine with me. :-)
May your words reverberate and be picked up by free beings everywhere.
Cha cha cha, big Spirit!
💃🏻 🕺🏻 💃🏻
For what it's worth, as I said before, there are only 250,000 unvaccinated adults left in Australia. I had to decide early on that I would die for what I believe in which is my religious faith. They were not going to take me alive. They were not going to vaccinate me.
At some point, the people making declarations here about the SOTU will have to decide in a similar fashion. You may have to decide what is worth dying for. This is a very lonely and difficult experience.
I guess what I am trying to say from the belly of the beast is that tyranny is not a picnic. It is a war of attrition that grinds and picks people off until you are alone and vulnerable. When it really 'happens' in the US you will know. There will be no mistaking what is happening. It is hell.
Can that number be right? So crazy, Excess.
Obviously I hope it won't come down to that - but yes, it may. Freedom and to live as a human being is worth more than one's life, since life isn't worth living without them.
I can't hold a vision that grim, though I recognize the possibility. Tides be turning and so I'm hopeful many of us will get through this dystopian bit.
I know it can be very lonely and difficult. Sending virtual hug to you.
Thanks for everything you do to inform people of the threat. Much appreciated. Best to you.
Yes I believe this number is correct. It is tied to our digital health records and someone who works for Medicare confirmed it to me - they both could be lying of course though. https://www.health.gov.au/sites/default/files/2024-05/covid-19-vaccine-rollout-update-10-may-2024.pdf
It may be though I sincerely hope, not. We do know how well they manipulate data.
Thanks for sending.
That is crazy small number 😵💫😵💫. I’m with you. Death before jab
If everyone had this opinion it would have been over in 24 hours.
Unironically they gave us the solution from the very beginning: stay home save lives.
That's all people needed to do. They did not need to go to these jab centres. The enemy always does this - hiding the messaging in plain sight.
Kathleen, this is beautiful, powerful, and so poignantly worded. It touches one in the depths of their heart, and then elevates their spirit and imagination to the higher realms. In other words, it's just downright inspiring and hopeful. The way you laid it out, it really isn't all that difficult a task in that it just requires a few changes in attitude and latitude, so to speak. We don't even have to gird our loins. It's more a conversion of the mind. There will be some tough times ahead but we won't be alone, as long as we have each other. Thanks for your courage in bringing this forward to the community.
What a beautiful and generous comment, Rocket. I so appreciate it. And yes, easier than the surmounting problems would have us think.
A simple, deep reorientation back to ourselves and Nature. That will do it!! (and then we'll deal with what has to be dealt with.)
A heartfelt thanks to you.
As a citizen of Earth under God, I offer my hand to all other citizens of Earth. God is with us, so who can stand against us?
🎯 Thanks, Neil!
Oh, plenty can, but they are not strong enough to conquer us!
Oh, Kathleen... I drank in every word of your SOTU. Perfect timing with Frances' interview - I think this was one of her best.
This felt like it flowed right out of you. Brutally honest, Aries no-holds-barred Truth with a big slice of hope and heart. I could hear Jacqueline's words reflected in yours so was not at all surprised to see her name at the end.
I think we're of a similar age, and IDK about you, but as I watch this all playing out, I am oddly without fear. It's like someone flipped a light on for me in 2020 and fear over the state of the world vanished. It's a mess out there but I have hope that awareness is growing and that we are all realizing what it means to lead a sovereign life. I'm not saying I'm fully there, by any means, but I know what it means and this Sagittarius knows a bit about Truth.
You humble me by mentioning my name, Kathleen. Thank you, Nature-sister. XOXO
Thanks Barbara - and agree, one of Frances' best. Such a helpful overview (and I think there's a layer beyond them, but that's another story.)
Sections flowed and then I went back and stuck some obstacles in them. ;-)
Same - not feeling the fear. Oddly quite hopeful though hopefully also clear-eyed. I guess we'll have to check in when the shit really hits the fan. 😂
I'm certainly not there either, but I like preparing the ground for the possibility that we'll all be finding out what sovereignty really means.
