I absolutely love how this piece does exactly what you describe: "It’s about seeing how it’s done; the larger context - in this case larger container - in which everything is happening."

Masterful, Kathleen. And I love the title, too -- a perfect double entendre! Is there any greater crime than allowing our imaginations -- the single most powerful aspect of our human existence -- to be CAPTURED? And yet we give it over willingly, to these infernal screens, hourly.

Thank you for the deep wisdom and incisive eye, as always, and for the shout-out, too. We are in good company, at least. Big hugs 💖

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Thank you, Mary! I'm glad you 'got' the double meaning with it. :-) And no, I don't believe there can be a greater crime, really.

As for good company - yes and yes and yes. I'm grateful everyday. Hugs back!


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I think the reason why Nazism controlled many at the time to ignore their empathy was the same reason why most Americans were pro Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan war. They still trusted their leaders and their "clubs" like communities, religions, science, class status which made them follow the group think.

These days we may have lost community but we have a huge advantage of being able to communicate with others anywhere in the world or outside ones religion etc.

That's why they're desperate now. They're talking about vaccine side effects in the propaganda nyt and other mainstream news.

I don't think they can pull off anything big for a while because people are already not trusting them. If anything they're going to have to give us reforms to placate us for a while.

Nature is wonderful, like a tree breaking through rock, humanity is becoming smarter to see through the sociopaths and psychopaths that are running things.

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Agree, they are desperate now. I hope you're right that they can't pull off anything big for awhile, desperate people...

And yeah, humans are seeing through it, (Yay!) and much like trees super resilient.

Thank you for the comment, Rob. Best.

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I hope you're right, but just today I ran into a 20-something who blamed 'antivaxxers' for the death of their disabled relative in hospital.

Even when I showed him all the evidence they did not believe me on the following topics: remdesivir/midazolam/ventilators, Pfizer trials hidden for 75 years until court order, 'unvaccinated' is 14 days post-jab, the 11,000 NZ workers who got exemptions, excess deaths in Australia are not due to covid, vaccine side effects, the vax not stopping the spread.

He just kept saying 'my cousin died from selfish antivaxxers' on repeat. There was no getting through to him.

I think a large proportion of the population is gone and they will believe anything. If they pull a false flag big enough they will beg for a sniper on every corner. NSW already has extraordinary emergency police powers (stop and search, warrantless search) in place over what would be one normal night in Alice Springs.

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Well you may be right Excess. On the larger population I mean. Don't know what the future holds for them. But I'm very positive despite evidence to the contrary for those aligning to freedom. It has to come up and out and that's messy.

Thanks for comment. Hope you're well. Best.

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I just found out that <1% of adult Australians did not get the covid jab. Things do not look good here. They reclassified 'unvaccinated' as no jabs whereas before it was 'less than 2.' Yes, fewer people are getting them but they are still jabbing millions.

We're done.

Edit: link for the curious. And this is linked to our digital health records. I believe it to be accurate. https://www.health.gov.au/sites/default/files/2024-05/covid-19-vaccine-rollout-update-10-may-2024.pdf

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Oh lord, that's a depressing stat.

I don't agree you're 'done' though. This horror is still the result of a new world breaking in. But do agree, it doesn't look good.

Thanks for the link.

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It's possible, POSSIBLE, (I have no way to know) that the stats you're submitting were FALSE. Question Everything. And never give up. xo

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Quite right!

We have no way of knowing.

More than anything in my entire life, I hope this information is wrong.

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I should have said that I meant specifically the 1% NON-jabbed. That seems unusually low, compared to other stats I've seen... Not blaming YOU for it, either! But I've noticed that the 5 Eyes countries all seem to be working VERY, VERY HARD at coming up with a lot of LIES to twist up our thinking... xo

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As always K, you said it. This particularly hit home, because they are coming at us from all sides with narratives that distract us→"We will all have to ask ourselves, when does parsing out the truth in its minutia become yet another potential trap? When does it serve to free us and when does it serve to create yet another detour and delay our exit?"

So, the question we must ask ourselves is 'when is enough truth enough to get us through, keep us strong and independent and still worth a shit?'.

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Thanks SadieJay. I think you've honed in the exact point. And we all answer that for ourselves I guess. Seems the spectrum of 'waking up' is pretty broad and there are lots of stops as we move through.

