I thought since just about every possible meaning, message and metaphor had already been applied to the Solar Eclipse happening today, maybe it might also provide whatever boost was needed for me to get something posted.
Without intending it, I sort of went into a retreat. If I had to put a label on it - maybe ‘inner recalibrations’ makes sense. If I had to guess I’d say everyone is recalibrating nearly all the time now.
I think we understand a fraction of what’s happening on our planet. While I have friends who talk regularly about the energies, lately I’ve found myself doing the same. Whether we use that language or not, many of us are feeling it.
I’ve listened to more astrologers in the last two weeks than the 60 something years that proceeded them - mostly I think, because what’s happening right now - the significance and momentousness of these times - requires a cosmic-level inclusion. (Even if I don’t understand half of what I hear.)
There’s something about really big cycles and the cosmic piece that feels appropriate. The boxed in narratives prevalent on earth feel constraining, hollow or total bullshit.
We don’t walk around thinking about it, but we have cosmic-identities. A tiny bit of which showed up on this Truman Show planet with stuff to do.
Which makes sense from the perspective that infinite beings of love would hardly arrive fully on to a slave planet. A little bit of them might though.
Since it’s all energy and frequency behind what we see and these bodies we don, as the frequency climbs and the corresponding bandwidth widens more of us can come in, as it were.
We will literally embody more of ourselves and so more love on this planet.
That’s happening and it’s amazing.
And as more of us embodies here, we’ll understand more. They go together.
Headlines and rumors aside, humans are beings of love.
I visited family in Arizona and we hiked to this guy:
Balance Rock. (I woulda called it Tulip Rock, but no one asked me.)
There’s clearly an old story behind the positioning of Balance Rock. (How the hell did you land there?)
There’s an old story behind humans on this planet, too. One that goes back farther than our current understanding of its history.
However we engage, envision and understand the deep history of our planet - whether we accept or reject what we’ve been told; have come to wholly different conclusions; or simply have no idea - we are not here by accident.
We lose sight of big things all the time. It’s part of our zoom-in culture. We are easily lost in the details and minutia of daily life and while that’s all okay, we can miss the obvious stuff. The digital world stands by ready to suck us in, and over time it begins to feel more like reality than the ground beneath our feet. (Which is quite a feat.)
Humans have bodies and live on a planet. We may spend a lot of time in that virtual or digital world of screens or in our minds thinking, but more fundamentally, its bodies on a planet. (Some would like you to think that’s not important.)
And that’s a big deal. Because while we are not merely bodies by any stretch, embodying on a planet is the whole point of a human life. The experiences embodiment allows us is why we came here.
Humans and planet earth go together. Earth comes with its own natural habitat and so humans and that natural habitat go together.
I don’t mean to sound condescending - I know I’m stating the obvious, it’s just that sometimes the obvious is not so obvious.
An intentional wedge was inserted in this symbiotic relationship - an attempt to disconnect us from the Natural world and that direct-connect hook-up we have with it. (We see the same thing happening now with the attempt to sever the mother and child relationship.)
The clear agenda to pull us into an increasingly disembodied reality is pretty clear by now. I realize some people are okay with this. Many of us are not.
Planet Earth is our home. There is an element on the planet that would like it for themselves. So, it’s up to us to claim it. As we do - and we increasingly are - we will push this element out.
There are many ways we can talk about what this element is. That’s not what this post is about. I suspect that will all come to light.
Suffice to say this other element has been working hard to capture the planet and transform humans into byte-sized bits they can stash in a cloud somewhere.
It seems pretty obvious this element is not friendly to humanity. Most humans I know are basically good. Something had to happen, for us to end up in a world so at odds with that basic goodness.
There is a lot we just don’t know living in the dense frequency range we were born into; we’ve been doing our best with blinders on.
That’s changing. Rapidly.
The point I want to convey is that however you understand what’s been going on on this planet - is that human beings belong here. Not as slaves. Not to do someone or something else’s bidding.
It’s our planet. Our home. Along with all the other plants and animals.
Because frequency ranges allow for some experiences and limit others, many things we’ve thought of as impossible will open up. Conversely, things that were possible - like enslaving a planet - won’t be. Denser frequencies are giving way to lighter ones and this will change the range of human possibilities and experience.
This will change everything.
While this new, far more expansive version of humanity coming in, (finally) is exciting, the tentacles of the exiting slave-system - will do whatever they can to stop it. They will continue the agenda to reduce humans to algorithms; to invert reality and convince of our irrelevance. (Yes, they are tiresome.)
Ultimately it doesn’t work; it’s already coming undone. The clash between human freedom and full human slavery is at a critical juncture. It’s why nothing works or makes sense anymore; why alternative media is growing and establishment media is failing; why the hidden controllers are getting so sloppy, desperate and obvious.
It’s why they’ll keep the divide and conquer model - complete with regular shocks of fear - ramped up. It’s more important than ever to be vigilant about your own frequency.
In this chaotic environment - that will surely become more chaotic as the push for WWIII is advanced - it’s easy to get fully sucked into the show. Pulling us into lower bandwidths is the point - we’re controllable there.
We have a choice.
I’ve never met a rock or tree that I thought might have a hidden agenda. Or hung out with a river and wondered if it was part of controlled ops.
Never took a walk in the woods and felt drained afterwards, or depressed or anxious. In fact I always feel much, much better. More present, more real and more positive.
And that’s simply because I’m connecting with the sentient, natural, real world I belong to. And yes, when I get home I’ll check my computer, maybe listen to a video while cooking dinner, pour a glass of wine and kick back to watch a mystery. I’m not suggesting there is anything wrong with enjoying the many benefits the digital world offers. Clearly I take advantage of them. It’s just a matter of balance and finding what feeds and fuels us.
A final thought. Despite being conditioned to think of ourselves as small and powerless the truth is the exact opposite. We are infinitely big and powerful - not by our individual efforts - but by aligning to the intelligent Source of our being, fully manifest here on planet Earth. It’s simple.
So, no matter what they throw our way, Love is bigger.
It’s a great time to be alive.
Thanks for reading. (I may have rushed this but, hey - I got a post out. :-) )
Separate but related I’m including below link if you feel moved to join. I think of what Jacqueline calls ‘the purification space’ as a global network of humans interested in amplifying a field of high frequency love. (How can that not be a good thing?)
So hopeful here on the verge of our Eek! Lips!
It's like we're about to be masticated and swallowed. I like your version much better, Kathleen. It's a great time to be alive. Love is bigger.
Yes! Just look around at anything that was made by the Creator (except humans) and they go on with their lives and do what they do. I watch the wildflowers blooming at the regular time of year and the meadowlarks waking me up with their normal call and I feel that all is right with the world God gave us. It is the other world, the deception that lies to us and distracts us and steals us from who we are and were meant to be all along. The birds, the trees, the rocks...those are the big deal. We figure into the picture as caretakers. It all goes around and around and completes who we are meant to be. Great post and so glad you took the time to share. I too, feel the un-tethering, but it is a purposeful disconnection to technology. Unplug unplug unplug! ♥♥