Sharing your stack is my honor, honestly. It's been a gift to me.
Best to you, friend. XO
Would you link Frances' interview, Barbara? I think I missed some articles.
And yes, this had a beautiful flow to it. A very inspiring opening salvo to sovereignty.
Thanks, T.
Oops! Just seeing this, Tereza! I think Kathleen beat me to it! Just in case you missed it though... https://odysee.com/@jermwarfare:2/150424_24p:6 XOXO
Well, you nailed it. I don't know how many versions got you to this one, but they were worth it. This is IT. I feel enlivened, challenged, and reassured, all at once. Thank you for articulating the deep truth of our sovereign nature, and of NATURE'S enfolding presence. The more we turn away from the manic attempts to enslave our attention, and turn toward the earth beneath our feet, the quicker we will reach the independence we crave... and deserve.
So well done, Kathleen. Xox
That is really gratifying to hear, Mary. Thank you. And even more gratifying to hear the message resonates. I've spoken about this to some people and based on their reaction I suspect they honestly don't what I'm talking about. I think maybe can't imagine big structures - like a government, going - so it seems too out-there. For me, who can imagine such a thing - this grounding realization is such a relief and comfort.
Appreciate you. Best. XO
This is so awesome, Kathleen!! You covered all the most important points from the condition of what truly makes a Country to the sense on Individual Self; that's so refreshing.
The statement of "I am" is a great thing to bring up. "I am" is the linguistic announcement of Being. In our language, many people have gotten used to placing a "common" noun after "I am" thereby diminishing it. Whenever someone says "I am a US Citizen," I wonder if they realize they are calling themselves a "paper fiction."
On Political Power, I say this:
"A Throne is only a Chair where a Human Sits. It is not a seat of Power.
The True Seat of Power is where Being views inward to See what Is."
If we act on the respect of the Divine within each of us, we can build a beautiful, decentralized world; right now we are standing at a cross road. We must make a choice: "Do we want to live in a Compulsory Collective Society, where we are ultimately "property of the State;" or do we want to live in a Voluntarily Cooperative Society, where each of us are Autonomously Sovereign?"
These are great discussions, it's so nice so many people are involved here.
Thanks, Nef. I really appreciate that.
Good point on 'I am' and no I don't think they recognize that at all. :-)
"If we act on the respect of the Divine within each of us, we can build a beautiful, decentralized world; right now we are standing at a cross road. We must make a choice.."
Yes exactly right and that choice is pressing.
I truly hope many more are recognizing what is at stake.
Thanks for the comment, and expanding the discussion. Best.
This makes me think of a short video I just saw... I've seen very similar things like this before... But I think this has the makings of a very sturdy framework to take back our sovereignty. See what you think, and we could discuss here on Kathleen's page? It's fairly short.
The video is very well composed. I think you are right about there being a firm and sturdy framework for claiming back our Sovereignty. The thread that runs through the whole video presentation is "Control over Identity." This is the very thing I mentioned before; "I am that I am." My perception is, the State relies on us "believing" in it's legitimacy. Even among those of us who crave to claim back Sovereignty, there are many affidavits and petitions. If we fully Stand with our own sense of Authority, why would we approach the supposed "masters" to petition them? Doesn’t that make us failures right out of the gate?
My approach is to Seize and Claim with Force of my own Sovereign Authority; my Identity, and my Name. What I have done is claim my own name without a Burth Certificate. There is a name assigned to me, but it's a Shorten version of what it is in my community of Yogis, whom I grew up with.
In both the Indian and Ancient Egyptian world, the name less shared is the most powerful. There is obviously a lot more than just "names," to consider. I think Identity is probably where we start.
"...why would we approach the supposed "masters" to petition them? Doesn’t that make us failures right out of the gate?"
I feel much the same. Thanks for that.
