In the 1980’s I worked for a company that gave workshops on ontological discourse. I had attended one and was subsequently offered a job with their NY office. It was in a support position for the marketing directory; I assisted in the logistics for upcoming workshops, which I also attended.
“Ontological Discourse” is a fancy way of saying you abide in a position of questioning, particularly of all the things we taken for granted as givens. You stay in a “conversation” (with others and oneself) that loosens underlying assumptions about the nature of what we call reality.
These are not the sort of inquiries our culture encourages; indeed not the sort of inquiries any governing authority would want their people to engage in. (Just ask Socrates.)
The crack or split in the world - evident and obvious since 2020 - divided humans not merely into camps of believers VS doubters of The Science™️ narrative, but more starkly as Blue Pills Vs Red Pills.
The use of this language from The Matrix is more significant that we might at first glance see. Yes, it’s a cultural reference, but more than that it’s a signpost of a wider divide that unearths a deeper question about the nature of reality itself; specifically whether it has been hijacked by an unnatural, synthetic force that has overlaid reality with a false version.
This same theme was echoed more gently in The Truman Show movie, where the character Truman, discovers everything he thought was true was a lie. He discovers the vast nature of the deceit; that he himself was nothing more than a commoditized character in a television series who’s existence amounted to entertainment for the masses.
As the truth is laid bare, the betrayals clear, Truman experiences a crises of identity. In order to survive the crises he is required to discover himself anew - outside the manufactured world he took for reality - and finds an untapped reservoir within. He discovers he wants the truth more than the security of the world he knew. He wants to be free and importantly, he discovers he has what he needs inside himself - the courage and determination to break free.
These qualities were always in Truman, but it wasn’t until the lies were exposed, that he could access them.
This is where we are. We are all Truman.
In larger and larger numbers we are questioning the nature of reality itself. While we’re being shown a version, (virus, pandemic, war, etc) more of us are questioning not just whether those particular stories are true, but whether the canvas on which these stories unfold is true.
We are unraveling the extent of the con.
It’s very much like sitting in the audience watching The Matrix and having an epiphany that this isn’t about a fictional world and the characters who populate it. No, it’s about you and your so-called reality. How do you get out of the theatre? How do you end the movie version? How do you wake up?
This is where we are. This crazy moment in our once (mostly) shared reality that has created the critical partition between us: Are you a red or blue pilled person?
To be sure, both camps contain a spectrum, and so red-pilling is not as easy as moving from here to there. Many stepping-stones are involved and it’s easy to get stuck on the “mistakes were made” ones which are a bit smoother and more comfortable to land on then the ‘Holy Pluck, they’re trying to kill us!’ stones. I get why many want to hang out there, but it won’t hold - a leap will still be required.
And it is a big leap when it comes to allowing that our governments might not be merely incompetent and corrupt, but are rather, complicit and part of an activated global plan that aims to keep us entranced to a version of reality that disarms and harms us - an otherwise potentially fierce foe - long enough to significantly reduce our numbers and strength, before the majority catch on and unleash appropriate fury.
It’s a strategy. It’s a race.
It’s also a frightening scenario. And if your imagination can rise to the task of leaping to what has already happened (congratulations) it’s a mere skip n’ a hop to the next frightening thought: "If they’d do that what else would they do?”
If you need a running start before you can take that ever important jump, I recommend below to assist in reorienting your perspective.
Amazing Polly did a video recently sussing out the difference between truth and reality. I enjoyed her take and given we often conflate the two, worth the 20 or so minutes.
The sins-covering twins of Incompetence and Corruption are the bandaids that we’ve used to patch together a world no longer holding though I think, really, at this juncture, the bandaid is for our own wounded psyches - we are trying to hold ourselves together.
The unimaginable has happened. And, it doesn’t require you seeing it or agreeing with it - or even acknowledging it as a possibility - for it to be true.
(Alas, the truth is never waiting on us.)
The earth turns, and there is another sunrise and another sunset, and these things happen whether you are aware of them or not. Whether you sleep through them or not.
There is an anti-human force on the planet attempting to kill us and control the remaining, whether you are aware of it or not. Whether you sleep through it or not.
Can we face it? Will enough of us look it in the face? Will we stand up in great enough numbers as the digital identities and CBDC’s systems roll out? Or will we allow ourselves to be be distracted by the next plague or crises and ignore the pieces of the control grid snapping into place?
I remain optimistic. Why? Because it’s all increasingly obvious and surely this will move some of our blue pills into the red column.
I hope it’s obvious enough to see that it takes a lot of behind-the-scenes effort to make daily life this hard and this stupid.
I hope it’s obvious that it takes planning and an anti-human agenda to invert what’s good into what’s life-nulling; to undermine decency and care and elevate compliance and division.
I hope it’s obvious that the incoherent vision of humanity we’re being offered, that sees humanity itself as the problem and the very acts of breathing and eating (living) as what’s destroying our planet and our future - is sheer insanity and a clear misdirection from the rampant never-ending lies and greed by the privileged few who plot our future.
(If we’d just agree to those 15 minutes prisons cities, all will be well!)
I hope it’s obvious that health care isn’t supposed to make you sicker or kill you.
I hope it’s obvious that being tolerant doesn’t require becoming untethered to reason and basic facts about biology or abandoning a parent’s inherent rights to raise their children.
I hope it’s obvious that filling our skies with poisons to dim the sun and slow global warming is both a lie and beyond hubristic and designed to mess with the homeostasis of life itself.
I hope it’s obvious that synthetic food is designed for synthetic post-humans.
I really hope it’s all becoming incredibly freaking obvious.
The essay below by Gary Sharpe is a visceral account of human life today. He nicely captures the state of suffering many of us live in and with. This does not happen by accident.
So what should we do?
Let’s find our inner Truman and dig deep into those inner reserves that will provide us with the courage and determination required to live as free human beings, aligned with the natural and abundant world genuinely given to us.
We all have our bit to do in ending this movie-version fake reality. Find out what’s yours.
If enough of us do that, we can close the curtain on this show, exit the theatre and return to the light of day.
Thanks for reading.
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Ephesians 6:12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.
This says it all. We are now living in the time where it is obvious. It wasn't before.
If you know of anybody grieving the loss of a loved one, feel free to visit my substack:
Thank you, a very good read. At near 80 years old I find the whole mess somewhat entertaining. In geological time, it doesn't mean too much. I'm heading to geological time.