Glad our paths seem to run pretty parallel. :-) Best.

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Who or what is coming at us from all sides?

We now "live" and are trapped in an all-pervasive tower of babel/babble created by TV. Which is essentially a form of collective psychosis.

Such is the nature of the who and what. That who & what is essentially hostile to the well-being of all life forms both human and non-human. That TV created anti-"culture" is rapidly destroying all remaining forms of authentic human culture. And the biosphere too.

This essay describes the situation:


This essay describes the origins and nature of our collective Wetiko psychosis


The above website also features many more essays describing the situation.

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Thanks for the comment and links, Jonathan.

I'm very familiar with Paul Levy and wetiko.

I don't know that our situation was created by TV but surely it's contributed to holding the spell and deepening the illusion. Screen pull us into a digital world, a synthetic world where we lose a sense of a real self in a real body. Being in Nature fortunately has a way of reversing that. I'm a big advocate.

Wetiko has gone by many names and shown up in many forms for thousands of years. It amounts to an infiltration - I think largely interdimensional (though not only that) and operates unseen through humans who have been infiltrated.

That hidden presence is no longer hidden. WE talk about it in different ways, but the point is we talk about it.

In my understanding this slave system is possible only at certain denser frequency ranges and this key. As the frequencies on this planet go up - and they measurably are going up - those aligned to the higher energies will naturally shed these influences- it's already happening; its why so many can now see through the prison system.

My sense is we're on the cusp of freeing the planet for the first time in a very long time.

It's gonna be messy but I'm very optimistic.


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The divine often sparkles through and your writing, my dear. It’s like you channel the best of our thoughts and cogently communicate the pertinent and the profound, the parallels of the micro that echoes within the macro and your work leaves me hopeful instead of dreadful and I’ll be damned if we don’t need more of that. Actually, we’ll all be damned. 😆 pleased as punch to be mentioned amongst fierce giants of this hope-making. Let’s manifest that which we wish to see. 💞

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Dear Tonika, if my writing leaves you hopeful, that leaves me smiling.

Danka, giant thank you are, and yes, let's do that. ❤️

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Hear hear! So well said!

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Spot on. Once you’ve seen it in totality you can’t unsee it. Although many things become self evident at that point, it’s important to keep pointing out the inconsistencies and hypocrisy of the narrative for those behind on the trail. I overlook this sometimes (my impatience). The rabbit holes have helpful trinkets of truth but they can be huge time sinks and may not lead anywhere. So onward. Oh, and recognize they have laid out a mine field ahead of you too.

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"Although many things become self evident at that point, it’s important to keep pointing out the inconsistencies and hypocrisy of the narrative for those behind on the trail."

I agree and I share your impatience too. What a ride we're on, eh?

Thanks, Mike. Best.

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The floor is clean. A full sweep. Job well done, that's a fact. Proof is in the burden of truth or liefe. The former will cost you the latter. Even those who say they they want truth are liefers. From what JFK was doing behind the scenes to the past decade of holistic doctors, suicided with two bullet holes, to the two most recent Boeing whistle-blowers. Proof of burden. The pinnacle of human experience is sharing truth with others. They say it's sharing knowledge...but that can be tampered with. No burden, no truth.

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Thanks GC. Appreciate that.

A lot of grim endings for truth-tellers.

Let me ask you, do you sense a shift - a left turn as it were, coming - and rather than echoing a version of history resulting in the usual re-branding of the prison - something different afoot? I do.

Just curious. Best.

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An optimistic shift? You know me Kathleen. (winky emoji) Until all the truths come out and those BIG lies destroyed, and people don't fear them destroyed, we're just repeating history, over and over again. Hampsters on a wheel with flouridated calcified pineal glands. Spiritually dead. Groundhog day meets Truman show with truthers running around wearing "They Live" sunglasses.

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I think they (all the truths) be coming out. Though I enjoyed your alternate view description.

I don't think we're in for a replay. But IDK - If we hang in long enough, we'll find out.

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When I included this in my post, I hadn't even gotten to the pitchfork meme or I surely would have stolen it. But now I'm even more astonished at the synchronicity of our posts. Your list of techniques could have replaced the one I did from Matt Taibbi via Mary. It makes me very happy to be thinking along the same lines as you. And I'm honored by the kind mention. Here's mine, for other people who might be curious: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/changing-our-story

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Agree on the synchronicity. Barbara noted a similar theme in her dashboard and the 'ether' - yeah, we are swimming in similar themes.