Yes, I agree. And according to ALL legal everything taught in the US to law students, the CONTRACT is everything. So… How can you be in a contract with someone when they TRICKED you as a new-born infant into being a slave to their Business Plan by never even divulging the transaction?? It’s null and void on its face. But suddenly you start to see all your bills, and your driving license, and all these things with your name in CAPITAL LETTERS… that’s LEGAL writing for the name of a CORPORATION. Yeah, it’s hidden in plain sight. So… I’m wondering what will happen if I call my electric company and tell them I am not a corporation and so I don’t intend to pay my bill? I’d imagine they’d cut off my power! lol I want to look into this further… I’ve been hearing things about this state of affairs for a few years now, but I need to STUDY it.
My initial system of approach to things like Utilities, is to do all I can to fly under their radar, paying with those fake monetary certificates as long as I can. Having a Driver's License is OK; same if there is already a setup like a Contractor's License for me to do business with...... Ironically, in the course to learn the Contractor's License Law, they teach you that BOTH parties of ALL contracts must be fully aware of the parameters of the contractual agreement or it is automatically null and void.
I never sign my birth certificate signature under "penalty of perjury" either. What I do is I write my name and then above that, I add "No Prejudice" UCC1-308 meaning that in order for me to agree to contract, I needed to have prior knowledge of what my role is in the contract.
That's helpful. I've been thinking I need to go to my town, and ask for a line item of what they are charging me. Saying I never contracted with you and I'd like to decide what services I'm willing to pay for.
Yeah, yeah! Thanks for that tip at the end, too… I am tangled up in blue courtroom shite, on THREE fronts right now, for nothing I ever did, and I’m just DYIN’ to find the right time to say “nope, I’m not a corp.” heh I will have to be dogged about it…
Wow, I feel like you just did me a big favor by writing that. I wish I had written one by now, what a clear thought process from beginning to end. I feel better for having read it. Nature all the way, baby. We have powers we are not told about. Time to stick our feet in the earth and get some stuff done. This is phenomenal. Thanks for it. I will refer back to it later. We see them, we are looking right at them. We are also looking toward our own goals with happy hearts and compounding that energy by being creative and helping our communities. Here is to it!
I love this comment WIANR!
I'm so happy to read everything you wrote - and genuinely feel uplifted right back!
Nature all the way, baby! 😘 Thank you!
Yay!!!! Cha cha cha- I’ve pretty much abandoned going along to get along since clearly seeing through (not at the time though as I just sensed an evil ) the ‘training games’ the girls in High school played on each other , to scramble for hierarchy while building a false self esteem while stomping on others . A bit older, 4 decades, I am now and these same ridiculous games are played by most persons in authority , the toys more sophisticated.
Nature will have and does have a way of cleaning out the closets. Humility is severely lacking in these control freaks !
Thanks for the SOTU 💕
I can feel that essential spirit of you, in your comment. Will serve you well.
Right - we've all grown up in a messed up and distorted world and sadly took on many of its attributes as if that was the way the world worked.
And yes, Nature does have a way...
Good to mock and laugh at them, they so very much want us to take them seriously.
Thank you, Susan for comment! Best.💕
Hurrah dear Kathleen! Our stacks go together! Yours and mine, this memorable day of independence! I posed the question, in painful yet clear terms, Who Am I? And this must be answered by every sovereign citizen of Gaia! The answer then will reverberate from sea to shining sea! America the beautiful, Gaia the beautiful! From every mountainside, desert, valley and cave..,let freedom ring!
Yes they do, Elle. I just read yours and love the synchronicity. This most essential of questions is coming up - and I can't imagine how any of us will escape it. (Well maybe the masked hiker-friend? :-) )
Thanks for comment and alert to your stack. Very best to you.
