Celia Faber did a recent post asking how do we know what’s real? She was posing the question in relation to the Maui fires and the missing and dead children, though we can extrapolate out her question to cover much more.
However disorienting the questioning of nearly EVERYTHING is, it’s also a good sign we’re getting to the deeper layers of the multi-layered deception. It’s inevitable now, there is no going back; though we know, the attempts at lassoing the world by some crazies will continue.
In their delusional crazy making madness, many are captured. The spell infused nets cover a range - a frequency range - and the good news is that range - of what’s possible; what we think of as reality - is breaking apart. It’s expanding and those who are behind the questioning of everything, are behind that. Us, in other words.
Two forces then (simplifying) are butting heads. One attempting to hold the previous range, lock it down via force, and those pushing it out into a more expansive range, driven by the innate drive to be free.
Well, we are free, so success is inevitable.
Bears repeating: We are free, so success is inevitable.
We are so much bigger and more powerful than we know.
There was always something that felt off about the world, that felt a bit unreal. I’m sure many of us have had that experience.
Long before the recent over-reaches and blatant attacks on humanity, it was there. Obscured - under a myriad of layers - but still palpable.
That impression - something is just not right - would tend to morph (via steering) into a ‘Something is just not right with ‘me’ inquiry. In this world, finding fault with oneself will yield far more answers than finding fault out-there. It will also nicely provide many labels and consume lots of time.
An obvious and instructive example is the ‘conspiracy theorist’ label, applied to someone with a questioning mind, an intuitive ability, who can connect dots and asks deeper questions. It has no nuance, that label, because nuance requires discernment and that is a skill THEY can’t allow to develop. Discernment breaks spells. The problem must lie with the questioner, the diagnosis applied there.
It’s easy. It’s a trick. And over time it perpetuates itself through humans who agree to the trick and support the construct.
The mouthpieces for reality will always confirm something is wrong with you, before it will confirm a problem with the world. A convenient and ongoing deflection, then.
"It is no measure of health to be well-adjusted to a profoundly sick society," Krishnamurti famously said, and I suspect that quote’s been re-quoted more in the last three years than in the 60 that preceded them. (Myself, doing a fair number.) When I came across it the first time, in the 1980’s I remember the feeling of relief that accompanied it. (Yes, thank you for saying what I feel.)
While certainly true - society being profoundly sick - and increasingly obvious, what can we to do? We are born into this world. Even if you carried that feeling - something is off - even if planet earth didn’t feel quite right, like your natural home, what were your options? We’re still here.
All the world’s a stage, oh yes, and so we all become its actors. Performance artists before we even know what that is; roped into our various roles by simply showing up. What can we do but adapt to the version of the reality-show in full swing when we arrive?
It’s a long running show - with many sub-stories embedded. Because we’re each only here for a limited time, it’s not always easy to grasp the larger story we’ve joined; especially when rewrites are ongoing. (Remember when the sexual organs meant boy or girl, when natural immunity was established science?)
Some of the parts we’ll play in this ongoing production are more fixed than others - and will determine our options. Geography and family lineage, sex, our birth signs, etc.
We play out our roles without knowing it’s a play. We figure these roles out as we go - in mid-stream to the story - but perimeters are set, the roadmaps established, and so most of us, find our feet.
We stay in the story better if we believe it’s real. Our lines are largely provided though we can “individualize” them to a certain degree - within the prevailing bandwidth of possibilities.
We learn the cues early on and tend to stay within basket of pre-cut personality types. We feel into our individuality but are guided to express them in prescribed ways; our birth order in the family, our astrological signs, our natural skillsets. The sandbox of individuality options are provided - given to us - and that’s largely where we stay. (I’m an Aries, third born in a family of four, naturally creative, blah, blah, blah.)
It’s all feeling a bit cramped lately, isn’t it? Like we need a bigger sandbox.
That’s because the range of possibilities we’ve been living in can’t hold where we are going. It’s all increasingly constrictive and can no longer explain this world or our ourselves for that matter. We’ve stopped coloring within the lines provided.
It’s another way to look at everything happening. A reorientation from the what they are doing to us interpretation. In fact we are as far away from being victims of this world as we can get.
The world is radically changing because of us - not them. They are reacting to us. It’s not the other way round. It’s why are they moving quickly and getting so sloppy - because THEY know, we are on the move.
Remember in upside-down-inside-out-world, everything is an inversion. If the story is they are in charge, it means we are. If the story is we can’t do anything to stop it, it means they can’t.
We’re behind the massive changes going on. Inquiring minds that wanted to know the truth and just kept pushing. That’s freedom embodied, doing what it does. We did it.
Us conspiracy bitches. We’re in charge.
This is an important piece to understand, I think. The frequency bandwidth or range we’ve been living in, that corresponds to our reality, is wobbling. New higher frequencies incoming.
This energetic aspect is easily overlooked, but it’s so powerful. Who thinks about the frequency piece of what we call reality? Not most of us (and that’s by design). The real underpinnings of the world are energetic. Think about it. With a few moments of intention and gratitude you can bring your heart into coherence and improve your health. That’s astonishing. The implications are massive. We interact with frequency ALL THE TIME. We are frequency. Add intention, add conscious volition and desire, add cooperation - what could we accomplish?
We have no idea. But that’s coming.
It had to happen - we’ve outgrown the bandwidth and its corresponding ‘reality’. We’ve pushed it to its limits and now we’re pushing right through it. And that’s really good, because it is all played out. There are only so many stories it can regurgitate. However many variations one can have on the same old themes, the themes are no longer so compelling.
This reminds me of my futile searches for new mystery series on Britbox. There are no new series - because even when you find one - it just repeats a version of the same old tired storylines. (Detective’s wife dead and still haunted by it, drinking problems, estranged kids and dementia dads.) They can no longer keep my interest any more than the stories of this world can. It’s all the same thing.
We’re been living in flatland.
The world does feel flat - to many of us - and hollowed out, because it is. We’re now on the cusp of a widening bandwidth, a shifting up (vertical move) that expands what’s possible and also expands us at the same time.
Our reality-range is changing and expanding.
Flatland will be subsumed in that newly emerging, much larger, reality. These who stay tied to it will be as well. Still, many more possibilities on the horizon.
There’s no going backwards, however much better that looks some days. Even the good ol’ days were not that good and fell within a very limited world.
What was good and real about the past; what was aligned with Nature and Love, will continue. What was out of alignment, out of Love, will not make it.
Borrowing another famous line - ‘There’s nothing new under the sun…” .
Hmm… I’m not so sure about that one anymore.
Thanks for readring.
Buy me a cuppa. https://ko-fi.com/kathleen87247
Thank you Kathleen… your words soothe the soul!!
Knowing that we are in the shift is the only way to for our soul to bear the tragedy and heartbreak of this world.
Funny how silly it is to think that those assumed in power have actual power. They’re scared little people grasping for control as they inch closer to becoming irrelevant. My first Substack official post (poem, actually) was about the psychopaths dying. (For reference if anyone wants to go poke in there: https://open.substack.com/pub/visceraladventure/p/a-death-we-can-get-behind?r=xi283&utm_medium=ios&utm_campaign=post ). This conspiracy bitch is ok with it. We’re ready.
Bless you for keeping the spirits up, Kathleen. We can’t all be dooming and glooming all the time. Reading your posts often feels like stopping for electrolytes during a gruelling marathon. ❤️