Does bombshell mean anything - in relation to news - anymore? How bout Boom!, Shocking!, Breakthrough!, etc.
At this point do any of those qualifiers qualify for your attention? For me it depends on who is behind the headline. If it’s Dr. Paul Alexander Booms are par-for-course, so likely pass, if it’s Celia Farber, I’ll open it. (I’m not picking on Paul, I like him for being himself; some of us are naturally hyperbolic and effusive in our communication styles.)
We’re bombarded by Booms and more news than we can (or need) keep up with. Combine that with deceptions and counter-deceptions and clones! and plain old Crooks and spreading global wars, throw in some high-level pedos… oh you get the idea. It’s hard to get too worked about another Explosive! headline and none of it feels grounded in anything resembling actual reality, so why bother?
(I know the answer.)
I listened to this - over a couple days - and thought if everyone made the connections Whitney Webb does - or even half of them - no one would stay excited about their ‘candidate.’ (Maybe instead they’d use the time to become more resilient, or just hang out by a river.)
The faces we know behind the pathetic attempt (doomed to fail) at planetary control - those global parasites - are tipping their hand that they’ve got a few goodies up their sleeves. We should not be fearful but we should also assume they mean it.
Given this background, it was odd that RFK Jr.’s expected endorsement of Trump did feel like news to me. Even as I noticed a part of me perk up - interesting plot twist or following a script? - another bit was ready to quell the excitement.
The temptation to ‘fall-in’ with the fall climax of another season of Let’s Pretend, aka The Presidential Elections, is beckoning. All I have to do to join the fun, is to pick my horse candidate and cheer them to the finish line with the small price of forgetting everything I know.
The quadrennial pastime.
I can’t do it. (And yes it’s a bit lonely on the outside.)
I agree a Trump ‘win’ with RFK Jr in his cabinet looks better than Dante’s Canto III vestibule of hell with Kamala at the gate, but does it represent a release of the chokehold the global cabal has? No, of course it doesn’t. Is Trump already embedded and mired in the tentacles of those global parasites? Of course he is - that is the price of admission.
The spectacle is there to pull us back in.
From where I’m sitting - way back in the cheap seats - the ‘news’ feels like listening to the announcer at a baseball game calling out each pitch - balls and strikes, walks and hits. It’s his job to make it sound exciting. While the audience is ‘all in’ on the game, nothing truly consequential is happening in that pastime. It’s a game. Everyone knows it’s a game.
The real value of it is simply people coming together to enjoy it - being outside, under the sky, and rooting for a team. It’s fun. I get it.
In the labyrinthine world of geo-politics the consequences are surely greater, but what’s really happening happens behind the scenes, we are not privy to that. We watch a show. We can assume conflicts and wrangling and back-room deals are going on, but surely even at this hidden level, clarity and cohesion of purpose are not in the mix.
The sheer insanity behind the goal of control of a whole planet - can only breed more insanity. The deeper order behind life, simply will not support that level of crazy.
While I’m not rooting for a team in this season’s finale, I am most definitely rooting for humans. I won’t be distracted away from simple reality as a human being alive during such an over-the-top ending to a version of reality that has to go.
The very big value of the show - from the global-nutters point of view - is that you lose sight of you. Of the incredible gift of your life. Show aside, the world is real, you are real, and you are of consequence.
That is the very last thing they want you to know. You are of consequence.
Let’s not give that to them.
What’s going on out there is designed to keep us pawns and slaves. To relegate us to the status of bit players, who at best get to enjoy the show, and at worst are steered more deeply into their own enslavement or death.
They don’t want you to know you have a choice. Not a Dante’s Inferno level of hell choice. A real choice.
We can - each one of us, reimagine this world into one that elevates humanity and Nature. That values life and health and beauty and creativity. That insists on love as the most essential thing. A world that is genuinely free. (No marketing required.)
But first you have to know that you matter.
The Universe has our back.
Remember, life was lived on this planet before signs popped up telling us which direction we could or couldn’t go in. Humans roamed, explored, and acted like they were free. Because they were.
Life lived before governments and grocery stores. Before Big Pharma and doctor offices and global corporations. Before banks and financial products and schools. Actual lives lived that didn’t require any of those things.
Just people, supplied with everything they needed by the bounty of the Natural world.
I’m not suggesting we go back to being hunter-gatherers. But recognizing that we wouldn’t be here absent previous humans who survived and multiplied without all those infrastructures in place is a good thing to recognize.
Many still think we can fix the problems while maintaining the structures of government. I don’t see how. That doesn’t mean I’m right, of course.
But I suspect the lure of incremental progress in part has to do with our own reluctance to recognize our essential importance and ability to reimagine our world. A muscle we haven’t exercised in a long while.
Fortunately it’s easy enough to simply act in integrity with ourselves. Say no to what we don’t think is right. Do more of what does feel and look right. Over time, where we pull our energy from, will dissolve. And where we put our energy, will flourish.
Sure, it will be messy. Probably scary too. But living as if your life has value and consequence has a way of paving a smoother road forward. I genuinely trust that.
Thanks for reading.
Go, Team-Humans!
Buy me a coffee or consider a paid subscriber. 😊
Ah yes. 'They' are making everything political. And politicizing everything in our life...permissions from them to be a hunter-gatherer, permission to build on our land, permission to NOT jab our kids, Permission from the government to travel (think 'government issused ID required for flight). I remember when that bullshit started (before 9-11) when they just needed a photo ID to fly. Hubs bullied them into letting him fly with his photo ID Costco card. I am sure that is when they added "government issued" to the rule. My daughter has decided to 'unschool' her kids. So, we have officially broken up with the Government Sponsored Indoctrination Centers. You have no idea how freeing it is. When you know anyone with kids in school, it is a multi-tentacled beast. "Oh, we can't go, we have VB, kids have school, there is an open house, VB game, BB, summer is over..." This is just ONE of the many ways we are essentially captured by this hydra-fed who we think has our best interests at heart. Yeah, no. When you are building something and there is an actual job of "hole inspector", who comes to check your post-holes for forms? We are not free. So, going outside and being a part of something that is free and unthinking and just instinctual is refreshing. Oh, but Canada called and wants to see the passports for those geese coming over the border!!
"Many still think we can fix the problems while maintaining the structures of government. "
This is actually true. The systems are already set up for transparency and accountability. It's the executive powers they gave themselves that lead to corruption and opacity.
Even the 1986 vaccine act required bi-annual reporting on the study of safety of vaccines, which they never did. It's in the books, why were they able to ignore it?
One of my favorite examples is the UN, established after ww2 to prevent future wars (😂).
It replaced the rigged to fail league of nations. The UN is supposed to be there to be a fair impartial system that prevents one sided illegal wars. It didn't fulfill it's obligations because of the stupid rigged single veto power of the security council.
Get rid of that bullshit and the bullies of the world (who have veto power) no longer can pillage other nations.
The systems can work if we demand competent individuals to run it. Instead we keep believing in the schmucks who pretend to be competent, but are actually corrupt.
As for Trump and rfk Jr.... There's something stupid about this delayed endorsement that annoys me. Why the delay? Is he trying to get a cabinet spot and Trump is playing hardball?
In that case, Kennedy should endorse neither until one of them OFFERS SOMETHING BACK.
Bernie Sanders stupidly endorsed Biden without asking for anything... If Kennedy does this, it shows to me that he too is a deep state fool, or a coward who bends the knee for nothing.