I have pondered your words and appreciate your approach. The State of US is reversible. With care and consideration of who we are and where we land, we, the creation of The Almighty are not an accident. Through out the ages, the hubris of man is constantly on display. We hear the stories and see 'them' trying to be God, or corrupt what He has created. When man effs with the creation, given to us by The Creator, there will be a price. Can we un-do it by doing what we know we should do? Absolutely, but only by realizing that we are in the world but not of the world. Man has left behind his spiritual roots that have guided and directed our instinct for millennia. Which leads us to the last 150 years or so, in this nation. From the co-opting of America and the Civil War through the Depression, to the disgusting act of plowing up and 2nd largest eco-system in the US, second only to the Boreal Forests and the resulting irreversible degradation to the land God gave us; the purposeful dumbing down of Americans and the creation of a giant Hydra-Fed to take the place of the family unit and parents, it has all been done because the collective 'WE' gave it permission to continue by doing nothing. By thinking the status quo was our normal and we would be content with how things had always been...before. The awakening has been slow and but for the show of the last 4 years, many of us might still be complacently complying. Not any more. Cha Cha Cha
Thank you, SadieJay.
I agree our situation can be salvaged - perhaps not exactly reversed - but re-claimed and re-appropriated.
We did hand it all over, but we have also been manipulated from birth -generations - and many of us came to believe we required a mediator - in all things - including our relationship with our Creator. As if.
One of the biggest lessons I've learned over my life was how propagandized I was while being absolutely certain I wasn't. It's a very humbling experience. Deep assumptions that are simply accepted and become the basis for many more assumptions, do not go easily. (We accept the world we're born into, as Christof says in The Truman Show)
The learning curve gets steeper all the time in coming to terms with the layers of lies.
It's Plato's Allegory of the Cave - who was trying to tell us 2,500 years ago.
Still, much is being undone now. It's hard to see how it all unfolds but I'm hopeful - as you know. And yes, reverence for earth and its Creator/Source back to center.
So appreciate you. ❤️
Right? The feeling of betrayal is great. And it should be, for ALL of humanity. We are all propagandized, in the way, shape or form that our upbringing and belief system would allow us to be. Right, Left, whatever. Looking to OZ to save us, to ‘know’ what is best for us Citizens? Wrong wrong wrong!! Unless we have been citified beyond what our soul can bear, there is a glimmer of what we know to inherently do, inside all of us. Most brush it off…that little niggling feeling to buy the yam instead of the processed french fries. I am not buying their junk and I am uncommitting to the system. And when I say ‘junk’, I don’t just mean food, I mean all of it. And in my resistance, there is hope and resolve. I am reading a book called The Worst Hard Time by Timothy Eagan about the Dust Bowl. It makes me sick, that mankind, the ignoramuses, think they knew better than God. And it continues on today…just look up. Or around at those who have bought the narrative hook, needle and sinker. Hugs to you K. You are a wordsmith…an ideasmith and I love it.♥
Oh maybe we can look forward to a book review on that? 😊At least some of us resisters have found each other and for that I am very grateful.
Danka, darlin.❤️
I would love to review the book, but it is just so depressing. I am powering through. But it did make me curious how maybe, just maybe, with our technology, the plains had been replanted? The answer is a big fat no. The BigAgriArm is draining the Ogallala Aquifer as they plant corn and other non-native species that require water. Houses are still there, covered in soil that blew up after the big plow up. I had to look to a conservationist from Kenya to get the answers I needed on the remediation our loving gov has taken to make the plains great again. Nothing. Just nothing.
Here is the gold:
"An individual, a simple human being, who is in charge of themselves - physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually - can not be perception-managed. They are fully embodied on a planet and they access a direct-connect (no mediator) to their very Source which is hooked up to the very planet."
Add self-directing to those qualities.
And then remember that we create our reality through our perception. That is our true power. To create the reality we wish to experience. We know how, we've just forgotten that our attention is our currency.
What they know how to do is to get our attention. And we can figure out how to take our attention back in such a way that we make them unimportant and inconsequential to our lives.