There must be something to it. Getting at the 'how they do it,' in a succinct and clear way that penetrates through the layers of fog and noise.

I was always a big believer in the ability of communication to repair, expand, open and create new possibilities and the last few years have felt very deflating to that end.

Starting to think its more about frequencies, (probably always was) and words carry that.

Fewer words but potent with the frequency of truth. I know it sounds very out-there, but I don't think it is. Everything carries an energetic blueprint.

Maybe this idea will take-over the sham climate change carbon footprint stupidity. What' your energetic footprint?

When it comes to taking down long-standing narratives, Tereza, especially the touchy stuff, and addressing the specifics to do it, you have the needed gears and talent to do it. I'm glad someone does. :-)

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You’ve got it Kathleen. It’s really all about frequencies. It’s not out there at all. We are all, in essence, beings of energy. We maintain our bodies, move, think, love, communicate among each other, and with the earth and its other inhabitants, as well as the Devine through frequency across a broad spectrum. Not just visible light and audible sound.

That reality has been obscured by the facade of this construct we live in. Perpetrated and continued by psychopaths seeking control of that construct. Took me a whole lifetime to get to that conclusion.

As the construct crumbles our true being is stepping forward. It’s happening with more people at a faster pace now hence all the weird synchronicities and manifestations. The scale of the change occurring is so large we struggle to put it in words. But you do a fine job of it. The various authors of substack, being in different enlightenment, reveal various pieces of our true reality. Words are important to communicate to those still trapped in the construct, and clarify our thoughts and energy flow. But the understanding will come regardless.

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Well said, Mike.

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"As the construct crumbles our true being is stepping forward.

This is the KEY point, Mike. I so agree. The amazing gift within the mess, waiting for us to grab it.

Thank you for the insightful comment.

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I was thinking about why we feel so trapped here sometimes. It's so disheartening watching the powers that be take our money, hoard it, and use it against us. It really is ultimately all they have, and I believe it will be their downfall. There's something they don't take into account, and it's the fact that linear time is an illusion that we temporarily deal with here on earth. When they take our money, they think they're also taking all of the time and effort, sweat and tears that went into making that money. But, all of the time and effort, sweat and tears, hasn't been taken from us. Our efforts are reintegrated back to us for our soul's learning and benefit. Our souls are eternal, and time can't be taken away from them. God gives us everything we need and is constantly restoring and renewing what was lost. They are not in control unless we let them be and forget who we are, as was mentioned in the article. And, I just realized something profoundly important. Maybe those were some of the reasons why Jesus Christ performed the atonement--to help shift the paradigm regarding linear time and to help us remember that we're eternal--to forge that bond with us here, that we know we can go to Him, and that He will turn all of the difficult things and missteps we experience into something beautiful to be reintigrated back to us for our soul's benefit, if we ask Him for help and let Him into our lives.

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Agree fully we are timeless and eternal. And also that we are here at this time for a spectacular show that is often challenging.

I take a lot comfort in trusting we have what we need. We find the wisdom we need, the teachers, the gifts as they best serve us. For me Jesus remains a figure who embodied deep knowing, pointing us to a whole other way of being which before we can know its truth, shows up in faith. Faith bridges till we know ourselves and honestly, a new level of knowing, imo, is coming in. There is so much help out there.

Appreciate the thoughtful comment, Nicol. Best to you.

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I read a wonderful interpretation of Christ on the cross a while back. That His arms were indicating linear time of past and future, while his body was indicating the depth and height of vertical reality. Linear reality being quantitative, measurable. Vertical reality being qualitative, immeasurable. Which is why God will never be proven in scientific terms because God does not need to be proven!

So I think that ties in with your comment about Christ helping us remember we are eternal.

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I love this. Feels right.

