Looking for an image to add to this essay, I detoured and found myself reading up on Leonora Carrington. A surrealist painter, writer, sculptor.
I prefer her paintings over the better known surrealists - for me she has more depth and cohesion (no small thing for the genre) and besides her colors are nothing short of gorgeous.
Leonora spent some time in a mental institution after her then partner - Max Ernst - was interned for being an anti-Nazi. (I imagine what she needed was not to be confined to a ward against her will, but rather some loving care and quiet, given the trauma she experienced.)
Though is essay is not about Carrington - surrealism is a good image-fit.
This piece about how the underpinnings of our world are rearranging. And how that happens in an unseen space before its effects show up in the physical, manifest world.
It ripples out, these invisible changes and eventually catches up here.
The unseen precedes the seen. Much of time we feel those changes long before we see them. (Especially when they are significant.) This would suggest that we too - as multi-dimensional beings - exist in non-physical ways and so have access to those dimensions, beyond our ability to explain them.
Ed Brenegar has a thoughtful recent post that nicely dovetails with this idea.
When we do intuit what is yet to manifest, we naturally attempt to explain it using the familiar references available to us. Even though these will fall short.
This is where we are; most of us feel these changes, most of us are using what we have available to us to explain them. However, present and past references can’t fully explain what we are sensing and intuiting.
More, Leonor(a).
When you are feeling deep changes that you can not explain, it can be highly uncomfortable and confusing.. They might with come with a building pressure, a sense that everything is wrong, and that something has to give.
And that’s because something is giving; something is deeply breaking up - and while we already see tons of evidence for that in our world - the energetic underbelly that hold the physical world up - that’s getting ready to drop as something new - a higher frequency setting - comes in.
I recently tried to explain this with a bicycle gear-change metaphor. When we’re in the middle of a major setting change it’s like shifting gears in mid-stride, there will be some loss of momentum, an awkwardness before the new gear fully “clicks” in - during which we might easily, lose our balance.
It’s sort of like that but much, much bigger.
If you resist or deny what you’re feeling and attempt to lock in your current understanding (tied to the frequency setting leaving)) of the world anyway, you set yourself up for increasing tension.
Denying what we sense but can’t explain, inevitably reduces us to smaller versions of ourselves. If we persist, the increasing tension will contort us.
The opportunity these intuitions offer us is, rather than locking down a current explanation for the world, we can choose to release that current paradigm and just stay open.
Acknowledging what you are feeling - because this is often viscerally felt- without needing a full explanation, better sets us up for the transition that is surely coming.
As an anecdotal example, I listened to a man at a recent neighborhood gathering attempt to explain how Biden is a good president doing important things. He was defending the administration in the face of its obvious, blatant failures and criminality. Rather than honing in on his absurd arguments I found myself watching his face and his body, which were obviously uncomfortable; they betrayed what he was saying. He couldn’t look at me, kept erratically looking away, while his body unnaturally jerked around and his anger increased. While he seemed to identify me as the source of his anger, I couldn’t help thinking he was really at war with himself for advocating such an illogical position. His physical contortions expressed the inner conflict. I felt sorry for him.
A version of the world is effectively over, but like a curtain-closing on a long running play, some of the actors refuse to acknowledge it and continue to go through the scripted motions, reading their lines. Some members in the audience refuse too, and continue to watch it still entranced, as if it’s well… real.
“Nothing matters” is a phrase that shows up from many writers lately and we understand why. Previously relied upon lines that went with civilization are being crossed; coordination between those conspiring to uphold a narrative shot-through with lies is being exposed and our media, instead of setting the record straight, gaslights us on their behalf, while our legal system seem largely unable or unwilling to address the plethora of obvious, serious crimes.
Well, we all know.
We are living in fully absurd - surreal even - times.
So it’s hardly a stretch to say the very structural settings of our world are giving way to something else.
I wonder how folks like my neighbor are going to manage? Because even for those of us who acknowledge this time as one of reality-wrecking revelations and do our best to navigate it - it’s going to get more challenging for all of us.
We non-normies too, are also tapping out on a certain bandwidth that provided a space for investigation, exploration and a basis from which to work. Challenging the prevailing narratives had footing there, but now, even the “red-pill truthers” are feeling that footing erode.
