Jun 18Liked by Kathleen

An excellent post. Thank you. Also for highlighting David A Hughes work. Another thank you!

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Thank you, Helen. Until I watched the interview I linked I didn't know about him.

I would love to see David and Mike Yeadon team up since they are both Brits and leading the way in their own spheres. I suspect they could each grow their reach that way.

I will suggest that to both of them - their work is so complimentary.


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I just saw Hughes for the first time on James Grundvig's interview; wow, what a resource Hughes is! Here's that one: https://www.bitchute.com/video/BBp3gI5n6I39/

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Appreciate the link and so agree, Aelred. Very clear, he sees it, he has documented it and he somehow got through the peer review phase in academia. Courageous man.


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Arrrgh, Kathleen! Why must you have these brilliant ideas smack in the middle of crazy busy season! It’s making me sound like a pirate! 😹 🏴‍☠️ I am definitely looking forward to reading/watching what others are coming up with and will try and post one of my own (as an honorary American and all, am I allowed?) or maybe take some of the ones that are written and wouldn’t mind me adding visuals… ok. Giving me things to ponder. I will do my best to participate in some way. 🙌

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No stres, promise I won't give you any shit if it doesn't happen.

And yes, darlin, honorary American who knows what up, is more than allowed! Thank you!

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💃🏻 🇺🇸 🎤

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That’s a terrific idea Kathleen! I really hope there will be some way for me to read some of them!

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Thanks Michael. We will definitely work that out - whether directing access from my stack or by another means, including some kind of central hub as Mary suggested above.

Maybe you'll even write one yourself. 😊 (she said trying not to be obnoxious.)

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Perfectly fair to give me a nudge Kathleen! I don't want to make promises I may not be keep (flat out on my book) but let's see if the moment and the inspiration emerge. Here's a thing though - I'm an Englishman living in Spain. I do follow what's happening in the USA a fair bit, and I'm not usually short of an opion! Or should I (though by no means a globalist) comment on the 'world union', or the European union? Thoughts?

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I fully understand.

Funny enough, the draft I'm working on address the globe, because, well that's the level of threat, so feel free! We are a united world after all.

Thanks, Michael!

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I just saw that video, too! REALLY GOOD.

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What a worthy first crack at a more brutally honest SOTU, upside-down flag and all!! Love that you got this ball rolling, Kathleen. Not sure if the fairies and I will have ours written in time but I'm going to love reading everyone else's! Will watch the Solari video soon! Thx for sharing! XOXO

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Loved this interview with David Hughes, whom I hadn't known about. Have downloaded his latest book.

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So glad you enjoyed it, Joanie. Very encouraging I thought, to come out of academia which has been a massive disappointment overall. I did the same. :-)

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Thank you for the shout out! Mine could have been so much longer, but I was afraid of losing people having to leave the chamber and use the bathroom. Yes, ignoring the July suggestion was not a deliberate act of not following the suggested course, but of excitement in the moment. When the words come...I have to write. Contrarian that I am. ♥♥♥

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Well we wouldn't want you any other way, contrarian, SadieJay! Thank you sincerely for that excitement and kicking it ofF! XO

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It's such a great idea, Kathleen, and a hearty thanks to SadieJay for kicking it off! Are you imagining a repository for all of the SOTUs that we all write/record? Clearly, anyone with a Substack can publish on their own, but it would be cool to see them all in one place somehow... I'll bet some of your readers have thoughts on how to do that, if that's something you're keen on.

Of course, posting SOTUs in every conceivable place -- BlueEff, Insta, YouTube, Rumble, TicToc -- is essential. (I wonder how many of them will avoid the algorithmic censors!)

I so hope that MANY take up the call to give us their unvarnished, unique perspectives on this precarious union of ours.

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Thanks, Mary. Much appreciated.

I have thought about that and I love the idea. Not sure how to do it but yes, readers will have some ideas.

And I hope so too -really curious to know where we might have differences by geography.

Hope you enjoy your travels. ❤️ Best.

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A SOTU address is an excellent idea, I'm just now getting my feet wet with podcasting my posts, a video presentation of a SOTU would be a big learning experience for me. I guess it would be good to see or hear a few examples. YouTube would ban me for life for what I would be saying.

I would include descriptions of the corrupt system of Central Banking and the Manipulated Election System designed to fool people into thinking their vote counts.

Saying all the quiet parts of Government out loud; then providing some possible solutions like found in Tereza Coraggio's book, How to Dismantle an Empire would be a good format to start with. Community Sovereignty will help nullify the mess being created here in our country.

I'll see what I can do with video, I'm a complete novice at even doing podcast, here's a sample of my first attempt in my latest post (not related to anything SOTU):


Best ---- Nef ;-)

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Hey Nef, thank you and I would love to see you do something with the idea - whatever works for you. I just listened to your most excellent clear voice (sounds professional even) so I think you're all set with audio. :-)


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God bless you Kathleen. 🙏

I don't belong here on sstk. I'm gone.

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As you say…excellent interview. Can we get everyone to listen? Also I downloaded his book. Thank you so much for your work.

And brilliant - SOTU.

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