It takes determination and courage and it is hard to not pay attention to all the shiny things they use for that purpose that play to our emotions and guidelines and sense of right and wrong, All the things that cause us to take our eyes off the prize -- ourselves and our movement into complete, balanced, integral, cohesive, powerful human beings which we came here to be.
Thanks for continuing to write about all of this.
"We know how, we've just forgotten that our attention is our currency." And, "What they know how to do is to get our attention. And we can figure out how to take our attention back in such a way that we make them unimportant and inconsequential to our lives."
Agree. Though I think we're still in the process of more people catching on to the game. WE can't reject what we don't see, and lots of people still don't see the massive manipulation and perception-management we call 'reality.'
Once they do, then yes, the bigger question on what we want to create comes in. And we have your stack to help with that. :-).
Thanks, Philip.
The WEF's Elite now believe they own us and our freedom of choice. But we're coming back to give them a bloody nose! =TERMINATION!
Bring back hanging for all involved in Fauci's manufactured Covid and DEADLY but useless mRNA injection DEPOPULATION Plan.!
Lambs to the slaughter. It seems very few questions were asked about 'EXPERIMENTAL mRNA (Gene Editing) injections'. No evidence was requested about the origins and background of the man-modified (Fauci) disease before millions took the giant leap of faith = a DEADLY injection. No investigation as to why and how Big Pharma enjoyed ZERO LIABILITY for any/all adverse effects (serious, long term or even DEATHS) that follow many 'vaccines'?
It's excusable, I suppose, because it was early days in the Covid depopulating scam and the 'pretend vaccine' CULL!
Now, after 4 years of data (much of which is deliberately hidden or falsified by Big Pharma) there is considerable evidence that Covid was designed, engineered, modified and intensified by Fauici & his associates in order to justify the magically quick 'CURE' which can, and do, KILL recipients. The jabs seem to have little or NO IMPACT on stopping Covid spreading or Covid being caught more frequently by the gullible 'vaxxed' amongst us.
Now that most of our early Conspiracy Theories seem to have been proven accurate - if not understated, many have accepted the 'pretend vaccines' make recipients more susceptible with every shot. The injections exacerbate pre-existing illnesses and even re-introduce illnesses that were cured many years ago.
Do not accept another shot until Pfizer et al, are held financially responsible for injuries and DEATHS caused by their deadly depopulating (money-making) injections.
You were warned - but now it's probably too late. Each extra injection you take reduces your Life Expectancy!
NO MORE mRNA injections until creators of the CULLING injections are executed for Pre-meditated Mass Murder!
Unjabbed mick! I'll live longer without medical intervention!
Agreed! When Pfizer accepts LIABILITY we might reconsider but its highly unlikely we can ever trust these corrupt Vax makers again! Mick (UK).
Beautifully, wonderfully put, Kathleen. Thank you! This is exactly what we need to hear, the return to our natural source available with each breath, with each thought, each moment of presence... no mediation needed!
It's still disconcerting to meet folks with mediated minds. Their conversations repeat the propaganda with such sincerity, along with the ridicule of independent thought, facts and truth. Their bodies, their behavior reflect this adherence, this consensus, who then go and vote and voila! Democracy!
One of the most important parts of your SOTU was about our agreement. I would add 'obedience', as I believe some are obedient even when they know it's wrong, but out of tribal loyalty and the fear of tribal exclusion. That has possibly been the largest motivator, imo.
'They' are innately powerless. Their power is from our collective obedience. Without us they are nothing!! It's all a mind game, which as you note, is unraveling more and more as we see behind the curtain.
Cha cha cha!
Thanks, Navyo. An excellent point - that obedience bit - man has that been hammered in. When I mentioned recently at a neighborhood gathering that I don't vote in national elections, one woman literally gasped and loudly told me that I couldn't possibly mean that!!
I quietly told her I could and did mean that. :-) Talk about triggering.
Matt Damon reads Howard Zinn's treatise on obedience.
And Howard Zinn himself in 1971 on civil disobedience.
I forgot to add that I love the "Cha Cha Cha" part.