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That's fascinating--I love this, too. There's a quote in the movie, "The Count of Monte Cristo" , where the main character, Edmond Dantes, says something like, "I don't believe in God" to Abbe Faria, the priest he's imprisoned with. The priest replies back (to paraphrase), "it doesn't matter, He believes in you". I think God has given us all we need, not because He needs us to acknowledge Him, but because He believes in us. Every good thing testifies of a loving Creator, and He's waiting in the wings with open arms for us to come back to Him. People get so caught up in the questions about the "gender" of God and then get offended. I think the whole gender confusion nonsense that's been pushed in society is to also confuse us about the nature of God. "He" should not be an offensive word. The strongest and most balanced men I know have a feminine side, as well.

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So true. I like the expression (paraphrasing) Truth isn't waiting on your agreement. It just is.

A Loving Presence - by any name - is obvious to me. :-)

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To me, once you know God, belief becomes irrelevant. Then faith is no longer an abstraction but something tangible, an inherent trust in the love which created us. It's similar in a way to the Native American relationship with mother earth, father sky, the infinite and eternal that made all things. There are many routes to the One Source.

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That's beautiful--thank you!

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"Global penitentiary", "idenity-snags" - just gold. You are spot on with this. I so enjoyed this piece and it was just the sort of thing I needed to read right now. I have found that letting go of all the BS history/narratives to be so liberating. I have no attachment to them any more, if I ever did. As a child I instinctively knew that 'news' was mostly fear porn (not that I would have used those words).

We have to walk out of the prison, there is no alternative. It's time.

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Awesome comment, Claire, thank you!

I'm glad you can move through the letting go with ease. Those around you have a good model to see how it's done. (some won't get it) I trust you are exactly where you need to be.

Best to you.

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It seems self-evident that something like a death cult has captured liberalism, which I take to be very much a practice of our elite so very influenced and supported by the Chinese Communist party. I don't even blame the Chinese. I think it is necessary though to start imagining the collapse of Western elite, however that might be traumatic for Western Civ and America.

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Couldn't agree more on the death cult capture. On display everywhere.

And yes, the sooner we allow ourselves to imagine the collapse, the quicker we can prepare and navigate it. In my( very-blue-stat) neck o' the woods, I don't see any of that happening. I don't see thinking or deep questioning at all. It's like people have turned into shallow sketches of their previous selves Very weird really.

It's not a pleasant thought, but I imagine many of them won't make it over the next several years. (They feel absent already.)

Hope I'm wrong.


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I am in a blue state, but live in conservative rural country, and there does not seem anything here but belief that things will work out in the end. Materialist Progress is very much like a religion. It seems to influence normies left and right equally. That said, I am very glad to not be living in Minneapolis anymore. I have a big garden here, fishing and hunting, more than enough work building. I actually think collapse of American empire could be quite good for most of America, just not our elite and the technocracy.

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I wish I knew where pockets of conservatives hang out in CT.

"I actually think collapse of American empire could be quite good for most of America, just not our elite and the technocracy."

I do too. It's necessary.

But I don't think it will be good for the elite and technocracy. Pro-human is on the rise, imo, and anti-human agendas on the way out. Don't know how long that takes.

And while I don't think they stop advancing their agendas, I can't imagine post collapse people will trust and follow' 'them' anymore. I guess we'll find out.

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What a truly excellent piece of writing! It covers so many facets of the inner prison system whilst retaining pristine clarity on the essentials of escape. I particularly like "Understanding the mechanisms of control is not about dismissing everything as a lie. It is about seeing how it's done;" This is such a vital reminder to people because many of those who feel the prison walls end up reinforcing them by rejecting everything as a big lie, retreating into paranoid, solipsistic echochambers, and projecting blame on to dogmatically held a priori, instead of re-examining THEMSELVES at the core level of emotional triggers and unquestioned beliefs. What emerges from such internal rigidity is simply the production line of more fractals for the global prison. By contrast, to be able re-imagine the world based on a letting go of ALL assumptions~ especially those hardest to question ~ and not lazily sinking into the antithesis of imagination and creativity ("It's all a lie") is, as you propose, the stepping stone to a world where the prison has been finally dismantled. It's a big ask, as it should be because nothing worthwhile ever happens without a challenge. Thank you for writing so beautifully!

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Thank you so much, Dr. Corrin.

Re: ..."because many of those who feel the prison walls end up reinforcing them by rejecting everything as a big lie,..."

I've noticed this too. And it's inversion as well, where the prison is sensed but it's so uncomfortable an idea, it's denied and an endless search for facts to disprove its existence ensues.