A kind of deflation is happening; and so persisting here, will result in a slow loss of meaning and a realization that our efforts have less effect in the world. A hollowing out is happening because the underlying setting is changing.
I see it on Substack. That futility or nothing matters quality with other writers - and myself as well. We’re coming up against an invisible wall.
It’s subtle - but not that subtle.
It’s not that we shouldn’t do anything, write anything or say anything. What we do, what we don’t do, all this still matters. In fact it matters more than ever as many of us are actually creating bridges to the next structural setting that will support the next version of the world. It’s that being attached to any of it (and the corresponding identities) won’t serve us. There’s no getting comfy in any world-view right now.
We can only go so far in a particular frequency range before we’ll have to adjust to a new one. (And there is range within the settings.) This phenomenon is happening faster and faster.
The velocity of change, what we are having to adapt and respond to now - is like a series of waves that won’t let up. Before one thing can be addressed, we have several more incoming. There is a growing feeling of futility in even trying and that is perfectly natural because we can’t process it all, let alone integrate it into a working model.
I suspect that’s the point; this onslaught results in the necessity of relinquishing over and over again our current understanding of the world.
There’s a kind of slo-mo surrender happening on a massive scale.
(Forget about stability ‘out-there’ it won’t happen for awhile. Interestingly though a whole different kind of stability shows up ‘in-here’ when you learn to just go with it.)
If you are feeling that same nothing matters quality I would suggest it’s not apathy. I think it’s an innate adaption - an acknowledgment that very soon, it won’t matter or at least not in the way you currently understand.
Fluid is the best way forward as we surf the oncoming waves.
While all this is challenging, we can still trust it. It does not require our understanding. (However much we want that.) It requires our surrender. It’s not meaning itself that is being washed away - just our current version of it. It has to go.
We’re being taught something profound. It’s a crash course - advanced, even. (Most people don’t know it’s available and have certainly not opted to take it.) But know it or not, it’s happening and if we’re here, we’re enrolled.
In order to advance in this class, you will be dropping versions of you at a rate that’s unprecedented. It’s fine. These are irrelevant, redundant, versions. There’s a deeper more real version of you, waiting to emerge - along with the emerging new world.
Even if you like the identities that are being squeezed right now, have grown accustomed to them - maybe they have even garnered you praise and opportunity, income and standing - soon, they will hold you back.
It’s not really a problem because whatever “you” can be shed, wasn’t really you in the first place. It simply emerged in the world it had to adapt to, so as the falseness of that world dissolves, the corresponding, adaptive identities will go too.
We will all be tempted to orient ourselves in the new terrain coming in, with something familiar. We look to the past, for guides and markers to understand where we are. They can be helpful but they also come with real limitations.
Past “time and space” reality settings, are, well, part of the past. They won’t provide what’s needed.
Our future world will not be found using those settings; the coming reality setting does not exist there. This does not mean, of course, that eternal wisdom which exists outside space and time, won’t sustain. Some things transcend even radical change, though how we understand them, will likely change.
This is an incredibly exciting and challenging time. An extraordinary opportunity for human beings to make big leaps. (I find it helpful to remember that in light of the difficulties.)
In the quickening of the nothing-to-latch-on-to-world (often described as nothing matters ) take some relief in knowing that in fact what’s happening is we’re discovering what really does matter and who we really are.
If you can lose it - it wasn’t really yours and wasn’t really you.
While the new frequencies on the planet are currently churning everything up, this is a Source-directed, intelligent process, so we, being part of Source, are in good hands.
Thanks for reading.
If you feel so moved, buy me a cuppa. 😊 https://ko-fi.com/kathleen87247
This was inspired in part, by the work of Jacqueline Hobbs of oraclegirl.org
You are right over the target here. The onslaught of red-pill info flowing in is exactly like waves, and I can't keep up so I've been letting it go, letting it be. But there is no solid footing in this truly absurd land, as I go through my day watching everyone I interact with holding on for dear life to what is leaving. You really put language (and pictures!-thank you) to 'subtle but not so subtle' terrain! Excellent. It makes the world a little less dizzying to read this.
Thank you dear Kathleen for bringing your writing wand to this malaise which has much need for your truth casting spells. With a few magic words, a cupful of starlight and the surreal beauty of Leonora, we may all surrender to what’s coming with grace. Bless you.