In both cases avoidance is happening. I think once we get a handle on how identity is so fully in play and entwined and recognize we can hold those identities - we developed in order to adapt to a distorted landscape - lightly, and even let them go as needed, we realized they were never who we were and something more essential comes forward. All of which is exciting, if sometimes uncomfortable.(once you get the hang of it anyway.)

Appreciate the comment. Best.

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Excellent piece, Kathleen. I can relate so well... I've lost count of the red-pilling reveals over the recent years and it's made me dubious and skeptical of just about everything. Like you, I'm not the same person watching Downton Abbey for the second time. One's eyes see things completely differently. The sense of a relaxed acceptance of consensual reality has gone, shattered.

But who said waking up was going to be all flowers, sunshine and singing? The shock has reverberated into the soul's core. As you say, disillusioning and wearying.

The lie of Covid has unraveled reality and everything we've accepted as historical truth. In that way, it was a tremendous gift and I think we should hold it as such. The gift that keeps on giving.

To your point, "We fail to question the reality of what we’re seeing," I would add we fail to question the reality we THINK we're seeing. There has been so much fake imagery, deepfake video and now AI is on hand to make it all one seamless flow, it's almost impossible to tell the difference. And of course, there's the lies by omission which obfuscate reality to show only one perspective as the only perspective. But you point to all this in your article.

That it's all coming apart and its architects have shown themselves is necessary in our ongoing spiritual journey of awakening. So maybe flowers, sunshine and singing are just what we need,

Thanks for laying it all out so well. Blessings.

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Hi Navyo! Thanks for the great comment and usual insight.

So true there are gifts littered throughout this undoing; ripe for the taking. 🌞🌷🌿

And while they've always been there, perhaps they will be re-positioned as we go forward, taking a more central role. I suspect so. Best to you.

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It's good to be in good company. Not feeling so isolated.

I've chosen to turn my attention away from the din and focus more on my own community and home.

I have not abandoned our brothers and sisters, but my order is placed, my vote is cast, and there isn't much else for me to do but stay healthy and enrich my environment by interacting with real people in this real place.

I'm glad there are those who have taken up the fight.

Thanks for this well-written synopsis.

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Wise words, Philip. I so get it.

Thank you for the kind comment. Best.

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Holy smokes. Thanks Kathleen what a read!

One thing I have found is that some 'aware' people get very attached to their 'rabbit holes.' They protect them viciously, not understanding they are in a massive warren, and their 'hole' has many twists and turns. Sometimes the roof caves in.

In any case, the vitriol is very off-putting. I can think of a few issues like this but hesitate to name them because the subsequent abuse is intolerable.

In Australia we have something called the 'Fixated Persons Unit' - it's for people who stalk public figures etc. I often think some of these hostile people could benefit from a spell in there to cool off.

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I know exactly what you mean about identities attaching to their stories. Can't help but think they've just been captured again. Wearying.

Best to hold our sense of identity lightly since when they go and they do go, we discover it wasn't really who we were in the first place. Nature helps with this shedding I find.

Thank you, Excess! I'm so glad you enjoyed.

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I remember when discovery was a delight. Now people are quite vicious. Monetisation of discovery has torched this process.

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Me too. And agree, money has polluted the once exciting space.

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Oh my, Kathleen! This is solid gold thinking/writing. My friend, we must be on some common thread of topics to write about floating out there in the ethers. I'm writing a piece now about something regarding story and this is so resonant. I will be linking to your post, for sure, should I ever get it out of my Dashboard and into the world.

Thank you for the kind mention and I’m excited to visit Sue/Spiral Leaf’s newsletter! I just took a quick peek and she surely seems like a kindred spirit.

Headed out into the woods now, armed with my garlic breath and vanilla extract to keep the black flies at bay! Thx for another great read! XOXO

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So very kind, Barbara and it makes me happy that it resonates! Them ethers!

This was in my dashboard in various forms for a while so I know about that.

Thank you. Love picturing you in the woods soaking it all in! ❤️

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Oh, darn. Thanks for letting me know. Think if you copy and paste it should get you there.

Appreciate that generous compliment!

Super positive here. Maybe because really, once all this darkness is dispelled there really is so much light incoming.

❤️ Best to you, crazy ghost.

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